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December 16, 2010

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Meeting Minutes

Commission Chambers - Room 400 City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

Thursday, December 16, 2010

10:30 AM

Regular Meeting


COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:  Miguel, Olague, Antonini, Borden, Fong, Moore, and Sugaya




STAFF IN ATTENDANCE:  John Rahaim – Director of Planning, Scott Sanchez – Zoning Administrator, Jonas Ionin, Adrian Putra, Kimberly Durandet, Anmarie Rodgers, Aaron Hollister, Andrea Contreras, Rick Crawford, Sharon Lai, Michael E. Smith, Elizabeth Watty, Corey Teague, Diego Sanchez, Edgar Oropeza, Sara Vellve, Joshua Switzky, Linda Avery – Commission Secretary.




The Commission will consider a request for continuance to a later date.  The Commission may choose to continue the item to the date proposed below, to continue the item to another date, or to hear the item on this calendar.


1.         2010.0802D                                                                 (G. CABREROS: (415) 558-6169)

2774-2776 Filbert Street - north side between Baker and Broderick Streets; Lot 014A in Assessor's Block 0942 - Request for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 2009.09.09.6467 proposing to construct a one-story vertical addition to the existing three-story, two-unit building resulting in a four-story, two-unit building in an RH-2 (Residential House, Two-Family) District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Staff Analysis: Abbreviated Discretionary Review

Preliminary Recommendation: Do not take Discretionary Review and approve.

(Proposed for Continuance to February 10, 2011)


SPEAKERS:     None

ACTION:           Continued as proposed

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Fong, Moore, Sugaya, Olague Miguel


2.         2010.0769C                                                                      (M. Woods:  (415) 558-6315)

1224 - 9TH AVENUE - east side between Lincoln Way and Irving Street; Lot 033 in Assessor’s Block 1742 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 303(c), 303(i) and 703.4, to allow a “formula retail use” for a new full-service restaurant with accessory take-out and bakery use (dba La Boulange), in the Inner Sunset NCD (Neighborhood Commercial District) and 40-X Height and Bulk District. 

Preliminary Recommendation:  Approval with Conditions

                        APPLICATION WITHDRAWN


SPEAKERS:     None

ACTION:           Application Withdrawn

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Fong, Moore, Sugaya, Olague Miguel




All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine by the Planning Commission, and will be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the Commission.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Commission, the public, or staff so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing




3.         2010.1018C                                                                           (J. Ionin:  (415) 558-6309)

1960-1998 MARKET STREET - northeast corner at Buchanan Street, Assessor’s Block 0872, Lots 005, 006 and 007 - Request for modification to previously approved Conditional Use Authorization (Case No. 2006.1431ECV and Motion No. 17894) heard and approved by the Planning Commission on June 4, 2009, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 228, 731.11 and 731.94 (for the conversion of a service station and construction of a mixed-use development with up to 115 residential units over ground floor commercial and subterranean parking for up to 69 off-street parking spaces), to amend the affordable housing condition of approval from being provided on-site to being provided off-site (resulting in a net gain of six BMR units) and to reduce the number of car-share spaces from a minimum of six to a minimum of two.  The project is within an NCT-3 (Neighborhood Commercial Transit, Moderate-Scale) District, an 85-X Height and Bulk District. The development proposal was granted rear yard, usable open space and dwelling unit exposure variances by the Zoning Administrator under the original application, Case No. 2006.1431V.

Preliminary Recommendation:  Approval with Conditions


SPEAKERS:     Brian Spears, Steve Williams, David Cincotta

ACTION:           Continued as proposed

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Fong, Moore, Sugaya, Olague Miguel

MOTION:           18239


4.         2008.0477C                                                                           (A. Putra: (415) 575-9079)

1740 SLOAT BOULEVARD - north side between 34th and 35th Avenues, Lot 010 in Assessor’s Block 2522 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Planning Code Sections 209.6(c), and 303 to establish a new wireless telecommunication services (WTS) facility consisting of seven panel antennas located within an existing church steeple, as part of the AT&T wireless telecommunications network within an RH-1 (One-family, Residential) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District. 

