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June 19, 2008

June 19, 2008

Business & Land Use Committee

Information: (415) 558-6311

Meeting Notes (Actions)

From: Business and Land Use Committee

Date: June 19, 2008

Re: Committee Discussion, Votes and Actions

A. Discussion: A detailed discussion of W SoMa Community Plan elements was undertaken. The specific items the committee discussed included:

1. Need for greater protection and promotion of Arts activities in the SALI.

2. Open Space issues:

a. The Plan seems to have dropped references to recreational buildings and should be reinstated.

b. Living Streets ideas:

i. Limited on street parking, and

ii. Rolling curbs, and

iii. Plantings, and

iv. Open pavers.

c. Installations of public art under the elevated highway.

3. Reconsideration of the proposed annual allocation of 100 market rate housing units (excluding large sites and BMR projects) based on a maximum number of square feet rather than number of units.

B. Motion: Adoption of proposed Eastern Neighborhoods Community Benefit Fee Program to be the operational standard for Western SoMa. Refinements and modifications to the Western SoMa Fee program to follow from discussions over the coming months.

Vote: Committee 6-0-1, Public 0-0-3

C. Motion: Request the Planning Commission modify the current proposal for  Interim PDR Loss and Replacement Policy in the Western SoMa Special Use District to:

a. Require no more than  one-to-one PDR replacement throughout the Western SoMa SUD.

b. New maps and policy as per the proposed plan shall be presented to the Planning Commission as soon as the full Task Force takes action.

c. These modifications are justified based on the detailed study and field surveys of the Western SoMa SUD that go beyond the analysis and historic, now out of date, maps prepared in 2001 for Resolution 16202.

Vote: Committee 4-1-1, Public 1-1-3

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:26 PM