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November 13, 2008

November 13, 2008

Complete Neighborhood Fabric
Meeting Minutes by Toby Levy

1. Discussed SFMTA grants for list of improvement priorities were discussed as well as time line for possible projects. CNF as well as a public outreach will be part of ongoing the feedback.

2. Discussion of Draft Goals and Design Principles for several districts.

a. RED issues:

-Rear yard minimum at grade with minimum depth of 15'; Can have 1 to 1 credit for front yard set backs, but 15' is a minimum.

-Balconies will be permitted above 2nd floor, if looks are integrated into the buildings' design and compatible with its neighbors

-Only one garage door with a maximum width of 10' is permitted per lot.

-40' height limit is permitted, even if neighbors are lower, without requiring setbacks on upper levels.

-Discourage Roof decks, due to their lack of usability and the increased need for protrusions of permitted objects above the height limit.

- Although we permit more permissive uses in historic buildings in order to help with their preservation, it would NOT apply for the change of use in residential buildings.

b. RED-MIX issues

- All the above apply, with the additional discussion given to the rear yard that would be required at grade. It was decided to keep the requirement for a minimum of 15' rear yard even for the businesses.

- Maximum of commercial 1250sf per lot, with more permitted with a Conditional Use permit.

-Lot Aggregation would be discouraged; Paul Lord will look at Market-Octavia wording and consideration

c. NCT

- Agreed to upper level setbacks above 55' in the 65' district;

- Agreed that we would encourage build out to 65' rather than relating to shorter buildings around it.

- Lot Aggregation would be discouraged, so that smaller lower two and three story buildings would not be pressured. Paul Lord will look at the Market Octavia wording and consideration.

3. Discussed the legislation on Air Quality on impacted Urban Infill Residential Development; in light of that we voted to allow residential above 15', instead of above 25' as previously voted on. The vote was 2-1-3.

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:28 PM