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Meeting Minutes

Commission Chambers - Room 400

City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

Thursday, June 6, 2013

12:00 PM

Regular Meeting




COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya





STAFF IN ATTENDANCE:  John Rahaim – Planning Director, AnMarie Rodgers, Rick Crawford, Delvin Washington, Omar Masry, Sophie Hayward, Michael Smith, Mary Woods, Tom Wang and Jonas P. Ionin - Acting Commission Secretary.





The Commission will consider a request for continuance to a later date.  The Commission may choose to continue the item to the date proposed below, to continue the item to another date, or to hear the item on this calendar.


1.             2010.0222E                                                                           (K. ZUSHI: (415) 575-9036)

248-252 9TH STREET - west side between Howard and Folsom Streets; Lots 006 and 007 of Assessor’s Block 3518 - Appeal of Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration for the merger of the two lots, totaling 5,000 square feet, on the project site, demolition of the existing buildings currently used as storage, and construction of a five-story, 50-foot-tall, 18,697-sf mixed-use building including 15 dwelling units and 3,126 square feet of ground floor commercial/restaurant space. The proposed project would include no parking spaces. The project site is located in a RCD (Regional Commercial District).

Preliminary Recommendation: Uphold Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration

                (Continued from Regular Meeting of May 2, 2013)

                        (Proposed for Continuance to July 18, 2013)


SPEAKERS:     None

ACTION: Continued as Proposed

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya

            NAYES:            None


2.     2012.1030D                                                            (C. Lamorena: (415) 575-9085)

2414 LOMBARD STREET - north side between Divisadero and Scott Streets; Lot 009 in Assessor’s Block 0936 - Request for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 2012.03.08.5644 proposing to replace an existing rear portion of the building, add an infill addition of approximately 47 square feet on the ground floor, and replace an exterior stair at the rear at the two-story mixed-use building within a NC-3 (Neighborhood Commercial, Moderate-Scale) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District.   

Staff Analysis:  Full Discretionary Review

            Preliminary Recommendation: Do not take Discretionary Review and Approve



SPEAKERS:     None





All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine by the Planning Commission, and will be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the Commission.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Commission, the public, or staff so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing


3.             2012.1469C                                                                         (O. MASRY: (415) 575-9116)

114 - 7th STREET - southeast corner of Mission and 7th Streets, Lot 001 in Assessor’s Block 3727 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization, under Planning Code Sections 844.93 and 303 for installation of a wireless telecommunications services facility operated by AT&T Mobility.  The facility would consist of sixteen panel antennas split into four locations on the roof and facades.  The facility is proposed on a Location Preference 2 (Co-Location Site) within the Western SOMA Mixed Use-General (WMUG) Zoning District and 65-X Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions


SPEAKERS:     Tedi Vriheas

ACTION: After being pulled off of Consent, Approved with Conditions

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya

                NAYES:                None

MOTION:           M-18895




Adoption of Commission Minutes – Charter Section 4.104 requires all commissioners to vote yes or no on all matters unless that commissioner is excused by a vote of the Commission.  Commissioners may not be automatically excluded from a vote on the minutes because they did not attend the meeting.


4.         Consideration of Adoption:


·         Draft Minutes for May 16, 2013;

·         Draft Minutes for May 23, 2013 – Special Joint Hearing; and

·         Draft Minutes for May 23, 2013 – Regular Hearing.


SPEAKERS:     None

ACTION: Adopted

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya

                NAYES:                None


5.         Commission Comments/Questions

·         Inquiries/Announcements.  Without discussion, at this time Commissioners may make announcements or inquiries of staff regarding various matters of interest to the Commissioner(s).

·         Future Meetings/Agendas.  At this time, the Commission may discuss and take action to set the date of a Special Meeting and/or determine those items that could be placed on the agenda of the next meeting and other future meetings of the Planning Commission.


Commissioner Moore:

I assume, we all received the media press release that the Board of Supervisors approved the first residential landmark District since 2003, that being the Victorian-era Duboce Park Landmark District. Congratulations to everybody who worked on it.  Wonderful project and I am really glad that we are moving in that direction.


