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February 5, 2014 HPC

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Meeting Minutes


Commission Chambers, Room 400

City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

San Francisco, CA 94102-4689


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

12:30 p.m.

Regular Meeting


COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:   Hasz, Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram




STAFF IN ATTENDANCE:  John Rahaim - Planning Director, Keith DeMartini, Susan Exline, Pilar LaValley, Kelly Wong, Allison Vanderslice, Tim Frye - Preservation Coordinator, and Jonas P. Ionin - Commission Secretary.



                              + indicates a speaker in support of an item;

-   indicates a speaker in opposition to an item; and

= indicates a neutral speaker or a speaker who did not indicate support or opposition.




SPEAKERS:          Richard Rothman requested the HPC to write a letter of support to the Historic Preservation Fund Committee for funding the restoration for the Mother’s Building at the Zoo, and to landmark the building.




1.            Director’s Announcements                        


Director Rahaim reported:

·       The Draft Urban Forest Plan to increase the City’s street-tree-canopies by 20% on City’s right-of-way over the next 20 years. The first phase identifies policies and strategies to manage, maintain and grow the street tree population.  The second phase is to inventory the remaining street trees.

·       The RFP for the Rail Yard Alternative to I-280 Boulevard Feasibility Study Project has been issued by the Planning Department.   The Project studies the multiple components in transportation and land use around Cal-Train yards.  The Plan looks at:

-                    cost effective ways to extend 4th and King to Transbay;

-                    alternative uses and potential locations for the rail yards;

-     benefits if I-280 was removed;

-     rail/tunnel alignment.

This area represents one of the last large scale future growth potential areas and the Department received a grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to conduct the study.  Commissioner Johnck noted that the Port of San Francisco also received a grant from the Federal Railroad Administration to improve streets and wanted to make sure the Port is involved in future discussions of SF rails that serve people as well as cargo.  Director Rahaim responded that as the Department receives the proposals in the next few weeks, it would begin forming a City Department Technical Team that certainly includes the Port.


2.            Preservation Coordinator Frye reported on past week’s events at Planning Commission (PC) and staff reports and announcements:


·       The proposed designation of Marcus Books had its second reading by the Board of Supervisors (BOS) on February 3rd and was unanimously approved.  The designation would become effective 30 days after the approval;

·       Reclassification of St Mary’s Directory would be heard by the Land Use Committee on February 10th. Staff would present the item on behalf of the HPC;

·       Planning Commission Election of Officers was continued.  Mr. Ionin or Mr. Frye would report the result to HPC once it is determined;

·       Mr. Frye responded to Speaker Rothman’s comments and assured him that the HPC and the PC would be involved in the restoration study that the Historic Preservation Fund Committee is weighing in on whether to fund the study or not.


3.            Landmark Designation Work Program Report


Mr. Frye gave status updates on the Swedish American Hall, Newall Hall, Sailors’ Union of the Pacific, Sunshine School, Phillips and Van Orden Building, Old St. Mary.  He noted the owners initiated list of Article 10 & 11 nominations, and the HPC initiated designations of 2 Henry Adams and others in the pipeline.  Commissioner Matsuda asked whether staff time, priority, and goals are set for completing landmark and district designations in the Work Program for this calendar year.  Mr. Frye responded that the Department tries to bring in the capacity of the whole Preservation Team to participate in the Work Program; the priority is based on working out the designated ordinance with property owners, taking advantage of pro bono offers, and getting the report in a proper format to present to the HPC; and the goals for project completion is not set for this calendar year, but could be discussed in the CLG Annual Report, Item 12 of this calendar.  President Hasz concurred with Commissioner Matsuda and suggested establishing hourly goals per project per month for each of the items [in the Work Program].




4.            President’s Report and Announcements


President Hasz asked if the new monthly stipend could be automatically assigned to 501-C3 before tax.  Commission Secretary Ionin would look into it.


