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May 25, 2011

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Meeting Notes & Actions

From:   Full Task Force Meeting

Date:   May 25, 2011   

Re:      Votes and Actions        



1.     Call to order – 6:10 PM

ü  Introductions including new members Michael Ferrara and Jim Tatarazuk

ü  Quorum of 12 members present


2.       Announcements

ü  Vote by SFMTA Board to reduce speed limits on Howard and Folsom from 30 to 25 MPH

ü  Discussion of recent EN CAC meeting activities and EN Trips recommendations for priority projects


3.       Welcome new members


4.       Discuss strategy for presentation of a resolution supporting the Community Stabilization Policy to the Board of Supervisors – DISCUSSION

ü  Board of Supervisors Land Use Committee Meeting on June 6, 2011 at 1 PM. Jim Meko provided background and encouraged Task Force members to attend and testify at this Committee meeting


5.       Further discussion of an implementation body to succeed the Task Force following adoption of the Plan – DISCUSSION

ü  Discussion about what sort of a group should be formed to have some curatorial responsibility for the Western SoMa Community Plan implementation after the Task Force is dissolved.

ü  Recommended that further discussion of this item be on the agenda for the next Complete Neighborhood Fabric Committee meeting of the Task Force on June 16, 2011


6.       Reconsider identification of priority projects for ENCAC funding in light of Planning Department policy on in-kind benefits – ACTION

ü  Discussion of Planning Commission In-Kind Policy (distributed).

ü  Motion by Paul Lord with Second from Toby Levy to:

§  Formally transmit to the EN CAC and Planning Department Staff the recommended Western SoMa Community Benefit Projects to include the four following projects.

§  Alley Improvements for Minna and Natoma between 7th and 9th Streets

§  Alley Improvements for Ringold between 8th and 9th Streets

§  A publically accessible park space at the southwest corner of 8th and Ringold with associated tot-lot and community building.

§  Linear Street Greening for 12th Street between Howard and Harrison Streets.

§  Removal of the prior recommended Pedestrian Safety Plan for the Western SoMa based on current and ongoing City government efforts to address this issue.

a.       Vote 10 - For, 0 - Opposed, 2 - Abstain


7.       Review edits in Proposal for Adoption – DISCUSSION

ü  Jim Meko introduced the topic and copies of the revised plan were distributed.

ü  The drafted plan revisions were recommended for discussion at the committee meetings in June

§  Business and Land Use – June 9th at 6pm, Room 421 in City Hall

§  Chapters to be discussed will be Land Use, Neighborhood Economy, Transportation, Arts and Entertainment, and Safety and Public Welfare

§  Complete Neighborhood Fabric– June 16th at 6pm, Room 421 in City Hall

§  Chapters to be discussed will be Housing, Urban Design,  Preservation, Open Space, and Community Facilities


8.       Review EIR schedule – DISCUSSION

ü  Paul Lord introduced the topic and copies of the revised EIR Schedule were distributed.


9.       Consider extending the life of the Task Force - ACTION

ü  Jim Meko introduced the topic and Paul Lord made a motion and Sue Hagen-Contreras seconded the motion to:

§  Recommend that Supervisor Jane Kim introduce legislation to extend the life of the Task Force until December 31, 2012 or until adoption of the Plan, whichever comes first. A further recommendation is that Supervisor Kim do all she can to fill the two empty seats on the Task Force representing her office. 

                              a. Vote: 9 – For, 0 – Opposed, 2 - Abstain


10.    New business and requests for future agenda items - DISCUSSION

ü  Dennis Juarez recommended that Toby Levy and John Elberling provide their report on residential sound proofing to buffer from entertainment uses at the next Complete Neighborhood Fabric meeting at June 16, 2011.

ü  Skot Kuiper suggested re-introduction of entertainment related land use issues on Folsom and 11th Street. Both Paul Lord and Jim Meko explained that these issues has been discussed at numerous committee and full Task Force meetings over the course of the past six years and does not warrant further discussion.


11.    General public comment


12.    Adjournment– 8:05 PM

Last updated: 6/7/2011 2:04:30 PM