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Meeting Minutes


Hearing Room 400

City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


12:30 P.M. 


Regular Meeting

_______________   ______________


COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:  Hasz, Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Wolfram, Pearlman


STAFF IN ATTENDANCE:  John Rahaim – Planning Director; Rich Sucre, Timothy Johnston, AnMarie Rodgers, Sarah Jones, Lily Yegazu, Susan Parks, Tim Frye – Preservation Coordinator, and Jonas P. Ionin – Acting Commission Secretary




1.         2013.0126A                                         (SHELLEY CALTAGIRONE: 415-558-6625)

1164 FULTON STREET, north side between Pierce and Scott Streets. Assessor’s Block 0777, Lot 011 - Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to (1) modify the exiting garage opening at the basement level of the front façade to create a 8’-wide by 7’-tall opening flush with the main wall; (2) restore the front façade cladding, ornament and windows based upon historic photographs and building evidence; and, (3) construct a stair penthouse and roof deck at the rear of the building. The subject property is a “potentially compatible” building within the Alamo Square Landmark District. The property is within a RH-3 (Residential, House, Three-Family) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District.

(Proposed for Continuance to June 5, 2013)


SPEAKER(S):      None

ACTION:              Continued to June 5, 2013

AYES:                   Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Hasz

ABSENT:             Wolfram



SPEAKERS:  [Name not clear on recording] told the Commissioners the two murals at the Mother’s Building were done by women artists, Helen Forbes and Dorothy Pacino.  This is unique in comparison to the murals at Coit Tower where only 3 of the 26 artists were women.  He would like the murals at the Mother’s Building to be restored and included in the bid procured by the Recreation and Park Department. He urged the Commissioners to protect and preserve the Building by designating it as a city landmark as it is already in the National Register.




2.         Director’s Report


Preservation Coordinator Frye answered questions regarding the Castro Street Public Open House and Small Business Permit Fees.  Mr. Frye had gone to the Castro Street Design Concept Open House and said it was well attended and the conversations were robust.  He offered to present the redesign of the area, in particular the Castro Theater and the Harvey Milk Camera Store, to the HPC if they preferred.  Commissioner Johns requested a presentation on the Open House.


3.         Review of Past Week’s Events at the Planning Commission (PC), Staff Report and Announcements


Mr. Frye did not have anything to report from past PC hearings but provided the following:

·         On May 13th the Land Use Committee heard the proposed Duboce Park Landmark District designation and recommended moving it forward to the Board of Supervisors which could be heard on May 21st.

·         Proposed work on Coit Tower by Recreation & Parks Department (RPD) was included in HPC correspondence folders.

·         Bush Street Cottage Row removal of non-historic trees proposed by RPD - The Department received some emails inquiring if HPC is required to review the trees removal through a Certificate of Appropriateness (C of A). Referring to Appendix K of Article 10 which governs additional scopes of work within Bush Street Cottage Row requiring a C of A, the Department found that the ordinance was concerned with alterations related to street and park furniture and appliances, but not natural features such as trees.

·         Susan Parks joined the Department in March 2013 as a Planner II in the Survey Team after interning with the Department last summer. She holds a Master of Science in Historic Preservation from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Memphis. Before attending graduate school, she was an architectural designer for a residential architecture firm in Memphis, TN.




4.         President’s Report and Announcement - NONE


5.         Consideration of Adoption:


·                  Draft Minutes for April 17, 2013


SPEAKER(S):      None

ACTION:              Adopted

AYES:                   Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz


6.         Commission Comments & Questions


·                     Disclosures - None


·                     HPC Review of Future Agenda Items and Requests


Commissioner Matsuda 1) would not be able to attend the May 22nd Commission Secretary Search Sub-committees Meeting because of jury duty service and asked if Commissioner Wolfram would be the alternate for her. Commissioner Wolfram would check his schedule; and 2) requested to calendar for the review of the Bush Street Cottage Row street trees removal to see what HPC could possibly do to add the trees to the current landmark of that area. 

Commissioner Johns asked people sending emails to him do not wait until the last minute [the day of the hearing].

Commissioner Hyland would not be able to attend the June 19th ARC and HPC meetings.  He asked if President Hasz would substitute for him for the ARC meeting.  President Hasz affirmed.




7.         2013.0467A                                                      (RICHARD SUCRE: 415-575-9108)

702 22ND STREET (DOGPATCH SALOON), located on the northwest corner of 3rd and 22nd Streets, Assessor’s 4108, Lot 004.  Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the enlargement of two windows on the 3rd Street façade and one window on the 22nd Street façade, installation of a new canvas awning over the ground floor windows on 3rd and 22nd Streets, new signage and installation of new handicap accessible hardware into the existing main entry door. The subject property is a contributing resource to the Dogpatch Landmark District, and is located within a NCT-2 (Small-Scale Neighborhood Commercial Transit) Zoning District and 45-X Height and Bulk Limit.

