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April 26, 2012 - Special Meeting (CPMC)

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Notice of Meeting



Commission Chambers - Room 400

City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

Thursday, April 26, 2012

10:00 AM

Special Meeting


                                 President:                        Rodney Fong

         Vice-President:                 Cindy Wu

                                 Commissioners:                Michael J. Antonini; Gwyneth Borden; Ron Miguel; Kathrin Moore; Hisashi Sugaya


Commission Secretary: Linda D. Avery

Commission Calendars are available on the Internet at
or as a recorded message at (415) 558-6422.

Case reports and relevant materials are linked to the items on calendar at the above web site.


View the meeting online at:


View the broadcast live, Thursdays on Cable Channel 78.


The re-broadcast on Fridays at 8:00 p.m., Cable Channel 26





Commission Meeting Procedures

Material submitted by the public for Commission review prior to a scheduled hearing should be received by the Planning Department reception counter at 1650 Mission Street, 4th floor, no later than 5:00 PM the Wednesday (eight days) prior to the scheduled public hearing.  Persons unable to attend a hearing may submit written comments regarding a calendared item to: Planning Commission, 1650 Mission Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA  94103-2414.  Comments received by 9:30 AM on the day of the hearing will be made part of the official record and will be brought to the attention of the Planning Commission at the public hearing.  Otherwise, submit material related to a calendared item at the scheduled hearing for distribution.  For complete distribution to all Commissioners, necessary staff and case/docket/correspondence files, submit an original plus 10 copies.  When sending e-mail correspondence to Commissioners, please copy the Commission Secretary at:


Pursuant to Government Code Section 65009, if you challenge, in court, (1) the adoption or amendment of a general plan, (2) the adoption or amendment of a zoning ordinance, (3) the adoption or amendment of any regulation attached to a specific plan, (4) the adoption, amendment or modification of a development agreement, or (5) the approval of a variance, conditional-use authorization, or any permit, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission, at, or prior to, the public hearing.


Commission action on conditional-uses and reclassification may be appealed to the Board of Supervisors within 30 days.  Call (415) 554-5184 for more information.  Commission actions after Discretionary Review may be appealed to the Board of Appeals within 15 days of action by the Central Permit Bureau. Call (415) 575-6880 for more information.  Zoning Administrator action on a variance application may be appealed to the Board of Appeals within 10 days of issuance of the written decision.


The Commission has instituted a policy that, in most cases, they will not call an item for consideration after 10:00 PM.  If an item is scheduled but not called or introduced prior to 10:00 PM, the Commission may continue the matter to the next available hearing.  Items listed on this calendar will not be heard before the stated time.


Policy on Commissioner’s requests for hearings:  There must be consensus of the Commission (four commissioners) or direction from the President/Chair to schedule a hearing that otherwise would not be scheduled.


Cell Phone and/or Sound-Producing Electronic Devices Usage at Hearings

Effective January 21, 2001, the Board of Supervisors amended the Sunshine Ordinance by adding the following provision:  The ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting.  Please be advised that the Chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices (67A.1 Prohibiting the use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices at and during public meetings).


For more information related to Planning Commission matters, please call Linda D.  Avery, Commission Secretary, at (415) 558-6407.


San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance

Attention: Individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action my be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance [SF Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code Section 21.00-2.160] to register and report lobbying activity.  For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the Ethics Commission at 30 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 3900, San Francisco, CA 94102; telephone (415) 581-2300; fax (415) 581-2317; and web site http//


Accessible Meeting Policy

Hearings are held at City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 400, fourth floor, San Francisco, CA.  The closest accessible BART station is the Civic Center station located at the intersection of Market, Hyde and Grove Streets.  Accessible curbside parking has been designated at points along McAllister Street. Accessible MUNI lines serving City Hall are the 9 San Bruno and 71 Haight/Noriega and the F Line.  Accessible MUNI Metro lines are the J, K, L, M, and N.  For more information regarding MUNI accessible services, call (415) 923-6142.  Requests for American Sign Language interpreters, sound enhancement systems and/or language translators will be available upon request by contacting Lulu Hwang at (415) 558-6318 at least 48 hours prior to a hearing.  A sound enhancement system will be available upon request at the meetings.  Please contact Services for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired at 557-5533 (TDD) or 557-5534 (Voice) at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.  Late requests will be honored if possible.  A person who is deaf or hearing impaired may gain meeting information prior to the meeting by calling 557-4433 (TDD) or 557-4434 (Voice).  In addition, the California Relay Service can be used by individuals with hearing and speech impairments by calling 1-800-735-2929 (TDD) or 1-800-735-2922 (Voice).  Minutes of the meetings are available in alternative formats.  If you require the use of a reader during the meeting, please contact the Library for the Blind and Print Handicapped at 292-2022 at least 48 hours in advance of need.  Accessible seating for persons with disabilities (including those using wheelchairs) will be available at meetings.  Individuals with severe allergies, environmental illnesses, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities should call our accessibility hotline at (415) 554-8925 to discuss meeting accessibility.  In order to assist the City’s efforts to accommodate such people, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical-based products.  Please help the City to accommodate these individuals.