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions


SPEAKERS:     None

ACTION:           Approved

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Fong, Moore, Sugaya, Olague Miguel

MOTION:           18237


5.         2010.0853C                                                                 (K. DURANDET:  (415) 575-6816)

2390 MISSION STREET - west side of Mission Street between 19th and 20th Streets, Lot 019 in Assessor’s Block 3596 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization under Planning Code Sections 736.54 and 303 to establish one accessory massage room (76.04 sq. ft.) in an existing Yoga Studio (d.b.a. Bikram Yoga) within the Mission Street Neighborhood Commercial Transit District, and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions


SPEAKERS:     None

ACTION:           Approved

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Fong, Moore, Sugaya, Olague Miguel

MOTION:           18238




Adoption of Commission Minutes – Charter Section 4.104 requires all commissioners to vote yes or no on all matters unless that commissioner is excused by a vote of the Commission.  Commissioners may not be automatically excluded from a vote on the minutes because they did not attend the meeting.


6.         Consideration of Adoption:


·         Draft Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 8, 2010

·         Draft Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 22, 2010

·         Draft Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 2, 2010


ACTION:           Approved

AYES:              Borden, Fong, Moore, Sugaya, Olague Miguel

ABSENT:          Antonini


7.         Commission Comments/Questions

·         Inquiries/Announcements.  Without discussion, at this time Commissioners may make announcements or inquiries of staff regarding various matters of interest to the Commissioner(s).

·         Future Meetings/Agendas.  At this time, the Commission may discuss and take action to set the date of a Special Meeting and/or determine those items that could be placed on the agenda of the next meeting and other future meetings of the Planning Commission.


Commissioner Moore:  

I came across a notice of the revised preparation of an environmental impact statement for the project in Brisbane called -- I do not remember what its name is. What struck me about the project is the enormous size to which this project has increased, and while we are aware that the project is happening and is bordered on the east side of highway 101, the increase in residential units, the decrease in open space is of great concern to me because it does reflect our considerations on a number of projects. The project is suggesting 4434 residential drawing units, which were never considered in the previous EIR. The project produces 330 acres of open space, which for an area as large as this project is, is rather reasonable and reduces the area to 205 acres, in addition to its 7 million square feet of office, retail, industrial, and institutional users. The reason why I' m quoting the numbers is only for us to keep it at least in the corner of our eye as we move forward, looking at project, which border both sides of the freeway and which we are looking at for transportation and other impacts. So if anybody wants to read this brief outline, I would be happy to pass it on, but I think is important to be aware of.


Commissioner Borden:

There was an item on December 5 in the Chronicle newspaper in the real estate column, and it makes reference to a project. I contacted the Zoning Administrator because I was concerned.  We often have people come before the Commission saying that it was a shock to us that it was a single family home. Our Zoning Administrator contacted the realtor, who said that the newspaper
misrepresented what was conveyed. I wrote a letter to the newspaper asking them to print my letter to the editor pointing out that indeed, the property is actually zoned for five units.
Not only is it sold for five units, it was turned down for a dwelling unit merger in 2005 by this Commission.  The newspaper said they are not the real estate police and that the properties and a listing, we checked it. The point is if you see something advertised in newspapers even on the real-estate page, the likelihood is that it is owned in a way for multiple dwelling units and that you should check into that because we do not like the demolition of dwelling units in the City that has a housing shortage. I just want to caution people about this challenge so that it is out there, so we do not have people coming before us. It is really unfortunate that the newspaper was less cooperative on that point.


Commissioner Antonini:  

Many of you may have noticed in the "Chronicle" yesterday an article about a group that was kind of objecting to a policy that is being considered, which is, I guess, discouraging additional building near dense areas, which may be sources of pollution by freeways, by other areas, which is sort of counter intuitive, and sort of the reverse, as he pointed out quite well. This is under discussion at the present time, but I have seen this brought up a couple of times where we have to really look, and there could be evaluations of the air quality near any new building going on, and using this as an evaluator on the approval, and I think he may be jumping a little bit ahead, but it seems to me it is not environmental to build dense housing and new housing further and further away from populated areas and increasing commutes, increasing pollution. I was glad to hear that somebody kind of picked up on that.

