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Meeting Minutes


Hearing Room 400

City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

Wednesday, July 21, 2010



12:30 P.M. 




Regular Meeting




COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:         Buckley, Hasz, Martinez, Matsuda, Wolfram, and Chase

COMMISSIONER ABSENT:             Damkroger




STAFF IN ATTENDANCETim Frye – Acting Preservation Coordinator, Tara Sullivan, Moses Corrette, Sophie Hayward, Shelley Caltagirone, Linda Avery – Commission Secretary











1.         Update on the Candlestick Point – Hunters Point Shipyard Development Project


Acting Preservation Coordinator Frye:

June 3, 2010, the Planning Commission (PC) and the Redevelopment Commission (RC) held a joint hearing.  The PC certified the DEIR and adopted all resolutions and motions, including the General Plan, Planning Code and Zoning Map amendments.  They amended their approval of the design development document which acts as the planning code for the project by inserting the inclusion of a history walk along the shipyard shoreline open space; the requirement that the [Redevelopment] Agency seek the HPC’s review and comments prior to making a final decision regarding preservation options; and the requirement that building 813B be evaluated as for historic significance.

July 12, 2010 - the Board of Supervisors’ (BOS) Land Use Committee heard the project action items and moved it on to the Full Board without making a recommendation for the July 27 hearing.

Since then, President Chiu introduced an amendment to the various actions that dealt with further design review, clean up of the ship yard, work force development, expansion of the South-East Health Center, and further feasibility study for the project’s use of public power.

July 13, 2010 - The BOS heard an appeal of the final EIR.  Four separate appeals were filed and one was withdrawn at the hearing.  The BOS upheld the certification of the appeal, held a public hearing on the amendments to the redevelopment plans, closed the public hearing and continued the hearing to July 27, 2010 when they would consider all required BOS actions for the project.  In closing, before making a final decision regarding the preservation options, the Redevelopment Agency will ask the HPC to review and comment on the proposal.






2.         President’s Report and Announcements


Commission Chase had no formal report.


3.         Consideration of adoption of a policy statement consistent with ADA Requirements and the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards at the request of the Mayor’s Disability Council.


SPEAKERS:      None

ACTION:            Approved Daft Policy C with amendment that the last sentence ends at “.........As a matter of policy, the HPC will not accept wheelchair lifts in government owned buildings.”

AYES:                Buckley, Hasz, Martinez, Matsuda, Wolfram, Chase

ABSENT:           Damkroger

MOTION NO:    R650


4.         Consideration of Adoption:

              a.        Draft minutes of Regular Hearing of June 16, 2010


SPEAKERS:      None

ACTION:            Approved with corrections to change “ of his staff” to “...some of his staff” under President’s Report, and “Susan Misner” to ‘Susan Mizner” on page 4

AYES:                Buckley, Hasz, Martinez, Matsuda, Wolfram, Chase

ABSENT:           Damkroger


5.         Disclosures


Commissioner Buckley went to the Divisadero project site.

Commissioner Chase attended a meeting with members of the planning staff regarding the Fairmont Hotel to review revisions from the last comments provided by the Architectural Review Committee.


6.         Commissioner Comments/Questions

Commissioner Buckley made reference to the opportunity to publicize information collected through projects and district surveys via a program sponsored by the California Council for Humanities called the California Documentary Project that has a research and development program of about $5,000.  Commissioner Chase appointed him to report back to the HPC on results, if any, and asked Mr. Frye to work with him.Commissioner Matsuda volunteered to be part of a working committee.

Commissioner Hasz was concerned about the developer for 1268 Lombard Street not showing up at the last HPC hearing.  He said, “....them not showing up even though their project is on the agenda just smells very suspect...... to say their project didn’t have a fair chance [that could] lead to potential legal action by them.”  He would like not to call up a special architectural meeting or anything for any reason.

Commissioner Chase noted that a number of Commissioners would like to see what’s coming up on the agendas.  He informed commissioners that if they would like to put an item on the agenda to let Tim and him know by Tuesdays prior to the hearings in order to appropriately schedule them before the HPC and the public.

