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May 15, 2008

May 15, 2008

Business & Land Use Committee

Information: (415) 558-6311

Meeting Notes (Actions)

From: Business and Land Use Committee

Date: May 15, 2008

Re: Committee Votes and Actions

A. Discussion: A detailed discussion of Inclusionary standards for W SoMa parcels where heights have been increased comprised the first hour of the meeting. Although no formal vote was taken, the committee agreed to re-agendize this item for the June 19, 2008 meeting. The specific items the committee will consider as action items on June 19th include:

1. Specifications for unit size (based on square feet or number of bedrooms).

2. Where height increases are conveyed through the rezoning and heard at the Planning Commission in the mandatory Conditional Use permit process for projects over 40 feet in height consider:

a. Increasing the number of units or fees required to amounts in excess of the standard City requirements (may have legal issues).

b. On-site community benefits in lieu of community benefit fees. Can this be part of a negotiated development proposal?

c. Requirements for maintaining below market rate units as rental for a fixed period of time.

3. Mandatory on-site provision of below market rate inclusionary units (may have legal issues).

B. Motion: Confirmation that no new housing will be permitted in the W SoMa SALI and MUO zoning districts.

Vote: Committee 7-1-1, Public 0-4-5

C. Question: Do Community Benefit Fee apply to non-residential projects over the base height where heights have been increased?

Answer: Yes

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:26 PM