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January 8, 2009

January 8, 2009

Complete Neighborhood Fabric Committee
Minutes Note by Toby Levy

  1. Discussion of sizes of allowed lot Mergers, based on the Market Octavia Plan recommendations. We reviewed section 121.7 of the Planning Code to recommend the following. RED- no lot mergers; RED-Mix allow up to 50'; NCT allow up to 100'; RCD allow up to 100' SLI and SSO (MUO) no limit. In review the legislation, we recommend changing to subsection (e) to eliminate reference to allowing conditional use waiver applying to institutions. Likewise in subsection (d)(1) we would like to specify the % or number of affordable units. And eliminate subsection (d)(2) and (d)(3).
  2. Discussion regarding the required unit mix as proposed Section 207.6. We reviewed the 40% requirements of eastern Soma and Market and Octavia. Given that Soma houses both singles and families, some argument could be made for smaller units. In order to consider some variation, that is less than the 40 % 2Br, we could require a greater number of larger units to be affordable. We will discuss this with interested parties.
  3. We reviewed the guidelines for the Large development sites, SALI and MUO. Comments will be incorporated into guidelines.
  4. Reviewed the Air Quality Legislation. Discussed what we wanted to accomplish with our elimination of housing on the second floor, for noise and air quality issues. Reviewed previous discussion, and that legislation went a long way to scientifically ameliorating our concerns. In addition, we want to consider the following items in the RCD's; No Decks, Orient open space away from street, Provide Greening and introduce landscape sound walls.
Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:28 PM