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October 10, 2007

October 10, 2007

Transportation Focus Group
Meeting Notes by Marc Salomon

Goods Movement Policies

Discourage, limit, ban trucks off of I-280 onto residential 6th street and neighborhood serving streets, Folsom/Howard, 7th/8th.

Nexus study for truck impacts on street surfaces in SOMA, freeways, big box.

Limit pin to axle lengths on turns onto 2 way streets

Truck routes = city serving streets = discourage residential:



Signage off freeways and back from city to freeways indicating truck limitations.

No trucks in residential REDs, limits in mixed-use enclaves

Prioritize truck intersections for traffic calming, ped, cycle and disabled safety improvements, bollards not bulbouts.

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:29 PM