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July 16, 2009

July 16, 2009

Business & Land Use Committee

Information: (415) 558-6311

Meeting Notes (Actions)

Business and Land Use Committee
Date: July 16, 2009
Re: Committee Votes and Actions

1. Discussion and Action on Agenda Item #3: Recommendation to the Full Task Force for SRO Requirements in the W SoMa SUD such that new SRO uses will not be permitted in the proposed RED and RED- Mixed zoning districts, Permitted Uses in the Regional Commercial Districts on 9th and 10th Streets and on the Folsom Neighborhood Commercial Transit District, and Conditional Use in the Mixed Use General (MUG) District. Findings for Conditional Use authorizations of SROs in the MUG shall include standard Planning Code Section 303 findings of  necessary or desirable uses and the findings drafts as part of the Western SoMa SUD SRO moratorium legislation. These additional findings are as follows:

(1) That the proposed SRO project is specifically meeting definitively underserved segments of the local housing market demand; and

(2) That the proposed SRO project is within convenient walking distance of necessary and existing residential serving uses, including, but not limited to, grocery shopping and dedicated open space.

Additionally, any SRO project approved in the Western SoMa SUD shall have active ground floor retail or PDR uses with any permitted office space restricted to the second floor or behind the ground floor active space.

Moved and seconded to refer to the full Task Force with the addition of specifying a minimum SRO size of 275 square feet.

VOTE: Task Force 8-0-3, Public 3-0-1

Discussion and Action on Agenda Item #4:
Consideration of W SoMa Community Benefit Funding recommendations – To pool W SoMa Community Benefit Fees with the Eastern Neighborhoods Community Benefit Funds to compliment a legislative request to the Board of Supervisors that would begin to impose Eastern Neighborhoods Community Benefit Fees in the W SoMa SUD and provide voting seats on the CAC for W SoMa representatives.

Moved and seconded to refer to the Full Task Force a request to the Board of Supervisors imposing Eastern Neighborhood Community Benefit Fees in the Western SoMa SUD concurrently with the integration of a Western SoMa representatives on the on the Eastern Neighborhoods CAC and initiate fee collection in the Community Benefit Fees in the Western SoMa SUD as part of the pool of funds for the Eastern Neighborhoods and to have an effective date of the proposed legislation.

VOTE: Task Force 9-0-2, Public 1-0-3

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:26 PM