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January 31, 2013

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Notice of Meeting



Commission Chambers - Room 400

City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

Thursday, January 31, 2013

12:00 PM

Regular Meeting


COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya




STAFF IN ATTENDANCE:  John Rahaim – Director of Planning, Scott Sanchez – Zoning Administrator, Richard Sucre, Daniel Sider, Tom DiSanto, Keith DeMartini, Debra Dwyer, Ben Fu, Elizabeth Watty, Aaron Hollister,  and Jonas P. Ionin - Acting Commission Secretary.




The Commission will consider a request for continuance to a later date.  The Commission may choose to continue the item to the date proposed below, to continue the item to another date, or to hear the item on this calendar.


Item No. 8 was considered under this section.




All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine by the Planning Commission, and will be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the Commission.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Commission, the public, or staff so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing


1.         2011.0030C                                                                         (R. SUCRE: (415) 575-9108)

367 BAYSHORE BOULEVARD - located on a through lot on the east side of Bayshore Boulevard between Flower and Waterloo Streets, Assessor’s Block 5598, Lot 006.  Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 249.65(c)(2)(E) and 303, to establish an automotive wash facility within the Bayshore Boulevard Home Improvement Special Use District. The subject property is located within the PDR-2 (Core Production, Distribution and Repair-Bayview) Zoning District, Bayshore Boulevard Home Improvement Special Use District, and a 65-J Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions



            ACTION:           Approved

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya

MOTION:           18790


2.         2012.0724Z                                                                          (R. SUCRE: (415) 575-9108)

            909 TENNESSEE STREET -  located on the east side of Tennessee Street between 20th and 22nd Streets, Assessor’s Block 4108, Lot 036 -  Request to Initiate a Zoning Map Amendment, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 302 and 306, to amend San Francisco Zoning Map Sheet No. ZN08 to rezone Block No. 4108, Lot 036 (909 Tennessee Street) from P (Public) to UMU (Urban Mixed Use). The subject property is currently located within the P (Public) Zoning District, Dogpatch Historic District, and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions



            ACTION:           Approved

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya





Adoption of Commission Minutes – Charter Section 4.104 requires all commissioners to vote yes or no on all matters unless that commissioner is excused by a vote of the Commission.  Commissioners may not be automatically excluded from a vote on the minutes because they did not attend the meeting.


3.         Consideration of Adoption:


·         Draft Minutes for January 17, 2013


SPEAKERS:     None

ACTION:           Adopted

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya


4.         Commission Comments/Questions

·         Inquiries/Announcements.  Without discussion, at this time Commissioners may make announcements or inquiries of staff regarding various matters of interest to the Commissioner(s).

·         Future Meetings/Agendas.  At this time, the Commission may discuss and take action to set the date of a Special Meeting and/or determine those items that could be placed on the agenda of the next meeting and other future meetings of the Planning Commission.


Commissioner Moore:

I just wanted to report on the ribbon cutting yesterday of the Veterans Commons. A remarkable event. Not just only because of who was in attendance, but also because of the incredible number of people who supported, helped and made this project possible. It’s a lovely adaptive re-use, with a strong historic preservation element. A strong second tax advantage with historic preservation credits, which were, I think, never used before in a manner that were brought forward here. Commissioner Sugaya is the expert on that. It was a great, really joyous moment, to see this project come together as quickly as it did. So, if many people think “can’t do” in San Francisco, “nothing works,” “nothing can be delivered,” it is definitely proof, that an extremely complicated project, if you get to list who indeed helped bring it about, from the Federal Government, Veterans Administration, on and on and on.  I think we can all be very proud of this project.

Commissioner Antonini:

I know that there is legislation that’s being introduced by Supervisor Farrell regarding condominium conversions. As you know, there are many people who are already in tenants-in-common situations, often grouped with people they may not be really close to, and they are co-owners. Until such time as a separation is made. These ownership units becoming individualized. I think this has a lot of promise. My question is, is this going to come before us for some sort of discussion in the future?

Director Rahaim:

Commissioner, I believe that legislation was already introduced, and there has already been one hearing on it, I do not know the schedule at this point, the hearing was continued, and I don’t have the dates. AnMarie is not in today, she had a death in the family. So, I could check with the other legislative staff about that, I do not know the date of the continuance, we can check with the Supervisor’s office on the schedule and we could figure out if there’s a time…

Commissioner Antonini:

It would be nice if there is time when we can have a discussion just to entertain public comment and also the input from other Commissioners on this issue which I think is an important one.