Second, I was very unhappy to hear about State Compensation Insurance fund is apparently moving in number of their employees out of San Francisco, and I would expect that probably the chamber or the Mayor's Office or others in the City have worked with these groups and tried to meet their needs and find these sites for them here. Ironically, they had a building approved a couple of years ago, but economic factors were such that it ended up never getting billed, and I believe it was converted into housing, and it is going to be a housing unit. Interestingly, in that article is that in addition to the cost savings they would have by relocating to people to areas that were a lot less expensive, they also felt there was a shortage of qualified personnel within maybe not necessarily only San Francisco, but in the general area, so I think this is very much in keeping with the symposium I was part of today on middle-class housing and what we can do to promote that because there probably is a situation where many of the people who might be possible employees for firms such as this are having trouble finding housing in San Francisco and are having to come from a distance away. So it is something to think about, something to reflect on. Hopefully to work with companies to find out what we can do to address heir concerns.


Commissioner Sugaya:  

When I first came on the Commission about four and a half years ago, the issue of the Brisbane Bay Lands -- I do not know what they are calling it now -- was on my mind because I knew the Planning Director down there. Naively, I thought it would be interesting if two commissions could discuss the issues surrounding the development. Specially since at that time, there was no housing being proposed on the site. We find this kind of -- I have to be careful how I say things. anyway, about other communities -- Brisbane has, I think, a kind of approach to this which said that they did not want any housing there. You find that in other communities around the bay area. Alameda has no multiple family housing policy.

So we are faced here in San Francisco with the a big housing allocations, and you begin to wonder how their housing communities are fulfilling their requirements. So I'm kind of encouraged by what Commissioner Moore said. The new proposal, it is interesting that this is coming back around in a certain way that I think is of greater benefit, and the hope of having a joint meeting, as I' m sure is not even close to in the cards. Maybe they listen to some policy things that are going on in the greater bay area. I' m encouraged by that, and we should keep an eye on this since it is right next to our southern border.


Commissioner Olague:  

We have not had a chance to really look at the calendar because we have been so busy with other things, but a couple of weeks ago, I requested that we have an MTA presentation.
I just want to keep that on the radar. Most of the commissioners really agreed to that also, they have some interesting ideas, plans in the works, so I think they are ones that directly relate to a lot of the discussions we have here to the extent that we can be informed on what they are looking toward, I think it would be good. Also, a couple of weeks ago, asked during the Park Merced hearing -- I wanted to understand the staff' s rationale behind parking requirements and what comes to us as a sustainable development. So I want to know if there is any kind of, you know, set of criteria or how does the Dpartment look at parking requirements as it relates to a green project or sustainable project. And then, someone asked me if there is any right things that were interesting as they relate to San Francisco, Chester Hartman comes to mind, and another writer that we were talking about was Rebecca Solmet wrote some interesting books as well. I just wanted to put that out there.


Commissioner Miguel:

I also read the article that Commissioner Antonini referred to, and it seemed to me that perhaps one part of the Bay Area Air Quality Board not talking to the other part of the board or something -- either they are going to be transit-oriented development in order to improve air quality, or you are going to say that there is too much air pollution near transit, and therefore move it further out. I' m not quite sure which one is going to take hold, but the dichotomy totally confuses me.
Also, on -- the one thing that was missing from the article regarding the state offices moving outside of San Francisco -- my first question was -- what are they considered qualifying workers, or are they paying so low they cannot compete? It made no sense to me at all. I think you all know the number of people who would normally be qualified to work for that agency that live in San Francisco and are looking for a work, so I was totally confused by that article as well.
Just to mention, during the past week, I met with the PUC regarding the Calaveras Dam Project, and had a very pleasurable situation yesterday morning of attending a groundbreaking jointly .
Actually, two major projects in this case by Martin Buildings that are with amazingly complicated financing, coming forward. The financing is just unbelievable when they went into the details of nine years of work altogether, but at least we have two major rental housing projects that have broken ground, and that was an absolute pleasure to be on.




8.         Director’s Announcements


Kelley Amdur:

I wanted to let you know that we did have a public meeting last Saturday morning at the Planning Department. We reached out to our group that we call the action plan stakeholders group about a year to a year-and-a-half ago. We had a couple of meetings at the library with over 100 people in attendance. Now that we are wrapping up a lot of the items, part of our action plan, we held an additional meeting to inform the public of that, and we had an attendance of about 20, which we think is a good sign that a lot of what we are trying to do was well received. A lot of our presentation will be in January.

Also, John Rahaim wanted to wish you happy holidays, since this is your last meeting before your holiday break.


9.         Review of Past Week’s Events at the Board of Supervisors, Board of Appeals, and Historic Preservation Commission.



As far as Board of Appeals, Scott Sanchez attended a hearing last night regarding a variance for 1269 Lombard.