Commissioner Wolfram with Commissioner Matsuda have met to jump start the idea of developing an interpretive program for historic districts.  They are coming up with a case statement and have started reaching out to the Visitors’ Bureau and some non-profit organizations.




7.         2010.0575A                                                                           (T. Frye: 415/575-6822)

814 MONTGOMERY STREET - Assessor’s Block 0175; Lots 016, northeast corner of Gold and Montgomery Streets. Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to construct a penthouse structure on the roof of the building to accommodate an elevator override.  The subject building is a contributing structure to the Jackson Square Historic District.  It is located within a C-2 (Community Business) District with a 65-A Height and Bulk limit and the Washington-Broadway-Jackson Square Special Use District and the Jackson Square Special Sign District.

Recommendation: Approval


SPEAKERS:      None

ACTION:            Approved

AYES:                Buckley, Hasz, Martinez, Matsuda, Wolfram, Chase

ABSENT:           Damkroger

MOTION NO:    M0073




8.         2010.0080T                                                                     (T. Sullivan: 415/558-6257)

Amendments to the Planning Code, including but not limited to Sections 121.2, 136.1, 151, 185, 186, 201, 204.2, 205, 205.1, 205.3, 207.2, 209.3, 209.8, 217, 249, 303, 309, 311, 340, 317, 602.25, 602.26, 607.1, 790.44, 803.2, 803.3, 3 890.133, 890.44, 703.2, and various sections of Articles 7, 10, and 11.  Ordinance sponsored by the Planning Department that would amend the Planning Code.  The proposed amendments are mainly clerical clean-up in nature, with Sections 121.2, 136.1, 151, 185, 186, 201, 204.2, 205, 205.1, 205.3, 207.2, 209.3, 209.8, 217, 249, 303, 309, 311, 340, 317, 602.25, 602.26, 607.1, 790.44, 803.2, 803.3, 3 890.133, 890.44, 703.2, and Articles 7, 10, and 11 being amended.

Recommendation: Approval of Proposed Ordinance to Board of Supervisors.


SPEAKERS:      Gee Gee Platt commented on a request for continuance  

ACTION:            Without hearing, continued to August 4, 2010

AYES:                Buckley, Hasz, Martinez, Matsuda, Wolfram, Chase

ABSENT:           Damkroger


9.         2010.335TZ                                                                      (T. Sullivan 415/558-6257)

Ordinance Amending the Planning Code by adding Section 787 to establish the 1800 Market Street Community Center Project Special Use District for the property located on B/L: 0871/014; amending Zoning Map SU07 to reflect this new SUD.  Ordinance introduced by Supervisor Dufty that would create the 1800 Market Street Community Center Project Special Use District and associated Zoning Map amendments for the property located at the northwest corner of Market Street & Octavia Boulevard, (aka Landmark No. 223, the Carmel Fallon Building); adopting findings, including environmental findings, Planning Code Section 302 findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.

Recommendation: Approval of the Ordinance to the Board of Supervisors.


SPEAKERS:      Rebecca Rolfe – Executive Director of San Francisco LGBT Community Center        

ACTION:            Approved

AYES:                Buckley, Hasz, Martinez, Matsuda, Wolfram, Chase

ABSENT:           Damkroger



10.       2010.0484U                                                                    (M. Corrette: 415/558-6295)

MARKET AND OCTAVIA AUGMENTATION SURVEY, Consideration to adopt, modify, or disapprove the findings of the historic resource survey. The survey consists of 198 DPR 523B forms, and an update to the extant Hayes Valley California Register Historic District.  The general boundaries of the survey area are coterminous with the Market & Octavia Neighborhood Plan Area, and include roughly eighty blocks spanning both sides of Market Street, from Noe and Scott streets on the west to Ninth and Larkin Streets to the east. The southernmost boundary is Sixteenth Street in Eureka Valley and the northernmost street is Turk Street in the Western Addition.


Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt the Market and Octavia Augmentation survey DPR 523B forms and the Hayes Valley DPR 523D District record update #2.