Commissioner Borden:

I went to a discussion a couple of weeks ago about urban ventures startups that are working and I learned about an organization called Fundrise working in Washington D.C. and is talking to local developers.  And the concept is that individuals in the community can contribute as little as one hundred dollars to invest in real estate.  What they are doing is reaching out to underserved communities, helping those community members buy into real estate, like a community market or a small building as an investor and obviously they want that in their community.  I just thought it was an interesting model for fundraising in real estate because it allows the people in a local community to be vested in the projects that are being developed and built because they are actual investors and they are actually part of the process for determining those projects.  I know that there are some people looking at it locally, it’s been working in Washington D.C. on a couple of projects.  One of the projects raises as much as six hundred and some thousands of dollars for a market in a small building, and so I think it is an interesting idea that would be great to explore here in San Francisco.


Commissioner Antonini:

A couple of items, this last week I read with interest that the Mayor’s Office of Housing is trying to inquire as to its recipients of family housing as to whether they are a San Francisco resident or not and I think this is totally appropriate. We have a lot of people in this City who are residents who should have the priority of being housed before people who come from somewhere else to avail themselves of this housing. It certainly is a move in the right direction to try to ascertain residency of the people who are in need.  So, I am very supportive of that policy.  Also, another issue that came up, kind of surprisingly, was one of the things we are always talking about, how formula retail supports local, the moneys come back in the community and they are not taken away and spent nationally or in other counties.  I happen to be at a store I patronize the other day and the owner operator was there, and it’s a great little store happens to be bookstore, and I am very supportive that he does have a bookstore and it is an independent, it’s one of only one.  And the woman ahead of me had asked if he had seen the Great Gatsby right across the street and he said no, I live in Marin and whenever I am done here I get out of here as soon as I can, I spend almost no time in the City other than when I am running my store, which I thought was not really a good way to build your business, and I didn’t comment on it, but it was interesting that even independents there is no assurance that independents are going to be City residents or even going to patronize other businesses in San Francisco, so I’d be interested in seeing a study that really quantifies this belief that locally owned independent businesses, fewer than nine outlets nationally, spend more money within the community than do independents with fewer outlets.


Commissioner Moore:

I want to ask the Director, I got an email from the AIA saying that they are sponsoring a competition for the 280 freeway and I was kind of wondering if you’re being asked for advisory on this, I found, I think this is a good idea, a little bit premature.  Particularly, I think, first, this involves the Planning Department and all of the considerations regarding land use and circulation. I just hope you will cast a guiding eye on that.




6.         Director’s Announcements


Director Rahaim:

Commissioners the only announcement I wanted to make is that, it’s noted in your Director’s Report today, is that we’re having a workshop on the Central Corridor Draft Plan next Wednesday the 12th from six to seven at the Mendelson House on Folsom Street.  We are proposing to have, at the suggestion of the community, we are proposing to have a series of topic based discussions on the Plan over the coming year and this first meeting will be to decide what those topics should be and so we will be inviting the community to this session, again, 6:00 to 7:30 at the Mendelson House, which is at 777 Folsom Street, on June 12th and that concludes my report. 


7.         Review of Past Week’s Events at the Board of Supervisors, Board of Appeals, and Historic Preservation Commission.


Land Use Committee:

Supervisor Weiner ped safety legislation (Items 1-5)

Multiple pieces of legislation that would:

1.     Create an interagency Street Design Review Committee made up of Planning, SFMTA, DPW, SFPUC, OEWD, and Fire Department to review street improvement projects against established City policies, such as the Transit-First Policy and the Better Streets Plan

2.     Create a Public Improvement Permit  (for instance for in-kind infrastructure) that would enable the DPW Director to administratively accept public improvements built by third-party developers in the right-of-way, if accompanied by a maintenance endowment (bypasses the need for major encroachment permit and gift acceptance by Board of Supervisors).

3.     Change to Fire Code to clarify that unobstructed curb extensions (things like a bulbout without trees or poles) would not count against the 20 foot minimum clear width required by the Fire Code

Planning staff gave an overview of the Better Streets Plan (2010), and the Controller’s Office Better Streets Plan study (2011), which analyzed and made recommendations for how the City could improve its process for delivering and permitting street improvements. Controller’s Office staff presented recommendations from the study, including the recommendation to create a Street Design Review Committee, as proposed by this legislation.

Supervisor Kim suggested adding “other departments as necessary” to the Street Design Review Committee, specifically citing Successor Agency and SFCTA. Supervisor Weiner accepted this modification.

The Fire Department discussed their operational needs in light of the proposed change to the Fire Code. Patrick Seigman, a principal with Nelson/Nygaard, discussed national trends in working with emergency services to reform Fire Code standards.  There was significant public comment in relation to the need to change the Fire Code as proposed in relation to the proposed street improvement project on Bartlett Street, site of the Mission Community Market.  All pieces of legislation were passed, as amended, with positive recommendation to the Full Board.