Know Your Rights Under the Sunshine Ordinance

Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public.  Commissions, boards, councils and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people's business.  This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review.


For more information on your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance (Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code) or to report a violation of the ordinance, contact Adele Destro, Interim Administrator, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 409, by phone at (415) 554-7724, by fax at (415) 554-7854 or by E-mail at


Copies of the Sunshine Ordinance can be obtained from the Clerk of the Sunshine Task Force, the San Francisco Library and on the City’s website at



Note: Each item on the Consent or Regular calendar may include the following documents:

   1) Planning Department Case Executive Summary

   2) Planning Department Case Report

   3) Draft Motion or Resolution with Findings and/or Conditions

   4) Public Correspondence

These items will be available for review at the Planning Department, 1650 Mission St., 4th floor reception.

10:00 AM


ROLL CALL:                                                     

                                 President:                        Rodney Fong

         Vice-President:                 Cindy Wu

                                 Commissioners:                Michael J. Antonini; Gwyneth Borden; Ron Miguel; Kathrin Moore; Hisashi Sugaya



        CPMC LRDP

EIR Certification and Approvals Hearing


NOTE:  The Commission will hold one public hearing for the public to provide testimony on all items listed below, including consideration of whether to certify the EIR.  Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will consider action on certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report; following action on that item, the Planning Commission will separately consider all other actions and entitlements related to the California Pacific Medical Center Long Range Development Plan Project.


1.          2005.0555E                                                                (D. JAIN: (415) 575-9051)

