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November 8, 2007

November 8, 2007

Minutes of Complete Neighborhood Fabric

  1. Discussion of submitted proposal for increasing the allowable building heights on 7th and8th Street. Map was modified to have more limited increases, so they are not continuous, but go up unit alleys. Refer to modified maps. Motion passed Committee 5-0-1; Public 5-0-?
  2. Discussion of size of what parcels to be considered for different zoning. In return of community benefits such as, a mix of uses, public alleys, open space community benefits, lower parking and other urban design considerations, the guidelines could grant additional height. There was discussion of one set of proposals for sites ½ to 1 acre and another equation for sites above 1 acre. The map will consider sites both in the SLR and SLI districts. Staff and their consultants will work on a matrix.
  3. Map was presented with RED's and mixed use REDs. The map also had the REDs that extended onto the main streets, which was appreciated as a good idea. Motion Passed Committee 5-0-0 and Public 7-0-0.
  4. Discussed the RED's and lot coverage. In the RED mixed use , for commercial uses, there could be greater coverage if there is not pattern of mid block open space or parcels with open space on each of its sides. Motion was passed; Committee 5-0-0 and public 7-0-?
  5. Discussed lot aggregation and its possible implications in REDs, and staff will look into some recommendations.
  6. Discussed demolition controls for maintaining existing affordable housing.
  7. Next meeting topic.

i. Discussion of public benefits and large lots.

ii. Set back point on the major arteries

iii. RED controls

iv. Preliminary review of the SAMs (strategic analysis memo) that will be presented to the planning department.

Submitted by Toby Levy

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:28 PM