Full Board of Supervisors:

·         130180 Pre-Application Meetings Required in PDR-1B.  PC approved on May 9. Board approved on first reading this week.

·         111278 Art & Design SUD 1111 8th Street.  This ordinance would create an SUD to allow educational institutions without use size limits; to permit student housing; and to allow the ZA to authorize temporary structures without a public hearing for property currently occupied by the California College of Arts.  This ordinance was recommended for approval by this Commission on April 25.  Board approved on 1st reading.

·         130070 Duboce Park Historic District.  Sponsored by Supe. W. This recommendation by the HPC to create a new historic district was considered and unanimously approved by the BOS on first reading this week.  Passed final reading.






·         130549 Planning Code—Controller’s Report.  Ordinance amending the Planning Code to modify when the Controller is required to issue various reports and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with General Plan.  Mayor Lee.

·         130462 Business and Tax Regulations Code - Public Realm Landscaping, Improvement, and Maintenance Assessment Districts. Ordinance would provide for establishment of assessment districts to finance landscaping, improvements, and maintenance of public realm areas (outdoor spaces open to the public), including parks, parklets, sidewalks, landscaped areas, plazas, and gardens; to authorize the purchase of real property with assessment funds, where property will be a public realm area and the district will provide landscaping, improvements and/or maintenance. Cohen.


Board of Appeals:

The Board of Appeals did meet last night, briefly.  There were two items that may of interest to the Commission.  The first was an appeal of 349 Banks, this was a DR the Commission heard several months ago.  Last month the Board of Appeals heard it, unanimously upheld the Commission’s decision, a rehearing request was filed, and last night the Board unanimously rejected that rehearing request, saying there was no new information.  The other item is a notice of violation and penalty that I issued for 264 Dolores Street.  This was an illegal commercial use out of a dwelling unit.  The commercial use included a juicing operation.  They were selling juices and having yoga classes there, and they were renting out the kitchen in the dwelling unit for people to have parties.  The Board unanimously upheld that notice of violation penalty last night.  It had originally been scheduled for the April 10th, but the appellant did not submit any brief at that hearing, they wanted a continuance again last night, they still did not submit any briefing materials again and requested another rescheduling again last night, but the Board found that they had enough time to submit materials and did not grant that rescheduling request, but they do also have the rehearing process available to them, that is all, I am available for any questions.


Historic Preservation Commission:

The Historic Preservation Commission approved two Certificates of Appropriateness for restoration of circa 1880’s buildings within both the Alamo Square Historic District and the Dogpatch Landmark District.  The Commission added a few additional conditions of approval to the restoration of the residential property on Fulton Street within the Alamo Square Landmark District siting that there would likely be more reconstruction that would have to occur based on historic photographs.  The Commission also approved a Major Permit to Altar for work along the Stevenson Alley side of the San Francisco Mart.  This is to, as you know, is where Twitter now has its head offices.  The work is to prepare the ground floor for commercial retail tenants that are slowly starting to move into the property.  The Commission also approved a new lobby entrance on 731 Market Street.  The reason I bring this one up is there was a good deal of opposition from the residents of the Four Seasons Hotel and Tower that uses Stevenson Alley as an egress to their parking facility.  The opposers were concerned about traffic and congestion along Stevenson and cited concerns over the staff’s level of analysis under CEQA. Staff did communicate to both the Project Sponsor and the Commission that our CEQA analysis was complete and appropriate for that project and based on that information the HPC unanimously approved the construction of that new lobby on the Stevenson Alley side of 731 Market Street.  The HPC also approved a Certificate of Appropriateness for a very large renovation project in Grace Cathedral.  The entire front entry stairs are going to be reconstructed due to water abatement issues in the underground parking facility.  The Commission approved that project with conditions as outlined by staff.  Then finally, staff gave an update on the condition of the Shipwright’s Cottage.  This is at 900 Innes Street, it’s been in the paper recently as  a property the City is interested in acquiring through the Recreation & Parks Department.  Again, it’s a much larger parcel along the waterfront that contains a very small landmark structure.  The good new is the current property owner has obtained a permit and has completed work to install a new roof on the building so it is protected from the elements and the Planning Department and Recreation & Parks are continuing to stay in touch with each other as the acquisition of the property moves forward and we can keep you updated on the plans for that location once they are developed.