Commissioner Borden:

I happened to come by two interesting events yesterday. One of which was, SF Honda, at the corner of Van Ness and Market, had a reopening event.  It is a family that has had this facility for more than 40 years and they completely remodeled the facility to modernize it.  Honda is making a great investment in them being an anchor and staying in the neighborhood.  It’s just very nice to see people from the Civic Center Community Benefits District, Bayview Merchants and different merchants from around the City really working with this small business that had a lot of support from small businesses in the immediate community and all throughout the City. And the family is very much lauded for being a part of the community and even one of the local restaurants had provided the food and wine for the event. So, it was just great to see that a family owned business that has been around for such long time is surviving and reinvesting back into the community.  Second, I went to an event for Booker T. Washington Community Center, as many of you all know, they need $34 million dollars to complete their project, currently at $33 million dollars they are in the process of trying to raise the final million dollars, to make their project happen. They really need to make that happen sooner, rather than later, because construction costs are starting to go up, and if they don’t break ground soon, they will be in a situation that will be more costly to build that project.  Just to remind everybody that this project is a community center with a combination of 40 units for emancipated foster youth and other youth that are in the system.  It is a great project. I hope that they are successful, because they actually still have legal battles that they are dealing with in the courts as well.

Commissioner Sugaya:

Following up on Commissioner Moore’s comment on Veterans Commons, for those of you who do not know the address is 150 Otis Street, which is kind of in the back of where the Planning Department is located on Mission Street Just to take a second to elaborate, it did use a combination of Federal tax credits, both low income tax credits and also historic preservation tax credits, which Commissioner Moore mentioned. The historic preservation tax credits are worth as tax credits not a deduction as a straight credit 20% of the rehabilitation costs of the project, so it’s a substantial amount coming back to the, well, I can’t say the developer, because they are non-profit organizations. In the case where they are non-profits, it can be syndicated, and I think in this case it’s maybe Bank of America.  Wells provided some other financing, but I think BofA is taking the tax credit. So is a really good project, HPC did review the project and gave it its blessing and the Mayor’s Office of Housing was of course involved, all around I think it was an excellent project and a good example, not only for historic preservation, but for affordable housing in the City.

Commissioner Moore:

Could I chime in Commissioner Sugaya. I had the ability to communicate the portion about the historic preservation tax credits to Speaker of the House Pelosi, who didn’t know anything about it. I was actually 3 or 4 back in line, and had the opportunity to remind her of how important this was, because she was unaware that you combine the two things. So, we hope that this will help us perhaps with other like projects in San Francisco.

Commissioner Wu:

So it’s great to see this project get so much attention. I think that it’s really an opportunity to think for surplus land for the City.  I believe the advocacy around surplus land is where the conversation first started. I also wanted to mention that I had the pleasure of introducing Director Rahaim at a SPUR forum, that he somewhat controversially titled, last week, and it’s really a missed opportunity at the Commission, that we don’t really talk about long term vision, as much as we could. Director Rahaim, laid out six directions that he thinks we need to go in the next three to five years. I think I would love to either see it here at Commission or somewhere more public sort of, maybe hosted by the Planning Department or within the Department, but really a public forum for us to talk about short and long-term vision for this Department rather than being focused every week on our agenda.

Commissioner Fong:

I will have to agree with that, I do not know what the forum is, when we bring it into play, but I’d love to see the notes if you had a package doc that went along with those, Commissioners might have interest and that might spread the idea of bringing it before us as a larger body.

Commissioner Sugaya:

Yes, two things, along that line, there was a piece in the paper about other Commissions and Boards  holding annual retreats. I think at the beginning of the year. I know there is a noticing issue, but sometimes I think the public realizes they don’t have to show up all the time.  Anyway, it might be an idea to take in consideration and I think it was, I forget the Commission who do they meet here, but they held their retreat, they were in the City, I think it was Southwest Community Center. Just back on Veteran’s Commons, Swords to Plowshares is the sponsoring organization and they were assisted in the development by Chinatown CDC.

Commissioner Fong:

I wanted to add one thing and maybe, I apologize if it’s in your Director’s report, but yesterday, was the kick-off meeting for the Citizen’s Advisory Group for the permit tracking system and some people in the audience were there yesterday, as well, offering very sound comments in my opinion. It’s moving along quite well. Yesterday, was the first of a couple of different meetings and there will be some testing and training that goes along in the spring and into the fall, but I think it’s a worthy project and in the short and long term, the Department and public will benefit from it.