5.            Consideration of Adoption:

·       Draft Minutes for January 19, 2014


SPEAKERS:          None

ACTION:               Adopted as corrected on page 6 Karen [Alcaltur] Alchuler

AYES:                    Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz           


6.            Commission Comments & Questions

·       Disclosures


All the Commissioners were contacted by someone regarding the Apple Store.


·       Inquiries/Announcements

Commissioner Johns announced that the San Francisco Historical Society’s “Historic Exposition” will be on March 1st and 2nd and would look forward to seeing the Planning Department and the HPC represented.  He highly recommended everyone to attend.


·       Future Meetings/Agendas


Commissioner Wolfram suggested that a discussion item be placed on the agenda of a future hearing regarding the proposed State Tax Credits, what the HPC as a Commission could do to support the effort, and to invite the California Preservation Foundation and the State Historic Preservation Office to join the discussion.




7.                                                                                                          (KEITH DeMARTINI: 415/575-9118)

FY 2014-2016 PROPOSED DEPARTMENT BUDGET – A presentation of the department's revenue and expenditure budget in FY 2014-2015 and FY2015-2016, including grants, capital budget requests, and proposed staffing changes.

Preliminary Recommendation: None - Informational Only


SPEAKERS:          None

ACTION:               None - Information Only


8.            2010.0641M                                                                              (SUSAN EXLINE: 415/558-6332)

2013 RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT UPDATE – Planning Staff will give an informational presentation on the 2013 Revised Draft Recreation and Open Space Element.

Preliminary Recommendation: None - Informational Only



= Katherine Howard, Golden Gate Park Preservation Alliance, encouraged to use the 1998 Golden Gate Park Master Plan Object 2, Policy A:  Landscape Preservation and renewal; and to include cultural landscapes;

= Desiree Smith, SF Architectural Heritage – would like more time to present a full recommendation to the HPC; and commented that more language on preserving existing historic fabric and too much emphasis on modernizing landscapes for evolving needs.

ACTION:               None - Information Only

AYES:                    Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz           


9.            2013.0628H                                                                            (PILAR LaVALLEY: 415/575-9084)

300 POST STREET (aka 345 STOCKTON STREET) – west side of Stockton Street between Post and Sutter Streets, in Assessor’s Block 0294, Lot 016.  Request for a Permit to Alter to demolish the existing Levi’s store at south end of parcel (300 Post Street) and construct a new two- to three-story commercial (retail) store for a new tenant (Apple, Inc.) with an L-shaped plan, and to reconfigure and rehabilitate the Grand Hyatt Hotel plaza, including relocating and reinstalling the existing Ruth Asawa fountain. The subject property contains a 550,599-square-foot (sf) building complex with two above-grade components (a 35-story hotel structure fronting Stockton and Sutter Streets, and four-story 37,234 sf retail structure fronting Post Street), an elevated plaza between the two structures, and basement levels below the entire project site. It is a Category V (Unrated) property in the Kearny-Market-Mason-Sutter Conservation District in a C-3-R (Downtown Retail) Zoning District and the 80-130-F Height and Bulk District. The Planning Commission and Zoning Administrator will hear Downtown Project Authorization and Variance requests at a regularly scheduled joint hearing on February 6, 2014. The project requires Downtown Project Authorization pursuant to Section 309 of the Planning Code, including findings outlined in the Board File No. 131059 to allow for the demolition and reconstruction of noncomplying floor area, and a Variance from the Street Frontage Transparency requirements of Planning Code Section 145.1(c).

(Continued from January 15, 2014 hearing)

Recommendation: Approve with Conditions


PRESENTERS:      Rick Millittello, Development Director with Apple; James McGrath, Foster and Partners


-  Jason Oringer, United Service Workers West - had concern about the project not being delivered as a whole under CEQA, the configuration of the public space and its access;

-  Richard Drury, Lozeau Drury LLP for United Service Workers West - asked the HPC to consider 1) the proposed project moved without the proper CEQA review, 2) the dramatic irreversible affect on Union Square, 3) the impact on the cultural and historical Fountain, and 4) it’s incompatibility in the conservation district;

-  Aaron Peskin, Author of Section 4.135 of the Charter that created the HPC - remarked that the legislation should have been referred to the HPC for consideration/comment before moving to the Planning Commission; Ruth Asawa’s fountain should be identified as a historical/ cultural resource; and the staff recommendations implicated other historic properties.