No Report



The Board heard an appeal of a front setback/rear yard variance which was granted for the property at 1269 Lombard Street.  The Board voted to uphold the variance.  The Board also held a public hearing on proposed rules changes and adopted said revisions.




At this time, members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission except agenda items.  With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the Commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting.  Each member of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes.






10.        2010.1025T                                                                    (A. RODGERS: (415) 558-6395)

Ordinance amending Planning Code Section 409 to provide clarity and technical amendments - Ordinance proposed by Mayor Newsom amending the San Francisco Planning Code by amending Section 409 to clarify that the Annual Infrastructure Cost Inflation Adjustments to development fees authorized by the section do not need further action by the Board of Supervisors, to provide that the Planning Director be included in the annual fee reporting process, and to make other technical amendments to simplify the annual fee reporting process and ensure that the Controller's Office and the Capital Planning Program coordinate their efforts, and by amending other sections of Article 4 to clarify language, eliminate confusion as to when requirements must be met, and correct errors in cross-referencing; amending the San Francisco Administrative Code by repealing Section 38.14 (the Severability Clause) and moving it to Section 430; adopting environmental, Planning Code Section 302, and Planning Code Section 101.1 findings.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval


SPEAKERS:     Michael Yarne

ACTION:           Approved

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Fong, Moore, Sugaya, Olague Miguel

MOTION:           18240


11.        2010.0716C                                                               (A. HOLLISTER: (415) 575-9078)

1556 STOCKTON STREET - east side between Union and Green Streets, Lot 054 in Assessor’s Block 0116 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization to legitimize a Self-Service Specialty Food establishment (DBA Tony’s A Go Go) that would also offer pizza-making classes as a Personal Service use.  The proposed business would occupy approximately 900 gross square feet.  No physical expansion of the existing building is proposed.  This site is within the North Beach Neighborhood Commercial Use District, the North Beach Special Use District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District

Preliminary Recommendation:  Approval with Conditions

(Continued from Regular Meeting of November 4, 2010)


SPEAKERS:     Brett Gladstone, Bruno DeFabbio

ACTION:           Approved

AYES:              Antonini, Borden,  Moore, Sugaya, Olague Miguel

ABSENT:          Fong

MOTION:           18241




12.        2008.0197E                                                               (A. CONTRERAS: (415) 575-9044)

942 Mission Street - north side of Mission Street, between Fifth and Sixth Streets, Lot 15 in Assessor’s Block 3704 - Appeal of Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration for a project proposing the demolition of an existing two-story-over-basement office and commercial building, and construction of a 152-foot-tall, 15-story building containing approximately 3,240 square feet of ground-floor retail space, 4,025 square feet of ground floor circulation and building service space, and about 72,000 square feet of hotel space including 172 hotel rooms, with pedestrian access from Mission and Jessie Streets.  No off-street parking or loading is proposed. The project is located in a C-3-G (Downtown General Commercial) Use District and a 160-F Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation: Uphold Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration


SPEAKERS:     Ian Lewis

ACTION:           Preliminary Negative Declaration Upheld

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Fong, Moore, Sugaya, Olague Miguel

MOTION:           18242


13a       2008.0197EKXC                                                           (R. CRAWFORD:  (415) 558-6163)

942 MISSION STREET - north side between Mint and 6th Streets; Lot 015 of Assessor’s Block 3704 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 303 and 216(b)(i), Hotel.  The proposed project would demolish the existing two-story building on the property and construct a 15-story hotel approximately 79,000 square feet in area and 152 feet tall with 172 rooms and approximately 3,240 square feet of ground floor commercial space within the C-3-G (Downtown General Commercial) District and a 160-F Height and Bulk District. 

Preliminary Recommendation:  Approval with Conditions


SPEAKERS:     Jim Ruben, Michael Sharton, Starchild, Kevin Westely, Lori Olenstein, Manny Flores, Mr. Pattel, Ian Lewis.