5.         Review and Approval of Combined Commission Secretary Position Announcement and Recruitment Process - Commissioner Antonini will present this item.






6.         Director’s Announcements


Director Rahaim:

I did also want to mention the Citizen's Advisory Committee for the permit tracking system, I appreciate President Fong's involvement and Commissioner Hasz from the Historic Preservation Commission is also on that Committee. I'm thrilled to say we're on target, on schedule on that project for a fall roll out so I'm very happy about that. I also wanted to give the Commission a very brief update on the Academy of Art and the notices of violation you probably saw the article in the paper today. They did meet the requested items to meet their January 24th deadline on those conditions of the violations from last week and today they are 99% of the way there.  They have agreed to the scopes of the environmental review, the last two pieces of the scope of the environmental review which is the deadline for today and we're working out some final details on that.  I'm optimistic that will happen by the end of the day or first thing in the morning. So far, they are meeting their required deadlines as the conditions of those notices of violation. There is no Board of Supervisor's report today I don't believe and no Board of Appeals either, they did not meet this week.


7.         Review of Past Week’s Events at the Board of Supervisors, Board of Appeals, and Historic Preservation Commission.



No Report


No Report


No Report



            8.                                                                                                     (D. SIDER: (415) 558-6697)

                        PLANNING COMMISSION POLICY ON TIMING OF PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION - Discussion and possible action on a Resolution, that would establish Planning Commission policies regarding time frames for the implementation of projects generally requiring Commission approval.


SPEAKERS:     None

ACTION:           Continued to February 28, 2013




At this time, members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission except agenda items.  However, for items where public comment is closed this is your opportunity to address the Commission.  With respect to all other agenda items, your opportunity to address the Commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting.  Each member of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes.


SPEAKERS:     Dr. Espanola Jackson, Sala-Haqueenyah Chandler, Robert Woods, Sue Vaughan, Paul Wermer, Jim Salinas, Linda Chapman, Sue Hestor, Sebastian Jackowitz




9.                                                          (T. DISANTO/K. DEMARTINI: (415) 575-9113/575-9118)

FY 2013-2015 PROPOSED DEPARTMENT BUDGET – A presentation of the department's revenue and expenditure budget in FY 2013-2014 and FY2014-2015, including grants, technology and capital budget requests, and proposed staffing changes.  No Action Required - Informational Only



ACTION:          Informational only


10.        2000.618E                                                                           (D. DWYER: (415) 575-9031)

801 BRANNAN STREET/1 HENRY ADAMS STREET PROJECT - The proposed project has two sites: one on the south side of Brannan Street between 7th and 8th Streets [Block 3783, Lot 001] and one on the east side of Henry Adams Street between Division and Alameda Streets [Block 3911, Lot 001] – Certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report. The proposed project would include demolition of the existing Concourse Exhibition Hall on the 801 Brannan site and demolition of the three existing commercial/industrial buildings on the One Henry Adams site, and would include new construction of three mixed-use residential and retail buildings on the 801 Brannan site as well as two mixed-use residential and retail buildings at the One Henry Adams site. All buildings would be 68-feet-tall (six stories).  The easternmost portion of the 801 Brannan site would be dedicated to the City in partial fulfillment of the project’s Inclusionary Affordable Housing requirement.  Up to 150 units of affordable housing would be constructed on that portion of the 801 Brannan site under the direction of the Mayor’s Office of Housing (MOH).  There are three project variants proposed. Variant 1 would include new construction of two mixed-use residential and retail buildings on the 801 Brannan site.  Variants 2 and 3 would include new construction of three mixed-use residential and retail buildings on the 801 Brannan site. Variants 1 and 2 would not change development at the One Henry Adams site and would not include land dedication to the City.  Variant 3 would include new construction of two mixed-use buildings on the One Henry Adams site.  Total development would include up to 1,187,943 gross square feet, with up to 824 residential units, 54,598 square feet of retail space, and 866 parking spaces. Under the project or its variants, the 801 Brannan site also would include creation of a two-way, publicly accessible alley which would connect Seventh and Eighth Streets and which would provide access to the proposed project’s parking garages. The project sites are located in the UMU (Urban Mixed Use) Zoning District and 68-X height and bulk district. The proposed project is seeking exceptions for rear yard, street frontage and mass reduction pursuant to Planning Code Section 329, Large Project Authorization within the Eastern Neighborhoods.  In addition, Conditional Use authorization is required for 71 parking spaces at the One Henry Adams site. 

