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October 16, 2008

October 16, 2008

Business & Land Use Committee

Information: (415) 558-6311

Meeting Notes (Actions)

From: Business and Land Use Committee

Date: October 16, 2008

Re: Committee Votes and Actions

Discussion on Agenda Item #3: The Committee took two actions on the item regarding Inclusionary Standards and Community Benefits fees for properties where heights have been increased over the existing base heights.

1. The Committee passed a motion to  Use the Eastern Neighborhoods Community Benefit Fees for Community Facilities with an additional request of the Planning Department to undertake additional nexus studies to evaluate the opportunities for fees to support community socials service facilities, community arts and cultural facilities, and recreational faculties. VOTE 7-0-1 & PUBLIC 4-0-1

2. The Committee voted to express a policy direction that,  Affordable housing requirements above the existing base heights should be increased in excess of the existing City requirements and that these increase BMR requirements should include a broader range of affordability that is currently required by City law.

VOTE 6-1-2 & PUBLIC 0-4-1

3. The Committee agreed in to revisit the proposed specifics standards in the Western SoMa SUD for the vote on item #2 when the Eastern Neighborhoods standards are adopted by the Board of Supervisors

Discussion on Agenda Item #4: The committee discussed the entertainment uses recently introduced by Supervisor Aaron Peskin (10/9/08) in the proposed SALI and MUO districts. This discussion touched on everything from new land use categories for tiered entertainment uses and their potential in the W SoMa SUD to the opportunities to support  community based arts programs and facilities in the neighborhood. The general recommendations approved by the Committee were:

ü Allowing new places of entertainment (POE) permits in the Service Arts and Light Industrial (SALI) and Mixed Use Office (MUO) districts.

o So long as they are not within 1 150' radius of a proposed RED ore RED Mixed Zoning district. VOTE 8-1-0 & PUBLIC 0-0-5

ü Allowances for new  Complimentary POE as a Conditional Use within the 150' radius of the proposed RED and RED Mixed districts south ofHarrison Street. VOTE 8-0-1 & PUBLIC 0-0-5. The Committee also continued the discussion of allowing  limited occupancy POE permits within the 150' buffer areas by a VOTE of 5-3-1.

The continued allowance for  Arts Related uses throughout the W SoMa SUD (exclusive the REDs) was generally supported by all members present at this Committee meeting. Continued refinements to definition of  Arts Related uses are still under consideration by the Committee.

Discussion on Agenda Item #5: The Committee voted to allow tourist hotels of 25 rooms or less within the Folsom NCT district. VOTE 5-0-3 & PUBLIC 0-0-5 Allowances for Small Enterprise Workshops (SEW), self storage, Integrated PDR and pet board and care uses will be discussed in subsequent Business and Lanus Committee meetings.

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:26 PM