            8.         2004.0976CV                                                             (R. CRAWFORD: (415) 558-6358)

376 CASTRO STREET - west side of Castro Street, at the northwest corner of Castro and Market Streets; Lot 006 in Assessor’s Block 2623 - Informational Presentation on a 6-story, 65 foot tall mixed-use building with 24 dwelling units and 3,000 square feet of ground floor commercial space within the Upper Market Neighborhood Commercial District and 65-B Height and Bulk District.

                        Preliminary Recommendation:  None - Informational


SPEAKERS:     Mitchell Benjamin, David Warczak, Judith Hoyem

ACTION:           None- Informational




At this time, members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission except agenda items.  However, for items where public comment is closed this is your opportunity to address the Commission.  With respect to all other agenda items, your opportunity to address the Commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting.  Each member of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes.


SPEAKERS:     Dino Adelfio, Mic Ringel




9a.        2011.0477C                                                                (R. CRAWFORD: (415) 558-6358)

1900 19TH AVENUE - east side of 19th Avenue at Ortega Street; Lot 028 in Assessor’s Block 2116 and Lot 019A in Assessor’s Block 2055 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 303, 703.4, Formula Retail, 710.21 Nonresidential Use Size and 710.27, Hours of Operation to develop a Formula Retail pharmacy store (d.b.a. CVS Pharmacy) with an off-sale beer and wine license.  The project will expand the retail space within the existing building from 14,667 square feet to 16,366 square feet.  The hours of operation for the store will be 6 A.M. to 2 A.M. within the NC-1 Neighborhood Commercial Cluster District and 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation: Disapprove


SPEAKERS:     Andrew Junius, Sarah Brandt, Benjamin Orion, Charles Picasso, Yvette Davis, Lisa Seitz, Anonymous Speaker, Ron Greenspan

ACTION: Continued to September 26, 2013

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Hillis

NAYES:            Borden, Moore, Sugaya


9b.       2011.0477V                                                                (R. CRAWFORD: (415) 558-6358) 1900 19TH AVENUE - east side of 19th Avenue at Ortega Street; Lot 028 in Assessor’s Block 2116 and Lot 019A in Assessor’s Block 2055 –  Request for Variance from the requirements of Planning Code Section 152, Off-Street Freight Loading, to allow a 16,366 square foot pharmacy store with no off-street loading.  Planning Code Section 152 requires one off-street freight loading space for buildings with a floor area between 10,001 and 60,000 square feet within a NC-1 Neighborhood Commercial Cluster District and 40-X Height and Bulk District. 


SPEAKERS:     Andrew Junius, Sarah Brandt, Benjamin Orion, Charles Picasso, Yvette Davis, Lisa Seitz, Anonymous Speaker, Ron Greenspan

ACTION: Zoning Administrator Continued to September 26, 2013




10.        2013.0476T                                                                             (S. HAYWARD: (415) 558-6372)

PLANNING CODE TEXT AMENDMENT CONCERNING MIXED USE-OFFICE (MUO) DISTRICT -  The Planning Commission will consider a proposed Ordinance amending San Francisco Planning Code Section 842 and Section 842.49, of the Zoning Control Table, for the Mixed Use-Office District to  1) permit a tourist hotel use with Conditional Use Authorization without a specified room limit on parcels with a height designation of 105’ or greater within the Mixed Use-Office (MUO) Zoning District; and 2) making environmental findings, Planning Code Section 302 findings, and findings of consistency with General Plan and the Priority Policies of Planning Code Section 101.1. 

Preliminary Recommendation:  Adopt a Recommendation for Approval


SPEAKERS:     Steve Vettel

ACTION: Adopted a Recommendation for Approval

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya

                NAYES:                None

            RESOLUTION:   18896


11.        2013.0536U                                                                    (S. HAYWARD: (415) 558-6372)

INCLUSIONARY AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAM, DEFINING A SIGNIFICANT INCREASE IN DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL - The Planning Commission will consider a proposed Ordinance amending the San Francisco Planning Code to add a definition of "significant increase in residential development potential" consistent with the Housing Trust Fund provisions in Charter Section 16.110; and making environmental findings, Planning Code Section 302 findings, and findings of consistency with General Plan and the Priority Policies of Planning Code Section 101.1.

