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October 25, 2006

October 25, 2006

Minutes/Notes on Action Items

#3 Motion: Approval for the Western SOMA Citizens Planning Task Force to go forward with the acquisition of the historic preservation grant

10 Yeas; 0 Nays; 0 Abstentions

#4A Motion: The next Task Force meeting to be held on 3rd Wednesday of November 2006; No Task Force meeting in the month of December 2006; The SOMA Leadership Council will be invited to attend the November meeting in hopes of holding a joint meeting; The November meeting will be held at City Hall

12 Yeas; 0 Nays; 0 Abstentions

#4B Motion: The Business and Land Use subcommittee will skip their November 2006 meeting and meet again on the third Thursday in December 2006(Dec 21 2006).

12 Yeas; 0 Nays; 0 Abstentions

#5 Motion: To have a joint meeting between the SOMA Stabilization Fund Community Advisory Committee, the SOMPAC and the Western SOMA Citizens Planning Task Force and requesting short presentations and/or updates from the Planning Department and the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, as necessary, on the (draft) plans for East SOMA, Showplace Square, Mid Market, Market/Octavia and North Mission areas.

12 Yeas; 0 Nays; 0 Abstentions

#7 Motion: To support the resolution from the Board of Supervisors requiring that Eastern Neighborhood plans conform to General Plan policies; to write the Board of Supervisors requesting that they write a similar resolution that applies to neighborhood plans city-wide; and to send indication of the support for this Board of Supervisors resolution to the Planning Commission

10 Yeas; 0 Nays; 2 Abstentions

#6 Motion: Refer the Position Paper on Market/Octavia (and other adjacent planning areas) to the Neighborhood Fabric subcommittee; To direct that anyone from the Western SOMA Citizens Planning Task Force testifying at the Planning Commission on the Market/Octavia Plan to express concern on the proposed height and degree of development and its impact on the buffer zones and the adjacent Residential Enclave Districts in the Western SOMA Planning Task Force plan area.

11 Yeas; 0 Nays; 1 Abstention

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:24 PM