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August 13, 2009

August 13, 2009

Complete Neighborhood Fabric
Meeting Minutes by Toby Levy, FAIA

1. Announcements – Reminder about the meeting for the EIR Scoping meeting 8-25-09 at theBessie Carmichael School.

2. Planning staff presented a chart describing the possible  Planning Controls to understand the various levels of zoning controls that can be used to achieve the desired result. A vote was taken to create a working group, to be appointed by the Chair, to develop controls based on the adopted Eastern Neighborhood  Umbrella controls. The working group would report back to the committee. The directive, according to the Task Force's Planning Principles, is to try where possible coordinate with sections already in the code.

Task Force 7-0-0

Public 1-0-1

3. The committee reviewed two projects as test cases to review the proposed  design standards

a. In the MUG we reviewed the proposal for 284 7th Street (Rawhide). The overriding issues were, its historic context and lack of rear yard at grade. There was also discussion about its architectural style, but that it did adhere to the design standards for simple expression. The overriding consideration of its historic context, would mean a redesign of the project. A more responsive design would have setback above the second floor to relate to its adjacent cornice lines. It was discussed that we should have suggested solutions in the historic section of the design guidelines. The rear yard at grade was also an issue since encouraged, The design standards use the word  promote rear yards at grade, when there is no existing pattern. We should identify conditions where we would require or excuse it.

b. In the NCT we reviewed a possible project at 1174-8 Folsom. The issues that emerged from this project were about the side set backs of adjacent buildings and the rear yard at grade. The Standards should address the desire to have commercial space instead of parking at grade, since both uses occupy the first floor. We should also add a section in the massing section about  respect for side setbacks on adjacent properties . It would be good to define the amount of setbacks, since many Live/work loft projects only exposure is to side light wells.

4. Next meeting: review examples for other areas of plans, other than NCT.

If working group made progress in Planning Controls, it could report back to CNF.

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:28 PM