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September 15, 2005 (Addendum)

September 15, 2005 (Addendum)




Notice of Meeting



Commission Chambers - Room 400

City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

Thursday, September 15, 2005

1:30 PM

Regular Meeting


President: Sue Lee

Vice-President:  Dwight S. Alexander

Commissioners: Michael J. Antonini; Shelley Bradford Bell; Kevin Hughes; William L. Lee;

  Christina Olague


Commission Secretary: Linda D. Avery




13a.      2002.0449Cv                                                        (M. Snyder: (415) 575-6891)

375 Fremont Street - east side between Folsom Street and Harrison Street, Lot 006 in Assessor’s Block 3747 - Request for Conditional Use authorization to allow for the construction of a residential project that would include approximately 225 dwelling units, 217 non-independently off-street parking spaces, two off-street loading spaces, in a structure that would be 250-feet tall and 28-stories.  Conditional Use is required pursuant to Planning Code Section 253 for the construction of a structure greater than 40-feet in a Residential District, and pursuant to Planning Code Section 249.1(b)(1)(B) for the construction of a project that would have full lot coverage on a sloping lot in the Rincon Hill Special Use District.  The project is being considered under the Planning Code Section 249.1, the Rincon Hill Special Use District, rather than the recently adopted new zoning controls for the Rincon Hill area as outlined in Planning Code Sections 827 and 309.1.  Planning Code Section 175.7 allows the subject lot to pursue entitlements under the zoning controls in effect prior to the adoption of the zoning amendments implementing the Rincon Hill DTR District.  Under the previous controls, the subject lot was in an RC-4 (Residential Commercial Mixed High Density) District, the Rincon Hill Special Use District, and a 250-R Height and Bulk District.  Under the new adopted zoning, the project site is within the Rincon Hill DTR (Downtown Residential District), and a 400-R Height and Bulk District.   

preliminary Recommendation: Approval with modifications.




13b.      2002.0449CV                                                        (M. Snyder: (415) 575-6891)

375 Fremont Street - east side between Folsom Street and Harrison Street, Lot 006 in Assessor’s Block 3747 - Request for Parking, Loading, and upper floor setback variances   to allow for the construction of a residential project that would include approximately 225 dwelling units, 217 non-independently off-street parking spaces, two off-street loading spaces, in a structure that would be 250-feet tall and 28-stories.  Pursuant to Planning Code Section 151 and 249.1(c)(3), one parking space is required for each dwelling unit; the proposal only includes up to 217 parking spaces (193 independently accessible, and 24 tandem).  Pursuant to Planning Code Section 249.1(c)(3), 50-percent of the frontage is required to be setback by 25-feet at a height of 50-feet; the proposal does not include such a setback. Pursuant to Planning Code Section 152 and 155, the project is required to include two independently access off-street loading spaces; one of the proposed two loading spaces would not be independently accessible.  The project is being considered under the Planning Code Section 249.1, the Rincon Hill Special Use District, rather than the recently adopted new zoning controls for the Rincon Hill area as outlined in Planning Code Sections 827 and 309.1.  Planning Code Section 175.7 allows the subject lot to pursue entitlements under the zoning controls in effect prior to the adoption of the zoning amendments implementing the Rincon Hill DTR District.  Under the previous controls, the subject lot was in an RC-4 (Residential Commercial Mixed High Density) District, the Rincon Hill Special Use District, and a 250-R Height and Bulk District.  Under the new adopted zoning, the project site is within the Rincon Hill DTR (Downtown Residential District), and a 400-R Height and Bulk District.   




Last updated: 11/17/2009 9:59:52 PM