Preliminary Recommendation:  Adopt a Recommendation for Approval


SPEAKERS:     Tomika Moss, Sean Kiegran

ACTION: Adopted a Recommendation for Approval

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya

                NAYES:                None

            RESOLUTION:   18897


12.        2010.1034C                                                                         (O. MASRY: (415) 575-9116)

4216 CALIFORNIA STREET - north side of California between 4th Avenue and 5th Avenue, Lot 019 in Assessor’s Block 1364 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization, under Planning Code Sections 710.83 and 303 for a proposal to upgrade an existing wireless telecommunications services micro-site facility operated by AT&T Mobility.  The facility would consist of removing an existing micro-site and installing nine panel antennas on the roof behind a new radio-frequency transparent screen wall with equipment located within a ground floor storage area.  The facility is proposed on a Location Preference 6 Site (Limited Preference Location Site) within a NC-1 (Neighborhood Commercial, Cluster) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions

(Continued from Regular Meeting of May 9, 2013)


SPEAKERS:     Tedi Vriheas, Amy O’Hare, Dianna Scott, Debra Malta, Erv Rothstein, Eunice  Lew, Charles Belvin, Jenivive Yuen, Jeff Kramer, Dr. Chris Oka, Dr. Michael Ma, Steven Krolik, Doug Loranger

ACTION: Approved with Conditions as Amended to include:

1.     Battery Room is sealed;

2.     DBI to consider increased fire rating for the Battery Room; and

3.     Project Sponsor to continue working with Staff on the design.

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Sugaya

                NAYES:                Hillis, Moore

            MOTION:           18898


13.        2008.0538C                                                                          (M. SMITH: (415) 558-6322)

1490 OCEAN AVENUE - northeast corner at Miramar Avenue; Lot 010 in Assessor’s Block 3197 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization,  pursuant  to  Planning  Code  Sections:  737.11 to develop a lot exceeding 9,999 square feet and 303, for  a  project  proposing  to  demolish  an  existing  gas station and construct  a new 45-foot-tall, four-story, approximately 26,380-square-foot, mixed-use building  containing  15 dwelling units, 15 off-street parking spaces, and 4,354 square feet of retail space  at  the  ground floor. The project site is located within the Ocean Avenue NCT (Neighborhood Commercial Transit) District and 45-X Height and Bulk District and within the Balboa Park Station Plan Area.  CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) Findings will also be adopted as part of the project approvals.

                        Preliminary Recommendation:  Approve with Conditions


SPEAKERS:     Gina Alsindei, David Silverman, Anne Chen, Kathleen Beitiks, Caryl Ito, Lara Ortiz de Montellano, Mark Cozad, Mona Tamari, Jesse Waters, Gil Sams, Mark Gin, Jorge Carbonell, Kate Favetti, Frank Novarro

ACTION: Approved with Conditions as Amended to include:

1.     Preservation of the pillar; and

2.     Creation of a service entry along the existing east easement, appropriately designed, with a corridor accessible by all future tenants.

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya

            NAYES:            None

            MOTION:           18899


14.        2013.0020CE                                                                    (M. WOODS: (415) 558-6315)

6333 GEARY BOULEVARD - entire frontage between 27th and 28th Avenues; Lots 001A and 037 in Assessor’s Block 1517  -  Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Sections 303(c), 303(i) and 703.4 of the Planning Code to allow a formula retail use (d.b.a. Grocery Outlet). The existing vacant building was formerly occupied by Cala Foods. Grocery Outlet proposes to occupy the entire one-story building, containing approximately 13,500 square feet. The existing 30-car surface parking lot will be reconfigured to a 28-car parking lot. The project site is located in a NC-3 (Moderate-Scale Neighborhood Commercial) and a RH-1 (Residential, House, One-Family) District and 40-X Height and Bulk District. 

Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions


SPEAKERS:     Mary Murphy

ACTION: Approved with Conditions

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya

                NAYES:                None

            MOTION:           18900


15.        2012.0822C                                                                   (C. Lamorena: (415) 575-9085)

1865 POST STREET - south side between Fillmore and Webster Streets; Lot 002 in Assessor’s Block 0701 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 249.31, 303, and 712.48, to add a new use size in excess of 4,000 square feet as an “Other Entertainment” use to an existing restaurant (d.b.a. Pa’ina Lounge and Restaurant) within a NC-3 (Neighborhood Commercial, Moderate-Scale) Zoning District, Japantown Special Use District and 50-X Height and Bulk District.  The proposal would add live and amplified music during the restaurant’s evening operating hours.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions 

                        NOTE: On February 7, 2013, following public testimony, the Commission continued the matter to April 11, 2013; with the following direction: 1) For a mutually agreed upon sound engineer or independent sound engineers along with the Entertainment Commission’s sound engineer; 2) To determine the maximum level of noise, to the point of no disturbance for the Spa or Cinema; 3) Costs to be shared proportionally, by a vote (+7 -0)

