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March 20, 2008

March 20, 2008

Business & Land Use Committee

Information: (415) 558-6311

Meeting Notes (Actions)

From: Business and Land Use Committee

Date: March 20, 2008

Re: Committee Votes and Actions

Motion: Provide, when legally possible, a South of Market neighborhood preference for tenancy in Below Market Rate housing units produced in the South of Market Special Use District.

Vote: Committee 6-0-0, Public 4-0-2

Motion: Any off-site provision of Below Market Rate housing units in East or Western SoMa should be constructed only within the Western SoMa Special Use District where housing is a permitted us.

Vote: Committee 6-0-0, Public 1-0-5

Motion: Any residential project in the West SOMA SUD that utilizes a height or density bonus must provide inclusionary affordable housing units in addition to whatever amount is required by the citywide inclusionary housing ordinance then in effect. Still to be determined by the Task Force in its next phase of work are:

  • The exact amount/% of this additional housing requirement.
  • The exact unit size requirements for this additional housing.
  • The price levels (rental and sale) required for this additional inclusionary housing and the income limits for its eligible households, provided that they will be somewhat higher than the price levels/limits set by the citywide inclusionary housing ordinance.

Vote: Committee 5-0-1, Public 0-0-6

Motion: To enhance neighborhood economic vitality, support the Complete Neighborhood Fabric Committee and Transportation Focus Group recommendations for modifications to the Transit Effectiveness Program (TEP) or changes to the Western SoMa Community Plan should the recommended TEP modification not be made.

Vote: Committee 5-0-0, Public 3-0-1

Motion: Where allowed in the Western SoMa Special Use District, provision of office space, outside of the Mixed Use Office District, shall be limited to a maximum on one (1) floor of occupancy. When such office space is provided on the ground floor it should be limited to neighborhood serving office uses.

Vote: Committee 4-1-1, Public 2-0-2

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:26 PM