            CALIFORNIA PACIFIC MEDICAL CENTER LONG RANGE DEVELOPMENT PLAN  - Certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report – St. Luke’s Campus (3555 & 3615 Cesar Chavez Street; 1580 Valencia Street; 555 San Jose Avenue): generally bounded by Cesar Chavez Street, Valencia Street, Duncan Street, San Jose Avenue, and 27th Street (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 6575-001, -002; 6576-021 and a portion of San Jose Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and 27th Street); Cathedral Hill Campus (1100 & 1101 Van Ness Avenue; 1255 Post Street; 1020, 1028-1030, 1034-1036, 1040-1052, 1054-1060, & 1062 Geary Street; 1375 Sutter Street): generally bounded by Franklin Street, Polk Street, Geary Street/Boulevard and Sutter Street (Assessor’s Blocks/Lots 0690-016, 0694-005, 0694-006, 0694-007, 0694-008, 0694-009, 0694-009A, 0694-010, 0695-005, 0695-006); Davies Campus (601 Duboce Avenue): generally bounded by Castro Street, Noe Street, 14th Street and Duboce Avenue (Assessor's Block/Lot 3539-001); California Campus (3773, 3801, 3901 & 3905 Sacramento Street; 3698, 3700, 3838 & 3848-3850 California Street; 460 Cherry Street): generally bounded by Cherry Street, Spruce Street, Sacramento Street and California Street (Assessor’s Block/Lot 1015-001, 1015-016, 1015-052, 1015-053, 1015-054, 1016-001, 1016-002, 1016-003, 1016-004, 1016-005, 1016-006, 1016-007, 1016-008, 1016-009, 1017-027, 1017-028); and Pacific Campus (2330, 2340-2360, 2351, 2400 & 2405 Clay Street; 2315 & 2333 Buchanan Street; 2018, 2100 & 2200 Webster Street; 2315, 2323, 2324, 2329 & 2395 Sacramento Street; 2300 California Street): generally bounded by Fillmore Street, Buchanan Street, Washington Street and California Street (Assessor's Block/Lot 0612-008, 0613-002, 0613-029, 0628-013, 0628-014, 0629-041, 0629-044, 0636-033, 0637-014, 0637-015, 0637-016, 0637-017, 0637-018, 0637-019) –The  proposed  project  is  the California Pacific Medical Center’s Long Range Development Plan (CPMC  LRDP), a multi-phased plan, to meet State seismic safety  requirements for hospitals; to create a 20-year  framework for CPMC's four existing medical  campuses (Pacific  Campus  at  Sacramento  and  Buchanan Streets, California  Campus at Maple and California Streets, Davies Campus at Castro and  14th  Streets,  and  St.  Luke’s  Campus  at Cesar Chavez and Valencia Streets); and  for construction of a  new  medical  campus  (Cathedral Hill Campus at Van Ness Avenue  and  Geary Boulevard) in San Francisco.  When completed, the proposed Cathedral Hill Campus would allow CPMC to consolidate existing acute-care and primary emergency services, and Women’s and Children’s Center at existing campuses within the new Cathedral Hill Hospital, as well as to redevelop its existing campuses. The CPMC LRDP includes Near-Term and Long-Term Projects.  The Near-Term Projects include the following:  (1) Cathedral Hill Campus would include: (a) demolition of the existing on-site vacant Cathedral Hill Hotel and 1255 Post Street office building and development of a new 15-story, 555-bed hospital with 513 underground parking spaces; (b) demolition of seven existing, on-site vacant residential and commercial buildings and construction of a new medical office building (the Cathedral Hill MOB) with 542 underground parking spaces; (c) an underground   pedestrian  tunnel beneath  Van  Ness  Avenue connecting  the new Cathedral Hill MOB and new hospital; (d) conversion of the 1375 Sutter Street office building to exclusively MOB use, (e) conversion of Cedar Street to two-way operation west of the Cathedral Hill MOB garage access; and (f) various streetscape, sidewalk, and landscape improvements; and (g) other implementation activities regarding the transfer of existing medical uses to the Cathedral Hill Campus; (2) St. Luke’s Campus  would include: (a) street vacation of a portion of San Jose Avenue between Cesar Chavez and 27th Streets and construction of a new five-story, 80-bed replacement hospital, (b) demolition of the existing on-site St. Luke's hospital tower and  construction of a five-story MOB/Expansion Building with approximately 220 underground parking spaces on  the  site  of  the  former  (demolished)  hospital, and (c) various streetscape improvements such as a new entry plaza, courtyard, and pedestrian pathway; and (3) Davies Campus would include construction of a new, four-story Neuroscience Institute building on a portion of the Davies Campus at the corner of Noe Street and Duboce Avenue.

            The Long-Term Projects at the Davies Campus would include demolition of the existing parking garage at 14th and Castro Streets and construction of a three-story MOB.  The Long-Term Projects at the Pacific Campus would include construction of a new underground parking garage, a new, nine-story Ambulatory Care Center (ACC) Addition and construction of a new, six-story (plus top deck) parking garage, and demolition of certain existing on-site buildings to facilitate the proposed construction.  There are no Near-Term or Long-Term Projects proposed for the California Campus. 

            The  proposed  new  Cathedral  Hill  Hospital  Campus  is  within  the RC-4 (Residential  Commercial-High  Density)  Use  District,  NC-3 (Neighborhood Commercial, Moderate-Scale) Use District, and Van Ness Special Use District (SUD);  and  130-V and 130-E Height and Bulk Districts.  The Pacific Campus is within the RM-1 and RM-2 (Low Density Residential, Mixed and Moderate Density Residential, Mixed, respectively) Use Districts; and 40-X and 160-F Height and Bulk Districts.  The California Campus is within the RM-2 and RH-2 (Residential, House, Two-Family) Use District; and the 80-E and 40-X Height and Bulk Districts. The Davies Campus is within the RH-3 (Residential, House, Three-Family) Use District; and the 65-D and 130-E Height and Bulk Districts. The St. Luke’s Campus is within the RH-2 (Residential, House, Two-Family) Use District; and 65-A and 105-E Height and Bulk Districts.  The Final EIR concluded that implementation of the CPMC LRDP would result in significant unavoidable environmental impacts related to Transportation; Air Quality; Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions; and Noise.

            Preliminary Recommendation: Certify the Final Environmental Impact Report.

Note: The public hearing on the Draft EIR was closed. The public comment period   for the Draft EIR ended on October 19, 2010.