NOTE: The public hearing on the Draft EIR is closed. The public comment period for the Draft EIR ended on August 8, 2011. The Planning Commission does not conduct public review of Final EIRs. Public comments on the certification may be presented to the Planning Commission during the Public Comment portion of the Commission calendar.

Preliminary Recommendation: Certify the Final EIR

(Continued from Regular Meeting of January 24, 2013)


SPEAKERS:     None

ACTION:           Certified the EIR

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Moore, Sugaya

RECUSED:       Hillis

MOTION:           18792


11a.      2012.0700X                                                                                   (B. FU: (415) 558-6613)

801 BRANNAN STREET - south side between 7th and 8th Streets, Lot 001 in Assessor's Block 3783- Request under Planning Code Section 329 for Large Project Authorization to allow demolition of the existing Concourse Exhibition Hall and construction of a new six-story, 68-foot tall building consisting of up to 432 dwelling units, approximately 19,650 square feet of ground floor retail, and parking for up to 422 spaces, and Planning Code exceptions including (1) rear yard pursuant to Planning Code Section 134, (2) off-street loading pursuant to Planning Code Section 152.1, and (3) horizontal mass reduction pursuant to Planning Code Section 270.1.The subject property is located within the UMU (Urban Mixed Use) District with a 68-X Height and Bulk Designation.  The proposed project is identified as Variant Three in the FEIR and is associated with the development at 1 Henry Adams.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions

                        (Continued from Regular Meeting of January 24, 2013)


SPEAKERS:   Olson Lee, Amir Massey, Paula Krugmeyer, David Baker, Sue Hestor, Celia Schuman, David Whiteside, Rich Stevens, Sue Vaughan, Kalo Ziegas, Michael McKenna

ACTION:           Approved with Conditions

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Moore, Sugaya

RECUSED:       Hillis

MOTION:           18793


11b.      2012.0701X                                                                                 (B. FU: (415) 558-6613)

1 HENRY ADAMS STREET - east side between Division and Alameda Streets, Lot 001 in Assessor's Block 3911- Request under Planning Code Section 329 for Large Project Authorization to allow demolition of existing structures and construction of two new six-story, 68-foot tall buildings consisting of up to 239 dwelling units, approximately 11,770 square feet of ground floor retail, and parking for up to 164 spaces, and Planning Code exceptions including (1) rear yard pursuant to Planning Code Section 134, (2) street frontage pursuant to Planning Code Section 145.1, (3) off-street loading pursuant to Planning Code Section 152.1, and (4) horizontal mass reduction pursuant to Planning Code Section 270.1.  The subject property is located within the UMU (Urban Mixed Use) District with a 68-X Height and Bulk Designation.  The proposed project is identified as Variant Three in the FEIR and is associated with the development at 801 Brannan Street.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions

                        (Continued from Regular Meeting of January 24, 2013)


SPEAKERS:   Olson Lee, Amir Massey, Paula Krugmeyer, David Baker, Sue Hestor, Celia Schuman, David Whiteside, Rich Stevens, Sue Vaughan, Kalo Ziegas, Michael McKenna

ACTION:           Approved with Conditions

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Moore, Sugaya

RECUSED:       Hillis

MOTION:           18794


12a.      2011.0038CEKVX!                                                                (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

250 FOURTH STREET - northwest corner of Fourth and Clementina Streets; Lot 008 in Assessor’s Block 3733 - Request for Determination of Compliance, pursuant to Planning Code Section 309, with exceptions to the requirements for "Reduction of Ground-Level Wind Currents in C-3 Districts" (Section 148) and “Tour Bus Loading” (Section 162). The proposed project would demolish the existing two-story-over-basement, approximately 30-foot tall, 31,200-sf office/educational building, occupied by Olivet Theological University, and would construct a new, 11-story, 78,000 gsf, 220-room tourist hotel building, including 4,265 sq. ft. of ground-floor restaurant/bar space.  The project site is located within the C-3-S (Downtown Support) Zoning District, SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District and the 130-L Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation:   Approval with Conditions

(Continued from Regular Meeting of January 17, 2013)


SPEAKERS:     Danny Aguyar, Dan Fratten, Caballa ________

ACTION:           Continued to February 28, 2013

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya


12b.      2011.0038CEKVX!                                                               (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