ACTION:           Approved as modified

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Fong, Moore, Sugaya, Olague Miguel

MOTION:           18242


13b.      2008.0197EKXC                                                         (R. CRAWFORD:  (415) 558-6163)

942 MISSION STREET - north side between Mint and 6th Streets; Lot 015 of Assessor’s Block 3704 - Request for Determination of Compliance pursuant to Planning Code Section 309, with an exception under Section 309(a)(2) from the ground-level wind current requirement in C-3 Districts. The proposed project would demolish the existing two-story building on the property and construct a 15-story hotel approximately 79,000 square feet in area and 152 feet tall with 172 rooms and approximately 3,240 square feet of ground floor commercial space within the C-3-G (Downtown General Commercial) District and a 160-F Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation:   Approval with Conditions


SPEAKERS:     Jim Ruben, Michael Sharton, Starchild, Kevin Westely, Lori Olenstein, Manny Flores, Mr. Pattel, Ian Lewis.

ACTION:           Approved as modified

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Fong, Moore, Sugaya, Olague Miguel

MOTION:           18244


14.        2010.0985C                                                                                 (S. Lai: (415) 575-9087)

3489 16TH STREET - south side, between Sanchez and Church Streets, Lot 074 in Assessor’s Block 3565 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 721.69A, 721.21 and 303, to establish a new self-service specialty food use d.b.a. “Ike’s Place“, with a non-residential use size in excess of 2,999 square feet, within the Upper Market Street Neighborhood Commercial District and 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions


SPEAKERS:     John Bell, Charles, Norman, Jacquie Hale, Richard Magary, David Goldman, Gil Roman, Paul Quin, Vince Blaskovich, Rick Bowerman, Chris Rollinson, Kenneth Koehn, Sam  Black, Emilio Melendez, Mary Abler, Ellyn Parker, Stephens Adams, Jimmy Young, Starchild, Mick Lee, John Basgall.

ACTION:           Approved as amended

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Fong, Moore, Sugaya, Olague Miguel

MOTION:           18245


15.        2008.0550C                                                                        (M. Smith:  (415) 558-6322)

2001 MARKET STREET - southwest corner at Dolores Street, located on the east side of a triangular-shaped block bounded by Market Street, Dolores Street and 14th Street, Lots 001 and 002 in Assessor's Block 3535 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Planning Code Sections 303 and 304 to allow a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a project proposing the demolition of an existing commercial building totaling approximately 42,460 square-feet and two adjacent residential buildings with a total of four dwellings totaling approximately 4,400 square-feet and construction of up to an 85-foot high, eight-story, approximately 187,400-gross-square-foot (gsf) mixed-use residential-commercial building with 82 dwelling units and 101 off-street parking spaces located in two unconnected partially below grade parking garages.  The project would include an approximately 31,000 gsf ground-floor grocery store (D.B.A. “Whole Foods”).  The proposal is seeking conditional use authorization to develop on a lot exceeding 9,999 square feet (Section 731.11), to establish a non-residential use exceeding 5,999 square feet (Section 731.21), to establish a ‘Formula Retail’ use (Section 703.3), to exceed the bulk district limitations (Section 271), to demolish four dwelling units (Section 731.39), to reinstall the existing wireless telecommunications facility (Section 731.83), and to establish a Planned Unit Development (Section 304) with the following exceptions from the Code: rear yard (Section 134); open space dimensions (Section 135); permitted obstructions (Section 136); Street Frontage (Section 145.1); Curb Cuts (Section 145.1(c)(2); Residential Loading (Section 152); and height measurement (Section 260).  The project site is located within a NCT-3 (Moderate-Scale, Neighborhood Commercial Transit) District and a 85-B/40-X Height and Bulk Districts.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions


SPEAKERS:     Richard Magary, Karen Knowles-Pearce, Andy Thornley, Anita Mak, Manuel Flores, Stepehn Adams, Laura Roland, Rush Sturges, Peter Lewis, Jason Henderson, Sarah Karlinsky, Peter Cohen, Ted Olsson, Chris Haeggland, Dan Wald, Andrea Angquist, Pat Tura, David Troup, Laura Millichap, Jeff Ray, Marius Starkey, Peter S. Tannen, Sam Mogannam, Sue Hestor, Tim Colen, Stephen Haigh, Dean Morehouse, Scott Nelson, Linda Trunzo, Asaish Patel.