Preliminary Recommendation:  Approval


SPEAKER(S):      None

ACTION:              Approved

AYES:                   Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz

MOTION NO:       M-0196




8.         2008.1396E                                               (TIMOTHY JOHNSTON: 415-575-9035)

REGIONAL GROUNDWATER STORAGE AND RECOVERY PROJECT - Public Hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Report. The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) is proposing a project to increase water supply reliability during dry years and in emergencies, by increasing water storage in the South Westside Groundwater Basin during wet and normal years for subsequent recapture during dry years. The proposed project consists of the construction and operation of 16 new groundwater production wells and water treatment facilities to recover the stored groundwater. Each well facility would include the construction of a groundwater production well and associated fenced enclosure or treatment building, distribution pipelines to connect the well to the existing regional water system or to the local distribution system, and overhead or underground utility connections. Most well facilities would provide disinfection and additional treatment (i.e., pH adjustment, fluoridation, and/or iron/manganese removal). In addition, the proposed project includes upgrades to the Westlake Pump Station to serve three new well facilities (Sites 2, 3, and 4), including new fluoride, chlorine, and ammonia chemical storage tanks, replaced or upgraded chemical metering pumps, a resized transformer, and up to three new booster pumps to deliver the additional water into the Daly City distribution system, all of which would be located within the existing pump station building. The SFPUC is proposing this project in coordination with its partner agencies, which include the cities of Daly City and San Bruno, and the California Water Service Company (Cal Water) in its South San Francisco service area (collectively referred to as Partner Agencies). The project includes operation of groundwater well facilities at 16 different locations in Daly City, Colma, South San Francisco, San Bruno, Millbrae, and in unincorporated San Mateo County.

            NOTE: Written comments on the Draft EIR will be accepted at the Planning Department until 5:00 p.m. on May 28, 2013.


PRESENTER(S): Elizabeth [Groh], Carey and Company, Sub-consultant for the DEIR

SPEAKER(S):      None

ACTION:              Directed staff to draft the comment letter for the HPC to review and submit to the Environment Review Officer.



9.         2013.0463U                                                (ANMARIE RODGERS: 415-558-6395)

The Commission will consider a proposed Ordinance amending Administrative Code, Chapter 31 sponsored by Supervisor Kim. This proposed Ordinance [BF No. 130248] would provide for appeals under the California Environmental Quality Act to the Board of Supervisors of environmental impact reports, negative declarations, exemption determinations, and determinations on modified projects; to clarify and update existing Chapter 31 procedures, including without limitation: to provide for the Planning Department or Planning Commission to approve all exemption determinations; to require the Planning Department to establish an electronic notification system; to expand noticing of exempt projects; to require new noticing when filing notices of exemption and notices of determination; to revise noticing of negative declarations and environmental impact reports for plans of 20 acres or more; to provide an expanded role for the Historic Preservation Commission; and making environmental findings.

Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution Recommending Approval of Certain Portions and Disapproval of Certain Portions.


SPEAKER(S):      Susan [Fond], Member of the Sierra Club, in favor of Supervisor Kim’s final approval over Supervisor Wiener’s first approval.  She asserted that Supervisor Kim’s Legislation empowers the HPC to fulfill the Charter mandated duties; Eric Brooks, Representative of SF Green Party, explained the final approval would give the community a final say about the whole project; Howard Wong, SF Tomorrow and Architect, believed in 1) the public process and the full notification process would protect the loss of historic resources at neighborhood level;  2)  Supervisor Kim’s Legislation allows the HPC and the neighbors to better understand the project, be notified and see the project before they are approved at the counter; and 3)  Supervisors Kim and Wiener’s Legislations should be looked at together since they have changed; Hiroshi Fukuda, Chair of the Coalition of SF Land Use and Housing Coalition, noted that people who supported Supervisor Wiener’s Legislation are primarily the development community; and Supervisor Kim’s are the residents; Mike Buhler, San Francisco Architectural Heritage, 1) urged the HPC to endorse today, the Provisions in Supervisor Kim’s Legislation that defined the role of the HPC as originally set forth in the Charter with the passage of Proposition J  that allow the HPC to review and comment on EIRs for projects that impact historic resources and on regulations that have potential impacts on historic resources. 2) He stated that Heritage is in support of a robust electronic notification system particularly if the appeal window was moved earlier in the process. 3) Should earlier appeal window be adopted, there must be an opportunity to allow for subsequent appeals if there were substantial modifications to the project. He stated Supervisor Wiener’s Legislation doesn’t currently define substantial modification subsequent to first approval.  He found that is a deficiency.  4) He supported Commissioner Hyland’s suggestion to reinsert landmark nomination to proceed while appeals are pending back in Supervisor Kim’s Legislation; Salvador, SF Conservation Consortium, pointed out there are some elements included in Supervisor Kim’s Legislation that are not in Supervisor Wiener’s; Rose Hilson believed that land marking should continue during appeals, and urged HPC to support and move forward to the 5/20/13 Land Use Committee meeting those portions of Supervisor Kim’s Legislation that were already approved by Planning Department Resolution 18852, those portions which allow HPC to weigh in on historic resources, and those portions as stated as part of the community process. Tess Welbourne, Haight Ashbury Neighborhood Council and the Community CEQA Improvement Team, asked the HPC to move forward the portion that the HPC had already reviewed, the portion that Planning Commission had made comments on, and the portion in Supervisor Kim’s Legislation that relates to the HPC option to include review of buildings 50 years and older; Peter Cohen, Council of Housing Organizations, said the HPC considerations today and positive support of Supervisor Kim’s legislation would be important for the two Legislations to all merge and be heard together at the 5/20/13 Land Use Committee hearing.

