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March 13, 2008

March 13, 2008

Complete Neighborhood Fabric

Meeting Minutes by Toby Levy

1. Announcements: Date of the Townhall Meeting April 23rd and general outline were discussed;

2. Presentation of the preliminary of design for 8th andHarrison, by Archstone and their architect and landscape architect. Project design as presented by developer sought to embrace the Principles that include; a. Mix of Uses; b. Additional height in exchange for community benefits; c. Respect for Context, i.e. with the surrounding Stud; d. RED protection and extension; e. Public Open Space; f. Permeability; g. 75% lot coverage maximum; h. Providing Non office space for jobs; I, varied site lines; j. Enhanced pedestrian experience; k. Respect for what came before; l. Vertical division; m. Avoid a residential look. In general the scheme was well received, noting its public open space, 12,000 sf of commercial space next to the Stud, mix of commercial and retail throughout, mix of types of units and it 15% affordability, on site. John Elberling pointed out the need for a tot lot in the neighborhood.

3. SRO regulations; Reviewed previous decisions to no longer permit SRO's in the SLI (or SALI), since we are proposing no housing there. The following proposed regulations Motion Passed 7-0-0 from committee and 1-0-2 from the public

- Minimum size of units (including bathrooms) -250sf

- Projects should meet the rear yard requirements; i.e. 25% rear yard

- Project should meet open space requirement of 36sf/unit

- Density limit of 1/100 sf of lot size, thereby doubling the density

- No required parking minimum

- Increase required affordability

- Projects contain active non-residential uses on the ground floor that support neighborhood uses.

- Also assumes no ground floor units facing onto major streets;

- No variances from these requirements

There was the discussion about whether SRO's would fall under our proposed housing Cap. Included in the motion, was the concept that a percentage of the units would count against the Cap, since these projects are often large. The precise percentage would be resolved, upon gathering of more information.

4. Height increases previously proposed on Folsom Street, and around 7th and 8th Streets were discussed in relation to the proposed decrease of service to the newly proposed NCT. Since we had proposed additional height for the neighborhood Commercial Transit area, for increased residential density, with no minimum parking, the lack of public transportation would negatively impact the neighborhood. Motion to rescind the additional heights pass 7-0-0 from the committee and 1-0-2 from the public.

5. Discussion of SLI large sites for potential Mid Box in the SLI. Issues discussed limits on number of Mid-Boxes per block and their entrances. Need to review previously adopted limits.

6. Next Month Issues

- Neighborhood parking and retail

- Mid Box controls in the SLI

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:28 PM