ACTION:           Approved as modified

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Fong, Moore, Sugaya, Olague Miguel

MOTION:           18246


16.        2010.0794D                                                                        (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

203 MARIETTA DRIVE - north side at the intersection of Arroyo Way; Lot 054 in Assessor’s Block 2949A - Request for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 2010.06.28.5436, proposing to construct a two-story horizontal addition with decks (at the second floor and roof) at the rear of a two-story, one-unit residential building within the RH-1 (Residential, House, One-Family) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Staff Analysis:  Abbreviated Discretionary Review

Preliminary Recommendation:  Do not take Discretionary Review and approve


SPEAKERS:     Robert Tilman, Cassandra Mettling-Davis



17.        2010.0799X                                                                      (C. TEAGUE: (415) 575-9081)

340 FREMONT STREET - south side between Harrison and Folsom Streets, Lots 006-009 in Assessor’s Block 3748 - Request under Planning Code Sections 309.1 825, and 827 for the authorization of a change in previously approved conditions of approval for the authorization of a change in conditions of approval to extend the performance period for a previously approved project within the RH DTR (Rincon Hill Downtown Residential Mixed Use) District with a 85/400-R Height and Bulk Designation.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions


SPEAKERS:     Jim Ruben, Michael Sharton, Starchild, Kevin Westely, Lori Olenstein, Manny Flores, Mr. Pattel, Ian Lewis.

ACTION:           Approved

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Fong, Moore, Sugaya, Olague Miguel

MOTION:           18247


18.        2006.0054C                                                                     (D. Sánchez: (415) 575-9082)

2652 Harrison Street - west side between 22nd and 23rd Streets, Lot 002 in Assessor’s Block 3639 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization under Planning Code Sections 134, 140, 175.6(e)(1), 215(a) and 303 to allow construction of a 4 story, 40 foot tall building containing 20 dwelling units and 16 off street parking spaces utilizing its Eastern Neighborhoods Pipeline Status to elect to conform to the controls under the C-M (Heavy Commercial) Use District and the 40-X Height and Bulk District, while conforming to Articles 1, 1.2, 1.5 and 2.5, as amended by the Eastern Neighborhoods Controls, or requesting Conditional Use authorization to seek relief from those amended Articles.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions


SPEAKERS:     Sue Hestor, John Connor

ACTION:           Approved staff recommendation

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Fong, Moore, Sugaya, Miguel

ABSENT:          Olague

MOTION:           18248


            19a.      2009.0173DV                                                                  (D. SÁNCHEZ: (415) 575-9082)

353 SAN JOSE AVENUE - east side of San Jose between 25th Street and 26th Streets; Lot 022 in Assessor’s Block 6531 - Mandatory Discretionary Review, under Planning Code Section 317 requiring review of the demolition of residential buildings and their replacement structures, of Building Permit Application No. 2007.12.12.0285 to construct a four unit multifamily building as the replacement structure within an RM-2 (Residential, Mixed, Moderate Density) District with a 40-X Height and Bulk Designation.

Preliminary Recommendation: Do not take Discretionary Review and Approve


SPEAKERS:     Jo Babcock, Adell Shakee, Sammis Shakee, Fallanen Shakee, Aslem Shakee, Tom Church

ACTION:           Continued to February 10, 2011 - Public Hearing Remains Open

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Moore, Olague, Sugaya, Miguel

ABSENT:          Fong


            19b.      2009.0173DV                                                                   (D. SÁNCHEZ: (415) 575-9082)

353 SAN JOSE AVENUE - east side of San Jose between 25th Street and 26th Streets; Lot 022 in Assessor’s Block 6531 - Request for Variance, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 134 and 140, to not provide a code complying rear yard at the ground level or above where a rear yard of 34 feet 8 inches is required and to not provide dwelling unit exposure for two units for construction of a four unit building within an RM-2 (Residential, Mixed, Moderate Density) District with a 40-X Height and Bulk Designation.



            19c.      2010.1040D                                                                    (D. SÁNCHEZ: (415) 575-9082)

353 SAN JOSE AVENUE - east side of San Jose between 25th Street and 26th Streets; Lot 022 in Assessor’s Block 6531 - Mandatory Discretionary Review, under Planning Code Section 317 requiring review of the demolition of residential buildings and their replacement structures, of Demolition Permit Application No. 2007.12.12.0282 to demolish an existing single family dwelling within an RM-2 (Residential, Mixed, Moderate Density) District with a 40-X Height and Bulk Designation.