2.             2005.0555; 2004.0603; 2009.0885; 2009.0886; 2012.0403 (Packet, Plans)

                                                                                                                          (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

            CALIFORNIA PACIFIC MEDICAL CENTER LONG RANGE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROJECTSt. Luke’s Campus (3555 & 3615 Cesar Chavez Street; 1580 Valencia Street; 555 San Jose Avenue): generally bounded by Cesar Chavez Street, Valencia Street, Duncan Street, San Jose Avenue, and 27th Street (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 6575-001, -002; 6576-021 and a portion of San Jose Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and 27th Street); Cathedral Hill Campus (1100 & 1101 Van Ness Avenue; 1255 Post Street; 1020, 1028-1030, 1034-1036, 1040-1052, 1054-1060, & 1062 Geary Street; 1375 Sutter Street): generally bounded by Franklin Street, Polk Street, Geary Street/Boulevard and Sutter Street (Assessor’s Blocks/Lots 0690-016, 0694-005, 0694-006, 0694-007, 0694-008, 0694-009, 0694-009A, 0694-010, 0695-005, 0695-006); Davies Campus (601 Duboce Avenue): generally bounded by Castro Street, Noe Street, 14th Street and Duboce Avenue (Assessor's Block/Lot 3539-001); ); California Campus (3773, 3801, 3901 & 3905 Sacramento Street; 3698, 3700, 3838 & 3848-3850 California Street; 460 Cherry Street): generally bounded by Cherry Street, Spruce Street, Sacramento Street and California Street (Assessor’s Block/Lot 1015-001, 1015-016, 1015-052, 1015-053, 1015-054, 1016-001, 1016-002, 1016-003, 1016-004, 1016-005, 1016-006, 1016-007, 1016-008, 1016-009, 1017-027, 1017-028); and Pacific Campus (2330, 2340-2360, 2351, 2400 & 2405 Clay Street; 2315 & 2333 Buchanan Street; 2018, 2100 & 2200 Webster Street; 2315, 2323, 2324, 2329 & 2395 Sacramento Street; 2300 California Street): generally bounded by Fillmore Street, Buchanan Street, Washington Street and California Street (Assessor's Block/Lot 0612-008, 0613-002, 0613-029, 0628-013, 0628-014, 0629-041, 0629-044, 0636-033, 0637-014, 0637-015, 0637-016, 0637-017, 0637-018, 0637-019)  California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) currently operates a four-campus hospital system with four acute care hospitals and emergency departments, one each on the St. Luke's, Davies, Pacific and California Campuses.  To comply with State seismic safety laws regarding acute care hospitals, CPMC plans to modernize its facilities through a city-wide system of care on five campuses, including the creation of a new campus, the Cathedral Hill Campus, at Van Ness Avenue and Geary Street/Boulevard (the "Project").


a.             2005.0555; 2004.0603; 2009.0885; 2009.0886; 2012.0403    (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

            CALIFORNIA PACIFIC MEDICAL CENTER’S LONG RANGE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROJECTSt. Luke’s Campus (3555 & 3615 Cesar Chavez Street; 1580 Valencia Street; 555 San Jose Avenue): generally bounded by Cesar Chavez Street, Valencia Street, Duncan Street, San Jose Avenue, and 27th Street (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 6575/001, 002; 6576/021 and a portion of San Jose Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and 27th Street); Cathedral Hill Campus (1100 & 1101 Van Ness Avenue; 1255 Post Street; 1020, 1028-1030, 1034-1036, 1040-1052, 1054-1060, & 1062 Geary Street; 1375 Sutter Street): generally bounded by Franklin Street, Polk Street, Geary Street/Boulevard and Sutter Street (Assessor’s Blocks/Lots 0690-016, 0694-005, 0694-006, 0694-007, 0694-008, 0694-009, 0694-009A, 0694-010, 0695-005, 0695-006); Davies Campus (601 Duboce Avenue): generally bounded by Castro Street, Noe Street, 14th Street and Duboce Avenue (Assessor's Block/Lot 3539-001) – Adoption of Findings under the California Environmental Quality Act. CPMC currently operates a four-campus hospital system with four acute care hospitals and emergency departments, one each on the St. Luke's, Davies, Pacific and California Campuses.  To comply with State seismic safety laws regarding acute care hospitals, CPMC plans to modernize its facilities through a city-wide system of care on five campuses, including the creation of a new campus at Van Ness Avenue and Geary Street/Boulevard (the "Project").

            Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt California Environmental Quality Act Findings


b.         2009.0886MTZCBRSK                                               (E. WATTY: 415) 558-6620)

3555 & 3615 CESAR CHAVEZ STREET; 1580 Valencia Street; 555 San Jose Avenue (St. Luke’s Campus) – The St. Luke’s Campus is generally bounded by Cesar Chavez Street, Valencia Street, Duncan Street, San Jose Avenue, and 27th Street (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 6575/001, 002; 6576/021 and a portion of San Jose Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and 27th Street) – Request for General Plan Amendments, pursuant to Planning Code Section 340, to: (i) amend Map 4 (Height Map) of the Urban Design Element of the General Plan to reflect the proposed maximum height  of 105’-0” at the St. Luke’s Campus; and (ii) amend Map 5 (Bulk Map) of the Urban Design Element of the General Plan to reflect the maximum bulk dimensions proposed for the new hospital and medical office building at the St. Luke’s Campus.

Preliminary Recommendation: Recommend Approval to the Board of Supervisors


c.         2009.0885EMTZCBRSK                                          (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

1100 & 1101 VAN NESS AVENUE; 1255 Post Street; 1020, 1028-1030, 1034-1036, 1040-1052, 1054-1060, & 1062 Geary Street (Cathedral Hill Campus) - The Cathedral Hill Hospital site is a full city block bounded by Van Ness Avenue, Geary Boulevard, Franklin Street, and Post Street (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 0695/005, 006); the Cathedral Hill MOB site is on the east side of Van Ness Avenue, between Geary and Cedar Streets (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 0694/005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 009A, 010) – Request for General Plan Amendments, pursuant to Planning Code Section 340, to: (i) amend Map 4 (Height Map) of the Urban Design Element of the General Plan to reflect the proposed maximum height at the Cathedral Hill Hospital site; (ii) amend Map 5 (Bulk Map) of the Urban Design Element of the General Plan to reflect the maximum bulk dimensions proposed for the Cathedral Hill Hospital and Cathedral Hill MOB sites;  (iii) amend Map 1 (Generalized Land Use and Density Plan) of the Van Ness Area Plan of the General Plan in order to designate the Cathedral Hill Hospital and Cathedral Hill MOB sites as "the Van Ness Medical Use Subdistrict" and increase the allowable FAR for the Cathedral Hill Hospital site from 7:1 to 9:1 and for the Cathedral Hill MOB site from 7:1 to 7.5:1, (iv) amend Map 2 (Height and Bulk Districts) of the Van Ness Area Plan of the General Plan to create a 265-V District coterminous with the Cathedral Hill Hospital site, thereby increasing the permitted height to 265'-0", and (v) amend the text of the Van Ness Area Plan of the General Plan to facilitate the development of a medical center at the transit nexus of Van Ness Avenue and Geary Boulevard and reflect various elements of this use. 

Preliminary Recommendation: Recommend Approval to the Board of Supervisors


d.             2005.0555; 2004.0603; 2009.0885; 2009.0886; 2012.0403    (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

CALIFORNIA PACIFIC MEDICAL CENTER’S LONG RANGE DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROJECTSt. Luke’s Campus (3555 & 3615 Cesar Chavez Street; 1580 Valencia Street; 555 San Jose Avenue): generally bounded by Cesar Chavez Street, Valencia Street, Duncan Street, San Jose Avenue, and 27th Street (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 6575/001, 002; 6576/021 and a portion of San Jose Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and 27th Street); Cathedral Hill Campus (1100 & 1101 Van Ness Avenue; 1255 Post Street; 1020, 1028-1030, 1034-1036, 1040-1052, 1054-1060, & 1062 Geary Street; 1375 Sutter Street): generally bounded by Franklin Street, Polk Street, Geary Street/Boulevard and Sutter Street (Assessor’s Blocks/Lots 0690-016, 0694-005, 0694-006, 0694-007, 0694-008, 0694-009, 0694-009A, 0694-010, 0695-005, 0695-006); and Davies Campus (601 Duboce Avenue): generally bounded by Castro Street, Noe Street, 14th Street and Duboce Avenue (Assessor's Block/Lot 3539-001) – Consideration of a motion making findings of consistency with the General Plan and the Priority Policies of Planning Code Section 101.1.