ACTION:               Adopted a Resolution recommending approval of certain portions and disapproval of certain portions, with the additional amendments by Commissioner Hyland: 1) Planning to provide an analysis that clarifies the differences between Supervisors Kim and Wiener’s Legislations regarding when an exemption appeal period ends, i.e. the difference between first approval and last approval; 2) Legislation should allow land mark designation be moved forward while the appeal is pending, and 3) The Legislation should clarify the role of the HPC in the appeals process.

AYES:                   Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz



10.       2008.1084H                                                             (LILY YEGAZU: 415-575-9076)

706 MISSION STREET, north side of Mission Street at the intersection of Third Street and Mission Street, Assessor’s Block 3706, Lot 093. Request for a Major Permit to Alter for an interior and exterior rehabilitation of the Aronson Building, including the removal of non-historic ground-floor infill materials, fire escapes, landings, and rooftop mechanical penthouse structures to accommodate space for the Mexican Museum, retail and restaurant uses, and associated building services. As part of the project the existing non-historic 1978 additions will be removed to integrate the Aronson Building as part of a new 47-story, 550-foot-tall tower with up to 215 residential units. The Aronson Building is a Category I (Significant) building under Article 11 of the Planning code and is within the New Montgomery-Mission-Second Street Conservation District. Constructed in 1903 the Aronson Building is an example of American Commercial Style designed by Hemenway & Miller. The property is located within a Downtown Retail (C-3-R) and 400-I Height and Bulk Limit.

(Continued from 4/3/13 Hearing)

Recommendation: Approval with Conditions


PRESENTER(S): Elisa Skagg, Page and Turnbull  

SPEAKERS in favor of the Project:  Anne Fougeron, Fougeron Architecture; Mark McDonald, Principal of DM Development; Robert Edmonds, Principal of Edmonds + Lee Architects; Fred [Kreble], Independent Construction Management Consultant; Linda [Sabata]

SPEAKERS in objection of the Project:  Bryant Gaffney, Lippe Gaffney Wagner; Paul [Sedway], Board Member of SF Heritage, SPUR; Howard Wexler, Past President of the Redevelopment Agency Commission

ACTION:              Approved with conditions and modifications: 1) Amend Finding 3(H) to read: “The proposed project will not unduly impact the access to sunlight or vistas for the parks and open space.”; 2) Require design improvements to the massing of the base of the tower in relationship to the cornice, including materials and character; and the design be further studied to incorporate relationship to the Aronson Building and the Jessie Street Substation; 3)  Project Sponsor shall present the modified design to the ARC; and 4) the Motion’s Preamble shall include the Tower and its compatibility.

AYES:                   Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz

MOTION NO:       M-0197


11.                                                                                     (SUSAN PARKS: 415-575-9101)

UPDATE ON PRESERVATION WEBSITE – Staff will give an informational presentation regarding updates to the Historic Preservation portion of the Planning Department’s website. The proposed updates will reorganize the content of the website, reflect departmental changes, provide the public with improved digital access to information and planning processes, and create opportunities that encourage community members to become involved in historic preservation within their neighborhoods and across San Francisco.

Preliminary Recommendation: None - Informational


SPEAKER(S):      None

ACTION:              Continued to June 5, 2013 HPC hearing


12.                                                                         (KARL HASZ/TIM FRYE: 415-575-6822)

LANDMARK NO. 250, SHIPWRIGHT’S COTTAGE - 900 Innes Avenue, Landmark Number 250, Shipwright’s Cottage;  northwest corner of Innes Avenue and Griffith Street; Assessor’s Block 4646 Lot 003;  The Commission discussed the condition of the subject property with the community and representatives of the property owner at its January 19, 2011 hearing. At that time the Commission requested that basic repairs occur to preserve the structure. The Commission will discuss the current condition of the subject property and may direct staff to prepare a letter to the property owner and the Department of Building Inspection

Preliminary Recommendation: None


SPEAKER(S):      None

ACTION:              Continued to June 5, 2013 HPC hearing




The minutes was proposed for adoption at the Regular Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission on Wednesday, June 5, 2013

ACTION:           Approved

AYES:              Hasz, Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram

Last updated: 6/11/2013 1:58:07 PM