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August 16, 2007

August 16, 2007

Business & Land Use Committee

Information: (415) 558-6311

Meeting Notes (Actions)

From: Business and Land Use Committee

Date: August 16, 2007

Re: Committee Votes and Actions

Motion: Prohibit all housing in the redefined SLI Zoning District. Redefinition of the District would acknowledge and exclude existing residential clusters and prohibit housing in any eventual extension of the SSO district west on the Townsend Street frontage properties. Vote: Committee 7-1-0, Public 3-1-3

Motion: There should be limitations on the production of market rate housing outside of the SLI and in the remaining portions of the W SoMa SUD. Vote: Committee 5-2-1, Public 4-0-2

Ø Discussion of how market rate housing limitations should be defined included:

o Proportional W SoMa share of the Association of Bay Area Government and the Housing Elements identified need for San Francisco housing production.

§ Proportional to a fixed percentage or number over the existing number of housing units, with or without a limitation based on a period of time.

§ Proportional based on W SoMa land area relative to San Francisco as a whole.

o Historical Trends such as the average housing production for the neighborhood over the past 20 years.

o An analysis of the full build out housing potential of the existing zoning.

Motion: New in-fill on sites less that Planned Unit Development size (less than ½ acre) Housing is only allowed above 15 feet of non-residential uses on all major streets as to be defined by the Transportation Committee. Vote: Committee 7-1-0, Public 1-0-5

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:26 PM