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April 11, 2007

April 11, 2007

Transportation Focus Group

Prepared by Marc Salomon, Chair

1. Call to order room 421, 1805 hrs. Present: A. Stadlman, L. Young, M. Salomon (chair), P. Lord, S. Contreras (quorum reached)

2. Discussion of Time line and Work Program Scope:

May: Transit/Para-transit

Jun: Pedestrian/Disabled

Jul: Cycling

Aug: Auto Traffic/Goods Movement

Sep: Folsom Boulevard, other specific projects

Oct: Present draft transportation plan for review, comment and discussion

Nov: Finalize transportation plan for presentation to full task force

Note: scheduling of parking TBA

Time line and Work Program scope adopted as amended without objection.

3. Public Health Impacts: informational DPH presentation (include links provided by Megan)

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:29 PM