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June 12, 2008

June 12, 2008

Complete Neighborhood Fabric
Meeting Notes by Toby Levy

1. Presentation from a representative of the Independent Living Resource Center of San Francisco, who urged us to connect with other agencies that serve the needs of the elderly and the disabled, like the Mayor's Office of disability and the Senior Action Network. She urged us to find the notes from an August 2007 meetings from Better Streets, for many issues were discussed there. The public realm is a priority, with the need for dealing with many types of disabilities, including medical, sensory, physical, cognitive with special care for the hidden disabilities. Some things to consider are clear pedestrian ways, safe crossings, separate area for bikes, audible signals and removal of other object that block side walks. The task force should follow up with the work that had been done before.

2. Mid Box in the SLI, was continued and re-presented with a better notice motion that will be considered. There was considerable questions about the reasons to allow the collocating mid boxes in one area.

3. Community Benefits: Discussion revolved around the urban design improvements that can be required by developments to enhance a complete neighborhood. The specific benefits include, open space publicly accessible and privately maintained, Living Streets, Childcare, Community facilities, recreation space, subsidized space for not for profits, space for the arts and neighborhood retail, community garden, local hiring and street scape. These  benefits in the realm of urban design that can be used to evaluate projects, and not paid for by the community benefit funds or affordability fees. The motion passed 5-0-1 from the task force and 0-0-4 from the public.

4. Began discussion of the various Design Control Ideas, including alley controls. This discussion will continued next month, complete with illustrative examples.

5. Next meeting:

  1. Discussion of Urban Design controls
  2. Discussion and Motion for Mid Box sub-district
  3. Try to schedule presentation from Sara Dennis regarding community benefits
  4. Review sections of community plan for comments

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:28 PM