                        (Continued from Regular Meeting of April 11, 2013)


SPEAKERS:     Bob Hamaguchi, Sandy Mori, Michael Burke, Nancy Gribler, Rosalyn Tonai, Greg Marutani, Martin Fineman

ACTION: Adopted a Motion of Intent to Disapprove

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya

                NAYES:                None


16.        2012.1131DD                                                             (R. CRAWFORD: (415) 558-6358)

861 CORBETT AVENUE - east side near Hopkins Avenue; Lot 013 in Assessor's Block 2778 - Requests for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 2012.1221.6784 proposing to construct vertical and horizontal additions, to add a second dwelling unit to the existing single-family dwelling.  The project is considered a tantamount to demolition of the existing building and as such is also subject to Mandatory Discretionary Review for the removal of a dwelling unit, within the RM-1 (Residential Mixed, Low Density) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Staff Analysis:  Full Discretionary Review

Preliminary Recommendation:  Do not take Discretionary Review and Approve


SPEAKERS:     Kevin Deysenroth, John Hayden, Bryan Smith, Todd Torr

ACTION: Did NOT Take DR and Approved as Proposed

AYES:              Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya

                NAYES:                None

            ABSENT:          Fong

DRA:                0322


17.        2006.0647DD                                                                                    (T. WANG: (415) 558-6335)

2166 12TH AVENUE - east side of 12th Avenue between 9th Avenue and Quintara Street; Lot 036 in Assessor’s Block 2206 - Requests for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 2005.06.23.5892, proposing additions to the existing two-story, single-family dwelling that include (1) a two-story rear addition with a roof deck above and a stairway behind, providing a direct connection between the second story and the rear yard, and (2) a third-story vertical addition, within a RH-1 (Residential, House, One-Family) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Staff Analysis: Full Discretionary Review

Preliminary Recommendation: Take Discretionary Review and Approve with Modification

           (Continued from Regular Meeting of May 23, 2013)


SPEAKERS:     Trace Kannel

ACTION: Without hearing, Continued to July 18, 2013

AYES:              Fong, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya

                NAYES:                None

            ABSENT:          Wu


18.        2012.0458D                                                                         (T. WANG: (415) 558-6335)

84 CITYVIEW WAY - north side of Cityview Way between Panorama Drive and Knollview Way; Lot 003 in Assessor’s Block 2823 - Request for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 2012.01.03.1560, proposing to construct a third-story vertical addition to an existing two-story, single-family dwelling within a RH-1(Residential, House, One-Family) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Staff Analysis: Abbreviated Discretionary Review

Preliminary Recommendation: Do not take Discretionary Review and Approve

           (Continued from Regular Meeting of May 23, 2013)


SPEAKERS:     Gordon Atkinson, Michael Woods, Nicole Sorhondo, Suzanne Rusou, Wayne Foley, Steve Kwan, David Godmour, Terry Thompson, Lisa Bell

ACTION: Did NOT Take DR and Approved as Proposed

AYES:              Fong, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Sugaya

                NAYES:                Moore

            ABSENT:          Wu

            DRA:                0323


19.        2013.0030D                                                                                (B. FU: (415) 558-6613)

124 MULLEN AVENUE - east side between Franconia Street and Peralta Avenue; Lots 031 in Assessor’s Block 5538 - Request for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 2012.0424.8941, proposing to merge the two existing dwellings into one dwelling, within a RH-1 (Residential, House – One-Family) District, the Bernal Heights Special Use District and 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Staff Analysis: Abbreviated Discretionary Review

Preliminary Recommendation: Do Not Take Discretionary Review and Approve


SPEAKERS:     None

ACTION: Without hearing, Continued to July 18, 2013

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya

            NAYES:            None




At this time, members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission except agenda items.  With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the Commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting with one exception.  When the agenda item has already been reviewed in a public hearing at which members of the public were allowed to testify and the Commission has closed the public hearing, your opportunity to address the Commission must be exercised during the Public Comment portion of the Calendar.  Each member of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes.


The Brown Act forbids a commission from taking action or discussing any item not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public comment.  In response to public comment, the commission is limited to:


(1)  responding to statements made or questions posed by members of the public; or

(2)  requesting staff to report back on a matter at a subsequent meeting; or

(3)   directing staff to place the item on a future agenda.  (Government Code Section 54954.2(a))




Adjournment: 6:43 PM


Adopted: June 20, 2013

Last updated: 7/2/2013 2:32:37 PM