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December 13, 2007

December 13, 2007

Committee Minutes of Complete Neighborhood Fabric

1. Discussion of development controls of large sites. Discussion of the difference between the controls on large lots in the SLI and SLR. There was still not enough concensus to vote on the decision points presented. Committee members were encouraged to think about the following considerations: Six, Floor heights and therefore the number of stories, the maps with the sites presented and the list of community benefits. There was interest in the open space and the continuation or creation of internal alleys. This item will be revisited in the next meeting.

2. Front Upper level setbacks for the new NC district with previously approved 65' heights. The committee approved the set back to begin at a height of 45', and thereby implying two story setback above this 45' level.

3. For the 85' height district, on Townsend, the committee felt that no front setback was necessary, but staff will look at the implications on this height on the abutting alleys and their residential character.

4. Subcommittee reviewed the proposed controls for the RED and RED-mixed. There was consensus on the proposed controls, expect for the parking. It was agreed that the parking issue would be discussed in Transportation Focus Group.

5. Next Meeting topics;

a. Development Controls on Larger Sites on both SLR and SLI sites

b. List of Community Benefits

c. Report of Historic Consultant and their proposed controls

d. Mix of uses and heights

e. SRO controls

Submitted by Toby Levy

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:28 PM