Preliminary Recommendation: Do not Take Discretionary Review and Approve

SPEAKERS:     Jo Babcock, Adell Shakee, Sammis Shakee, Fallanen Shakee, Aslem Shakee, Tom Church

ACTION:           Continued to February 10, 2011 - Public Hearing Remains Open

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Moore, Olague, Sugaya, Miguel

ABSENT:          Fong



20.        2010.0570D                                                                   (E. OROPEZA: (415) 558-6381)

2441 MISSION STREET - Lot 026 in Assessor’s Block 3645 - Request for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 2010.0616.4621, proposing to establish a Medical Cannabis Dispensary dba, “Shambala Healing Arts Center” as defined per Planning Code Section 790.141, within the Mission Street NCT District, the Mission Alcoholic Beverage Special Use Subdistrict, and a 55-X Height and Bulk District. 

Preliminary Recommendation:  Do not Discretionary Review and approve as proposed.


SPEAKERS:     Stella Adelman, Leila Baradaran, Lena Gatchalian, Philip Lesser, Ariel Vargas, Tina Banchard, Michael Dane, Donal Sambucci, Larry Nolan,

ACTION:           Took Discretionary Review and approved with conditions and findings

AYES:              Borden,  Fong, Moore, Olague, Sugaya, Miguel

ABSENT:          Antonini

DRA:                0181


21.        2010.0770D                                                                        (S. VELLVE: (415) 558-6263)

2278 WASHINGTON STREET - north side between Laguna and Buchanan Streets; Lot 007 in Assessor’s Block 0603 - Request for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 2009.08.10.4480, proposing to re-authorize a curb cut and parking pad, for which a previous permit has expired, and to construct a new gate to screen parking in the buildable area at the front of the seven-unit building within the RM-1 (Mixed, Low-Density) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Staff Analysis:  Full Discretionary Review

Preliminary Recommendation: Take Discretionary Review and approve with modifications


SPEAKERS:     Larry Knowland, Donald Sambuto, Jerry Dwell

ACTION:           Approved per staff recommendations and Project Sponsor must activate permit w/in 60 days.

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Fong, Moore, Olague, Sugaya, Miguel

DRA:                0182





6:00 P.M.


22.                                                                                              (J. SWITZKY: (415) 575-6815)

            PARK MERCED MIXED-USE PROJECT OVERVIEW AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT – INFORMATIONAL ONLY - Parkmerced is generally bounded by 19th Avenue to the east, Lake Merced Boulevard to the west, Holloway Avenue to the north, and Stanley Boulevard to the south.  The proposed project includes those lots owned by Parkmerced Investors, LLC, and includes Assessor’s Blocks 7303, 7303A, 7308-311, 7314, 7316, 7319-26, 7330-45, 7333 A-B, 7333E & 7353-7373.  Parkmerced is a rental housing complex constructed between 1941-1951 consisting of approximately 3,200 existing residential units and owned by Parkmerced Investors, LLC.  This is an Informational Hearing to provide an overview of the proposed project components and draft Development Agreement. Specific topics to be discussed at this session include transportation and housing (including rent and tenant relocation considerations). The project, which would be implemented over 20-30 years in multiple phases, includes the addition of approximately 5,700 net new residential units, the demolition and replacement of approximately 1,800 existing units which would remain subject to the San Francisco Rent Stabilization Ordinance, rent-protections and relocation rights for existing tenants, re-alignment and re-design of streets and blocks, re-alignment and improvement of the M Ocean View light rail line, the addition of new neighborhood serving retail and office space, new and re-configured public open spaces including neighborhood parks, pedestrian and bike paths, athletic fields, a new organic farm, and community gardens, overall transportation improvements, ecological hydrology improvements, and provision of renewable energy and water infrastructure. The draft Development Agreement would become the binding legal contract between the City and the Developer and would memorialize all of the public benefits and obligations of the Developer and associated agreements between both parties toward implementation of the Project.

Preliminary Recommendation: No Action Requested.  Informational Discussion Only


SPEAKERS:     Marc Christensen, Diana Mason, Stephen Heide, Jeanie Scott, Betty Jo Harman, Elizabeth Keith, Ed Reidy, Mike Smith, Terence John Daulkenr, Cathy Lentz, Sarah Karklisnky, Aaron Goodman, Lora Traveler, John Jweinat, Tom Baumgartner, Matt Kalin, Arne Larsen, Daniel W. Phillips, Carol Koppel, Aaron Goodman, Michael Ngyuen, Tim Colen, Lynda Hoang, Tom Murphy, Rob Sampera, Tim Min Chao, Carol Zhang, Tony Zhang, Glen Hatakeyama