ACTION:               Approved with Conditions as amended to include that the Sponsor work with the Asawa Family to establish a clear and sensitive plan for movement and restoration of the fountain, to be submitted to the Department.

AYES:                    Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz

NAY:                     Hyland

MOTION:              M-0223


10.          2013.1131A                                                                                 (KELLY WONG: 415/558-6369)

845 MONTGOMERY STREET – west side between Pacific Avenue and Jackson Street. Assessor’s Block 0176, Lots 030-043 - Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for general exterior restoration of the historic building and the re-cladding of rooftop penthouse addition constructed in 2000.  The proposal includes the rehabilitation of existing double-hung wood windows, in-kind replacement of floor tiles at deck and concrete pavers at roof, stabilization of existing glass balustrades, and the re-cladding of the rooftop penthouse addition with a new compatible tile.  The project also includes general maintenance and repairs not subject to review and approval by the Historic Preservation Commission.  845 Montgomery Street, historically known as the Hotel European, was constructed in 1911 by Architect Albert Pissis and is a Georgian style three-story brick building with contemporary storefronts at the ground floor.  The subject building is a Contributory/Compatible building and within the Jackson Square Landmark District under Article 10 of the Planning Code.

Recommendation: Approve with Conditions

(Continued from December 4, 2013 hearing)


PRESENTER:        Nadia Anise, Project Architect

SPEAKERS:          None

ACTION:               Approved with Conditions as amended to include the light gray or staff recommended tile options.

AYES:                    Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz

MOTION:              M-0224


11.          2013.1533U                                                               (ALLISON VANDERSLICE: 415/575-9075)

UNION IRON WORKS HISTORIC DISTRICT, a 65-acre Port of San Francisco-owned property, located to the east of Illinois Street between 18th and 22nd Streets along the San Francisco Bay in the Central Waterfront District. Assessor’s Blocks/Lots 4046/001, 4046/002, 4052/001, 4110/001, 4110/003, 4110/004, 9900/068, 9900/070, and a portion of 4120/002.  Request for Review and Comment on the nomination of the property to the National Register of Historic Places. The historic district is significant at the national level under Criterion A and at the local level under Criterion C. The period of significance is 1884, with the establishment of the Union Iron Works shipyard, to 1945, corresponding with the end of World War II and the maximum build-out of the yard. The historic district includes 44 contributing resources and 10 noncontributing resources. The historic district is located within M-2 (Heavy Industrial) and P (Public) Districts and 40-X and 65-X Height and Bulk Districts.

Preliminary Recommendation: Send resolution of findings in support of the nomination to California OHP to approve nomination of the subject property to the National Register.


RECUSED:            Hyland

AYES:                    Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz


PRESENTER:        Nancy Goldenberg, Carey & Co. Architecture

SPEAKERS:          None

ACTION:               Adopted a Resolution in support of the nomination

AYES:                    Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz

RESOLUTION:      R-730   


12.                                                                                                                       (TIM FRYE: 415/575-6822)

CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT (CLG) 2012-2013 ANNUAL REPORT - Review and Comment on the 2012-2013 CLG Annual Report prepared by Planning Department Staff. The Commission may direct staff to include additional information or make revisions to the report prior to forwarding to the California Office of Historic Preservation.


SPEAKERS:          None

ACTION:               Reviewed and Commented


Adjournment:   4:24 PM


The minutes was proposed for adoption at the Regular Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission on Wednesday, February 19, 2014.

ACTION:                      Adopted

AYES:                          Hasz, Hyland Johnck, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram

ABSENT:                     Johns

Last updated: 2/24/2014 11:31:40 AM