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October 12, 2006

October 12, 2006

San Francisco Western Soma Task Force

Complete Neighborhood Fabric Committee

Meeting October 12, 2006

City Hall; Room 421


Task Force Discussed the following issues:

Discussed Information that Committee would like Asian Neighborhood Design to Collect and bring back. In the cases of some elements AND would collect basic information and bring it back to review progress. Some task force members have offered to assist. In other cases we will need to go back to the streets to verify existing conditions.

  1. Parking: AND will START WITH DPT and census data and check back with us. Committee wants to determine the parking demands and if diminished parking will hurt commercial uses and families.

On Street Parking Spaces

Off Street Parking Spaces

Spaces for Commercial

Spaces for Residential Uses

  1. Opportunity Sites: AND will document vacant and one story buildings AND PUBLIC-OWNED SITES TO CREATE BASIC  SOFT SITES MAP. Will need to overly that with Historic Resources AS SUBSEQUENT ANALYSIS.

Need to overlay information with Planning Department Pipe-line projects (WANT TO HAVE THAT NOW AS A MAP OVERLAY?)

Would also like to get a handle of commercial/retail vacancy rates on first floors and above (CAN MAP OUT FIELD SURVEY DATA ONCE COMPLETED–November? TASK FORCE CAN ALSO REVIEW CURRENT LEASING LISTINGS).

  1. Background Open Space – Review maps that AND presented. AND WILL TILE TOGETHER IMAGES TO assemble larger WALL maps so committee can see patterns of open space.

Will add open space on 2nd floors of recent Affordable projects (AS DATA IS AVAILABLE–HOW MUCH TIME TO SPEND ON THIS?).

  1. BMR Housing Sites – Committee would like a count and mapping of existing and proposed affordable units existing and proposed units, and if possible their unit mix (AND WILL WORK WITH TODCO ON GATHERING THIS INFO).
  2. Alleys – Overlay the opportunity sites with street patterns (USING DPT DATA AND TRANSIT & BIKE ROUTES) so we can prioritized the creation of new alleys.
  3. Potential Open Space including sites for potential acquisition. The closing of a portion of 12th Street was mentioned. (NOT SURE WHAT THE IMMEDIATE NEXT STEP IS?)
  4. Map and Document Traffic Volumes (USING AVAILABLE DPT DATA)

Issues to be added to next full Task Force Agenda;

  1. Heights of the proposed Mid Market and Market Octavia Plans as buffer areas
  2. Creation of a Transportation Working Group
  3. Supervisor Maxwells' Affordable Housing resolution

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:28 PM