ACTION:           Informational Only.  No Action Required


23.        2008.0021EMTZW                                                               (J. SWITZKY: (415) 575-6815)

INITIATE PLANNING CODE, ZONING MAP, AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS AS PART OF PARKMERCED’S DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - Pursuant to Planning Code Section 302, the Commission will consider a Resolution of Intention to initiate amendments to the Planning Code, Zoning Maps, and General Plan. The Amendments are related to the Parkmerced Development Project, which is generally bounded by Lake Merced Boulevard to the west, Brotherhood Way to the south, Junipero Serra Boulevard, Felix Avenue, Cambon Drive, and 19th Avenue to the east, and Holloway Avenue, Varela Avenue, Serrano Drive, Font Boulevard, Pinto Avenue, and Vidal Drive to the north (Assessor’s Block/Lots 7303-001, 7303-A-001, 7308-001, 7309-001, 7309-A-001, 7310-001, 7311-001, 7315-001, 7316-001, 7317-001, 7318-001, 7319-001, 7320-003, 7321-001, 7322-001, 7323-001, 7325-001, 7326-001, 7330-001, 7331-004, 7332-004, 7333-001, 7333-003, 7333-A-001, 7333-B-001, 7333-C-001, 7333-D-001, 7333-E-001, 7334-001, 7335-001, 7336-001, 7337-001, 7338-001, 7339-001, 7340-001, 7341-001, 7342-001, 7343-001, 7344-001, 7345-001, 7345-A-001, 7345-B-001, 7345-C-001, 7356-001, 7357-001, 7358-001, 7359-001, 7360-001, 7361-001, 7362-001, 7363-001, 7364-001, 7365-001, 7366-001, 7367-001, 7368-001, 7369-001, and 7370-001)Request for Planning Code Text Amendments to: (1) create Planning Code Section 249.64, the “Parkmerced Special Use District” (PMSUD), which would establish specific use categories that include residential, mixed-use, school, community, and open space districts; height and bulk restrictions, parking, car-share, bicycle-parking requirements; establish a design review process for the phased development plan; and allow for the demolition and replacement of 1,538 rent-controlled dwelling units; (2) amend Code Sections 102.5 and 201 to include the Parkmerced Zoning Districts; and (3) amend Code Section 270 (Bulk Limits) to create a new Bulk District for the proposed “Parkmerced Special Use District”. Request for Planning Code Map Amendments: to (1) amend Zoning Map ZN13 to delete references to existing zoning within the project site and to refer to the proposed new “Parkmerced Special Use District” zoning districts (PM-R, PM-MU1, PM-MU2, PM-S, PM-CF, and PM-OS); (2) amend Zoning Map SU13 to designate the project site as the proposed new “Parkmerced Special Use District”; and (3) amend Zoning Map HT13 to reclassify the height limits within the project site according to the proposed project. Request for General Plan Amendment to amend the Urban Design Element Height Map (Map 4) to reflect the proposed height restrictions as described in the proposed development program.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approve a draft Resolution to initiate amendments to the Planning Code, Zoning Maps, and General Plan and schedule a public hearing to consider the amendments.

(Continued from Special Meeting of December 9, 2010)


SPEAKERS:     Eric Brooks, Aaron Goodman, Terrance Faulkner, Cathy Lentz

ACTION:           Without hearing continued to January 13, 2011

AYES:              Antonini, Borden, Fong, Olague, Sugaya, Miguel

ABSENT:          Moore




At this time, members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission except agenda items.  With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the Commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting with one exception.  When the agenda item has already been reviewed in a public hearing at which members of the public were allowed to testify and the Commission has closed the public hearing, your opportunity to address the Commission must be exercised during the Public Comment portion of the Calendar.  Each member of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes.


The Brown Act forbids a commission from taking action or discussing any item not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public comment.  In response to public comment, the commission is limited to:


(1)  responding to statements made or questions posed by members of the public; or

(2)  requesting staff to report back on a matter at a subsequent meeting; or

(3)   directing staff to place the item on a future agenda.  (Government Code Section 54954.2(a))


SPEAKERS:     Erick Brooks

                        Re: Changes in CEQA issues

                        Terrance Faulkner


Adjournment:    10:39 p.m.


Adopted:          February 3, 2011

Last updated: 2/7/2011 11:26:45 AM