250 FOURTH STREET - northwest corner of Fourth and Clementina Streets; Lot 008 in Assessor’s Block 3733 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 216(b), 249.40A and 303 to allow up to 220 tourist hotel guestrooms with ground-floor restaurant and bar. The proposed project would demolish the existing two-story-over-basement, approximately 30-foot tall, 31,200-sf office/educational building, occupied by Olivet Theological University, and would construct a new, 11-story, 78,000 gsf, 220-room tourist hotel building, including 4,265 sq. ft. of ground-floor restaurant/bar space. The project site is located within the C-3-S (Downtown Support) Zoning District, SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District and the 130-L Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation:  Approval with Conditions

(Continued from Regular Meeting of January 17, 2013)


SPEAKERS:     Danny Aguyar, Dan Fratten, Caballa ________

ACTION:           Continued to February 28, 2013

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya


12c.      2011.0038CEKVX!                                                                (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

250 FOURTH STREET - northwest corner of Fourth and Clementina Streets; Lot 008 in Assessor’s Block 3733 - Request for Variances, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 145.1 to allow a reduced percentage of transparent frontage on Clementina Street as well as non-active uses within the first 25 feet of building depth on the ground floor. The proposed project would demolish the existing two-story-over-basement, approximately 30-foot tall, 31,200-sf office/educational building, occupied by Olivet Theological University, and would construct a new, 11-story, 78,000 gsf, 220-room tourist hotel building, including 4,265 sq. ft. of ground-floor restaurant/bar space. The project site is located within the C-3-S (Downtown Support) Zoning District, SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District and the 130-L Height and Bulk District.

(Continued from Regular Meeting of January 17, 2013)



13a.      2012.0083EcV                                                               (A. HOLLISTER: (415) 575-9078)

400 GROVE STREET (A.K.A. PARCEL “H”) - northwest corner of Grove and Gough Streets - Lot 103 of Assessor’s Block 0793 -  Request for Conditional Use Authorization to allow development on a lot exceeding 10,000 square feet.  The proposal is to remove an existing surface parking lot and construct a new four- to five-story development containing up to 34 dwelling units, approximately 2,035 square feet of ground floor commercial area and 17 off-street residential parking spaces within an underground garage.  The subject property is located within the NCT-3 (Moderate-Scale Neighborhood Commercial Transit) Zoning District and the 40-X and 50-X Height and Bulk Districts.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions


SPEAKERS:     Danielle Dugan, Ann Fu-Jean, Gary Schilling, Robin Levitt, Tim Collen, Alan Mark, Michael Adler, Pauline Schaver, Chris D’Wise, James Mondon

ACTION:           Approved with Conditions

AYES:              Fong, Wu, Antonini, Borden, Hillis, Moore, Sugaya

MOTION:           18795


13b.      2012.0083EcV                                                              (A. HOLLISTER: (415) 575-9078)

400 GROVE STREET (a.k.a. PARCEL “H”) - northwest corner of Grove and Gough Streets - Lot 103 of Assessor’s Block 0793 - Request for Variances from the requirements of Planning Code Sections 134 (Rear Yard), 135 (Useable Open Space), 136 (Projections over Streets), and 140 (Dwelling Unit Exposure).  The proposal is to remove an existing surface parking lot and construct a new four- to five-story development containing up to 34 dwelling units, approximately 2,035 square feet of ground floor commercial space and 17 off-street residential parking spaces within an underground garage.  The subject property is located within the NCT-3 (Moderate-Scale Neighborhood Commercial Transit) Zoning District and the 40-X and 50-X Height and Bulk Districts.





At this time, members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission except agenda items.  With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the Commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting with one exception.  When the agenda item has already been reviewed in a public hearing at which members of the public were allowed to testify and the Commission has closed the public hearing, your opportunity to address the Commission must be exercised during the Public Comment portion of the Calendar.  Each member of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes.


The Brown Act forbids a commission from taking action or discussing any item not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public comment.  In response to public comment, the commission is limited to:


(1)  responding to statements made or questions posed by members of the public; or

(2)  requesting staff to report back on a matter at a subsequent meeting; or

(3)   directing staff to place the item on a future agenda.  (Government Code Section 54954.2(a))



Adjournment: 4:16 PM


Adopted: February 14, 2013

Last updated: 3/2/2016 3:23:28 PM