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April 10, 2008

April 10, 2008

Complete Neighborhood Fabric

Meeting Notes by Toby Levi

  1. Announcements:
    1. Board of Supervisors extended the life of the Task Force for one more year, until June 2009.
    2. Town Hall Meeting; April 23rd
    3. Environmental Evaluation of our community plan expected to start in July 2008.
  2. Parking:
    1. Residential Parking: Concern that existing parking in RED's is limited because existing older housing stock has no parking. Encourage expansion of  neighborhood preference parking program . Confine it to enclaves and not permit the larger projects to participate.
    2. Retail: to support the economic viability of retail centers, so need to maintain on street metered parking and not eliminate the possibility of off street public parking garages.
  3. Community Benefits Discussion- postponed
  4. Mid-Box Controls and SLI – Discussed a Mid-box sub area plan for the SLI area that has a cluster of large sites, between 4th to 6th streets around Brannan and Bryant. Since currently there is no housing or offices allowed in SLI, and these are large lots, and new manufacturing or industrial is not likely, so we would consider embracing the retail use. Maximum size of mid box is 25,000sf and would require a conditional use.
    1. Discussed ideas that instead of discouraging the aggregation, we could plan for encourage their clustering.
    2. Embracing the controls we have previously adopted for formula retail, which require parking in the rear, entrances directly off the street, pedestrians amenities and openness to the street.
    3. Need to deal with parking and impact on surrounding streets and REDs.
    4. In order to fit into the neighborhood these developments should also include meaningful and ongoing job programs.
    5. The projects should also incorporate for locally owned smaller business at their street faces with eyes on the street and support for the open space.
    6. Urban Design front set backs and develop publicly accessible open space that could include, seating, dog runs and gathering spaces supporting the smaller business facing the street.
    7. Smaller street facing spaces could be occupied by green business.
  5. Next Meeting:
    1. Community Benefits
    2. Further discussion of SLI-retail sub-area.

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:28 PM