SPEAKERSin opposition to the survey:   Peter Lewis – President of Mission Dolores Neighborhood Association (MDNA), Marius Starkey – MDNA, Lucia Bogatay – MDNA, Gideon Kramer - MDNA

ACTION:           Adopted the resolution with two changes:  adopt the designations for those buildings that were in the Mission Dolores Survey that HPC has already adopted; and that the designation of the buildings that are overlapping with the Mission Dolores Survey (the ones that are not directly on Market Street), and the neighborhood reads as Mission Dolores – the HPC clarified withholding adoption on the two overlapping properties.

AYES:                Buckley, Hasz, Martinez, Matsuda, Wolfram, Chase

ABSENT:           Damkroger

MOTION NO:    M0076


11.       2010.0483U                                                                    (M. Corrette: 415/558-6295)

Automotive Support Structures Historic SURVEY,Consideration to adopt, modify, or disapprove the findings of the historic resource survey and accompanying historic context statement. The survey consists of a context statement, 122 DPR 523B forms and one DPR 523D district record. The general boundaries of the survey area include Broadway Street to the north, Mission and Otis Streets to the south, Hyde Street to the east, and Gough Street to the west.

Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt the context statement entitled: VAN NESS AUTO ROW SUPPORT STRUCTURES; DPR 523B forms; and DPR 523D district record.


PRESENTER:   William Kostura – Author of the Van Ness Auto Report

SPEAKER:        Frank Yuen – Owner of 1946 Van Ness Avenue    

ACTION:            Adopted

AYES:                Hasz, Martinez, Matsuda, Wolfram, Chase

NAYS:                Buckley

ABSENT:           Damkroger

MOTION NO:    M0077


12.       2010.0318A                                                                   (S. Hayward: 415/558-6372)

988-990 GUERRERO STREET, Assessor’s Block 3618, Lot 071, west side of Guerrero Street between 21st and 22nd Streets.  Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for exterior modifications in order to accommodate a dwelling unit at the ground level, to reconfigure the parking at the rear, and to add four dormers and two skylights to the existing hipped roof.  The subject building is a contributing structure to the Liberty Hill Historic District and is located within an RH-3 (Residential, House, Three-Family) District with a 40-X Height and Bulk limit. Preliminary Recommendation:  Approval with modifications


PRESENTER:   George Hauser – Project Architect

SPEAKERS:      None

ACTION:            Approved with conditions that a skylight is to replace the dormer on the north-east side; to shift the south dormer and skylight on the east side back six feet; to reduce the height of all dormers so they are no higher than the ridge of the roof line.

AYES:                Buckley, Martinez, Matsuda, Wolfram, Chase

NAYS:                Hasz

ABSENT:           Damkroger

MOTION NO:    M0074


13.      2008.0312A                                                               (S. Caltagirone: 415/558-6625)

280 DIVISADERO STREET, Assessor's Block 1238, Lot 023, east side between Haight and Page Streets.  Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to convert the carriage house located at the rear of the subject property to a residential unit, resulting in a de facto demolition of the existing building per the demolition standards set forth in Section 1005(f) of the Planning Code and the construction of a new residential building with attached garage. The carriage house is a contributing feature of the Charles Hinkel House property, San Francisco Landmark No. 190.  The site is zoned NC-2 (Small-Scale Neighborhood Commercial) District and is in a 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Continued from February 17, 2010 Regular Meeting, April 28, 2010 Special Meeting at Site, and May 19, 2010 Regular Meeting.)

Preliminary Recommendation:  Disapproval


SPEAKERS:      None

ACTION:            Motion to disapprove

AYES:                Martinez, Matsuda, Chase

NAYS:                Buckley, Hasz, Wolfram

ABSENT:           Damkroger

MOTION FAILED:  (+3, -3)


ACTION:            Continued to 9/1/10 to allow the absent commissioner the opportunity to participate in the final action.  The public hearing is closed.

AYES:                Buckley, Hasz, Martinez, Wolfram

NAYS:                Chase and Matsuda

ABSENT:           Damkroger





The minutes was proposed for adoption at the Regular Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission on Wednesday, August 18, 2010


ACTION:           Approved

AYES:              Buckley, Hasz, Martinez, Matsuda, Wolfram, Damkroger 

ABSENT:          Chase


Last updated: 8/24/2010 11:04:32 AM