Preliminary Recommendation:  Adopt General Plan and 101.1 Consistency Findings


e.         2009.0886MTZCBRSK                                             (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

3555 & 3615 CESAR CHAVEZ STREET; 1580 Valencia Street; 555 San Jose Avenue (St. Luke’s Campus) – The St. Luke’s Campus is generally bounded by Cesar Chavez Street, Valencia Street, Duncan Street, San Jose Avenue, and 27th Street (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 6575/001, 002; 6576/021 and a portion of San Jose Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and 27th Street) – (1) Request for Planning Code Text Amendments to:  (i) amend Article 2 of the Planning Code by adding Planning Code Section 249.68 to establish a new “Cesar Chavez/Valencia Streets Medical Use Special Use District” allow a floor area ratio ("FAR") of up to 2.5:1 within the Cesar Chavez/Valencia Streets Medical Use Special Use District; and (ii) amend Planning Code Section 124 to add subsection (k) to allow an FAR of up to 2.5:1 within the Cesar Chavez/Valencia Streets Medical Use Special Use District; and (2) Request for Planning Code Map Amendments to:  (i) amend Map HT07 to extend the 105-E Height/Bulk District currently applicable to the existing buildings on the St. Luke's Campus to the entire campus; and  (ii) amend Map SU07 to depict the boundaries of the “Cesar Chavez/Valencia Streets Medical Use Special Use District.”

Preliminary Recommendation:  Recommend Approval to the Board of Supervisors


f.          2009.0886MTZCBRSK                                             (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

3555 & 3615 CESAR CHAVEZ STREET; 1580 Valencia Street; 555 San Jose Avenue (St. Luke’s Campus) – The St. Luke’s Campus is generally bounded by Cesar Chavez Street, Valencia Street, Duncan Street, San Jose Avenue, and 27th Street (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 6575/001, 002; 6576/021 and a portion of San Jose Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and 27th Street) – Request for Conditional Use Authorizations to:  (i) modify the existing Planned Unit Development for the St. Luke's Campus to allow for construction of the St. Luke's Replacement Hospital, demolition of the existing St. Luke's Hospital Tower, and construction of the new St. Luke's MOB (Section 303, 304, 209.3(a), 209.9(b)); (ii) provide an exception from rear yard requirements (Section 134); (iii) authorize buildings greater than 40 feet in height in an RH-2 District (Section 253); (iv) authorize buildings of bulk dimensions greater than 110 feet length and 140 feet diagonal (Section 270, 271); (v) provide an exemption from on-site independently accessible off-street parking requirements to permit an interim parking deficit of 124 spaces and permanent deficit of 109 spaces once the St. Luke's MOB and associated parking are constructed (Sections 150, 151, 154, 155);  and (vi) provide an exception from restrictions on overhead horizontal projections over streets or alleys (Section 136). 

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with conditions


g.         2009.0886MTZCBRSK                                             (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

3555 CESAR CHAVEZ STREET (St. Luke’s Campus) – The St. Luke’s Campus is generally bounded by Cesar Chavez Street, Valencia Street, Duncan Street, San Jose Avenue, and 27th Street (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 6575/001, 002; 6576/021 and a portion of San Jose Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and 27th Street) – Request for Office Development Authorization to establish 99,848 square feet of medical office space within the proposed St. Luke’s MOB (Sections 321 and 322).

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions


h.         2009.0886MTZCBRSK                                             (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

3555 & 3615 CESAR CHAVEZ STREET; 1580 Valencia Street; 555 San Jose Avenue (St. Luke’s Campus) – The St. Luke’s Campus is generally bounded by Cesar Chavez Street, Valencia Street, Duncan Street, San Jose Avenue, and 27th Street (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 6575/001, 002; 6576/021 and a portion of San Jose Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and 27th Street) – Consideration of a motion for the General Plan Referral relating to the determination that: (1) the sale, vacation, and change of use of a portion of the San Jose Avenue right-of-way located between 27th street and Cesar Chavez Street, (2) the changes to the sidewalk width along (a) the southerly side of Cesar Chavez street between Guerrero and Valencia Streets; (b) the westerly side of Valencia Street between Cesar Chavez Street and Duncan Street; and (c) the northern portion of 27th Street starting at the intersection of  San Jose Avenue and 27th Street continuing west for 44.24 feet, in association with the development of a new five-story, 146,410 g.s.f, St. Luke’s Replacement Hospital, would be consistent with the Objectives and Policies of the General Plan and the Priority Policies of Planning Code Section 101.1.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approve General Plan Referral


i.          2009.0885EMTZCBRSK                                          (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

