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August 21, 2008

August 21, 2008

Business & Land Use Committee

Information: (415) 558-6311

Meeting Notes (Actions)

From: Business and Land Use Committee

Date: August 21, 2008

Re: Committee Votes and Actions

Discussion on Agenda Item #3: The Committee continued its discussion of community benefits and neighborhood improvement programs. The agenda item regarding possible modifications to inclusionary standard where additional heights have been provide to a development program was not voted on. The committee anticipates an ongoing discussion of this issue and their upcoming September 18, 2008 meeting when Planning Department representatives with present and answer questions regarding the Eastern Neighborhood Community Benefits programs. At this point the Committee has formulated three Community Benefits questions for the September 18, 2008 meeting.

1. What percentage of the total Community Benefits fee is programmed for the production of new Below Market Rate (BMR) housing units?

2. Based on formal nexus studies, what percentage of the legally defensible fee has actually been charged to and integrated into the impact fees for the Eastern Neighborhoods Community Benefits program?

3. What level of nexus analysis has been conducted to justify fees associated with impacts for the provision of  art and cultural neighborhood improvements?

The Committee also completed an initial prioritization programs for possible recommendation and inclusion into a Western SoMa Community Benefits program. The tabulated results and ranking by the six voting members of the Task Force and one member of the public are presented on the attached summary table.

Discussion on Agenda Item #4: The committee began a discussion of arts and entertainment uses for consideration in the drafting of new Zoning controls for the Western SoMa. This discussion touched on everything from new land use categories for tiered entertainment uses and their potential in the W SoMa SUD to the opportunities to support  community based arts programs and facilities in the neighborhood. The general recommendations under consideration are:

ü Allowing new places of entertainment (POE) permits in the Service Arts and Light Industrial (SALI) district.

o So long as they are not within a yet to be determined radius of a proposed RED ore RED Mixed Zoning district.

§ The Committee asked that maps be prepared that will show a 100 foot and 150 radius around the proposed RED and RED Mixed zones in the SALI.

o So long as they are not within a yet to be determined radius of another POE.

ü Allowances for new  Complimentary POE on the Folsom NCT district, and in the SALI and West SoMa MUO districts.

The continued allowance for  Arts Related uses throughout the W SoMa SUD (exclusive the REDs) was generally supported by all members present at this Committee meeting. Continued refinements to definition of  Arts Related uses are still under consideration by the Committee.

Subsequent discussions regarding tourist hotels, self storage, Integrated PDR and pet board and care uses will be discussed in subsequent Business and Lanus Committee meetings.

NOTE: The September 18, 2008 meeting will be moved to 5pm and a location to be determined to accommodate the  Time Certain 6:30pm Planning Commission hearing on the Draft Community Plan.

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:26 PM