1100 & 1101 VAN NESS AVENUE; 1255 Post Street; 1020, 1028-1030, 1034-1036, 1040-1052, 1054-1060, & 1062 Geary Street (Cathedral Hill Campus) - The Cathedral Hill Hospital site is a full city block bounded by Van Ness Avenue, Geary Boulevard, Franklin Street, and Post Street (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 0695/005, 006); the Cathedral Hill MOB site is on the east side of Van Ness Avenue, between Geary and Cedar Streets (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 0694/005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 009A, 010) – (1) Request for Planning Code Text Amendments to:  (i) amend Planning Code Section 243 to create a new “Van Ness Medical Use Subdistrict” that would (a) allow an FAR of up to 9:1 for the Cathedral Hill Hospital site and 7,5:1 for the Cathedral Hill MOB site; (b) allow modification of otherwise applicable standards for building projections under Section 136.1; (c) allow modification of otherwise applicable standards for street frontage requirements under Section 145.1; (d) allow modification of otherwise applicable parking standards under Sections 151 and 204.5 for medical centers, provided the amount of parking shall not exceed 150% of the number of spaces otherwise allowed by the Planning code; (e) allow modification of otherwise applicable standards for obstructions over streets and alleys under Section 136; and (f) allow modification of otherwise applicable bulk standards under Sections 270 and 271; (ii) amend Planning Code Section 124(d) to allow an FAR of up to 9:1 for a hospital and up to 7.5:1 for a medical office building within the Van Ness Special Use District, Van Ness Medical Use Subdistrict; and (2) Request for Planning Code Zoning Map Amendments to: (i) amend Map HT02 to reclassify the Cathedral Hill Hospital site from a 130-V to a 265-V Height and Bulk District in order to allow a building height of up to 265’-0”; and (ii) amend Map SU02 to show the boundaries of the “Van Ness Special Use District, Van Ness Medical Use Subdistrict” (Cathedral Hill Hospital site, Cathedral Hill MOB site, and Van Ness Avenue underground pedestrian tunnel site). 

Preliminary Recommendation:  Recommend Approval to the Board of Supervisors


j.          2009.0885EMTZCBRSK                                          (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

1100 & 1101 VAN NESS AVENUE; 1255 Post Street; 1020, 1028-1030, 1034-1036, 1040-1052, 1054-1060, & 1062 Geary Street (Cathedral Hill Campus) - The Cathedral Hill Hospital site is a full city block bounded by Van Ness Avenue, Geary Boulevard, Franklin Street, and Post Street (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 0695/005, 006); the Cathedral Hill MOB site is on the east side of Van Ness Avenue, between Geary and Cedar Streets (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 0694/005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 009A, 010) – Request for Conditional Use Authorizations to:  (i) authorize the Cathedral Hill Hospital and Cathedral Hill MOB as a medical center use within the RC-4 District and pursuant to the provisions for the Van Ness Special Use District (Sections 243, 209.3, 209.8);  (ii) allow construction of buildings over 50 feet (Cathedral Hill Hospital - 265 feet;  Cathedral Hill MOB - 130 feet) in an RC-4 District (Section 253);  (iii) authorize demolition of five residential dwelling units at the Cathedral Hill MOB site (Sections 243(c)(8)(E) and 317);  (iv) modify standards for active ground floor uses and width of curb cuts (Section 145.1); (v) provide an exception to allow wind speeds greater than 11 mph at certain sidewalk locations around the perimeter of the medical center, provided that, on balance, conditions are not worsened (Section 243(c)(9));  (vi) modify the bulk limits applicable to the Cathedral Hill Hospital and Cathedral Hill MOB sites, to allow length and diagonal dimensions of approximately 385 and 466 feet, respectively, for the Cathedral Hill Hospital, and approximately 265 and 290 feet, respectively, for the Cathedral Hill MOB, in lieu of findings per Planning Code Section 271 (Sections 270, 271);  and (vii) modify the 3:1 residential to net new non-residential ratio requirement in the Van Ness Special Use District (Section 243(c)(8)(B)(iv)).   

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with conditions


k.         2009.0885EMTZCBRSK                                          (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

1100 VAN NESS AVENUE; 1020, 1028-1030, 1034-1036, 1040-1052, 1054-1060, & 1062 Geary Street (Cathedral Hill Campus) - The Cathedral Hill MOB site is on the east side of Van Ness Avenue, between Geary and Cedar Streets (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 0694/005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 009A, 010) – Request for Office Development Authorization to establish 242,987 square feet of medical office space within the proposed Cathedral Hill MOB (Sections 321 and 322).

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions


l.          2009.0885EMTZCBRSK                                          (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

1100 & 1101 VAN NESS AVENUE; 1255 Post Street; 1020, 1028-1030, 1034-1036, 1040-1052, 1054-1060, & 1062 Geary Street (Cathedral Hill Campus) - The Cathedral Hill Hospital site is a full city block bounded by Van Ness Avenue, Geary Boulevard, Franklin Street, and Post Street (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 0695/005, 006); the Cathedral Hill MOB site is on the east side of Van Ness Avenue, between Geary and Cedar Streets (Assessor’s Block/Lot No.’s 0694/005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 009A, 010) – Consideration of a motion for the General Plan Referral relating to the determination that: (1) granting revocable permission to the California Pacific Medical Center to occupy (a) a portion of the public right-of-way on Van Ness Avenue in order to construct and maintain a pedestrian tunnel under Van Ness Avenue (state highway 101) to connect the new Cathedral Hill MOB and the new Cathedral Hill Hospital located at 1100 and 1101 Van Ness Avenue respectively; (b) to construct and maintain off-site improvements on the north side of Cedar Street between Van Ness Avenue and Polk Street, across the street from the Cathedral Hill MOB and on the south side of Cedar Street contiguous to the property at 1001 Polk Street (block 0694, lot 004), including reconstructing and widening the existing sidewalk, installing new landscaping and reconstructing the existing roadway with pavers; and (c) to install and maintain two 30,000 gallon diesel fuel tanks within the public right of way under Geary Boulevard between Franklin Street and Van Ness Avenue, in order to serve the Cathedral Hill Hospital at 1101 Van Ness Avenue; and (2) changing the official sidewalk width of: (a) the southerly side of Post Street between Franklin Street and Van Ness Avenue; (b) the northerly side of Geary Boulevard between Franklin Street and Van Ness Avenue; (c) the northerly side of Geary Street starting at Van Ness Avenue continuing east 325 feet; (d) both sides of Cedar Street starting at the intersection with Van Ness Avenue continuing east to Polk Street; (e) the westerly side of Van Ness Avenue starting from Geary Boulevard to Post Street; and (f) the easterly side of Van Ness Avenue between Geary Street and Cedar Street; in association with the development of the new Cathedral Hill Medical Center Campus, would be consistent with the Objectives and Policies of the General Plan and the Priority Policies of Planning Code Section 101.1.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approve General Plan Referral


m.        2004.0603C                                                            (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

601 DUBOCE AVENUE (Davies Campus) – The Davies Campus is generally bounded by Castro Street, Noe Street, 14th Street and Duboce Avenue (Assessor's Block/Lot 3539/001) – Request for Conditional Use Authorization to amend a previously approved conditional use authorization for a Planned Unit Development for the Davies Campus, including exception to the rear yard requirements of Planning Code Section 134, to allow for construction of the Neurosciences Institute building (Sections 209.3(a), 209.9(b), 303, 304).

Preliminary Recommendation:  Approval with conditions


n.         2012.0403W                                                           (E. WATTY: (415) 558-6620)

CALIFORNIA PACIFIC MEDICAL CENTER’S LONG RANGE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Request that the Board of Supervisors approve a Development Agreement pursuant to Chapter 56 of the San Francisco Administrative Code. The proposed Development Agreement is a contract between the City and Sutter West Bay Hospitals, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation doing business as California Pacific Medical Center, pursuant to the authority of Section 65864 of the California Government Code and Chapter 56, and affecting CPMC's existing St. Luke's, Davies, Pacific and California Campuses and proposed Cathedral Hill Campus.  The Development Agreement has a term of ten (10) years from its Effective Date (as defined in the proposed Development Agreement), unless extended or earlier terminated, and sets forth certain rights and obligations of the City and CPMC with respect to the Project.  Public benefits proposed in the Development Agreement include but are not limited to the rebuilding of St. Luke's Hospital, and the implementation of healthcare, workforce development, housing, public improvements, and transportation programs. 

Preliminary Recommendation:  Recommend Approval to the Board of Supervisors




Last updated: 4/25/2012 4:53:59 PM