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August 11, 2005 (Cancelled)

August 11, 2005 (Cancelled)



Regular Meeting

Thursday, August 11, 2005

President: Sue Lee
Vice-President: Dwight S. Alexander
Commissioners: Michael J. Antonini; Shelley Bradford Bell; Kevin Hughes; William L. Lee; Christina Olague

Notice is hereby given that Regular Meeting of the San Francisco Planning Commission for August 11, 2005 is cancelled. The following items are continued as shown. The next Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission will be on Thursday, September 1, 2005. For information on the items listed below please contact the planners as indicated in parenthesis.

1. 2004.0303C (K. McGEE: (415) 558-6367) Kate McGee at 415.558.6367 Kate McGee at 415.558.6367 Kate McGee at 415.558.6367

401-407 VALENCIA STREET - southeast corner of Valencia and 15th Streets, Lot 029, Assessor's Block 3554 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Section 726.83 of the Planning Code to install a wireless telecommunications facility consisting of three (3) panel antennas and three (3) related equipment cabinets on an existing residential hotel, `The Royan Hotel,' as a part of the Sprint PCS wireless telecommunications network within the Valencia Street Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District, a 50-X Height and Bulk Designation, and the Mission Alcoholic Beverage RUSD.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval

(Continued to September 8, 2005)

2. 2004.0858C (D. DiBARTOLO: (415) 558-6291)

766 VALLEJO STREET - north side between Powell and Stockton Streets; Lot 043 in Assessor's Block 130 - Request for Conditional Use authorization pursuant to Section 722.83 of the Planning Code to install and operate a wireless telecommunication facility for AT&T Wireless Service, roof-mounted on the existing building comprising a parking garage and police station. Under the City and County of San Francisco's Wireless Telecommunication Services (WTS) Facilities Siting Guidelines, the property is a Preferred Location Preference 2, as a co-location site of previously approved antenna installations. The proposal is to install six panel antennas at three different locations on the roof of the approximately 67-foot high building. Related equipment would be placed on the fourth floor level within the parking garage a basement storage area. The property is within the North Beach Neighborhood Commercial District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation: Pending

(Continued from Regular Meeting of July 7, 2005)

(Continued to November 10, 2005)

3. 2004.0832Q (S. YOUNG: (415) 558-6346)

2145 CALIFORNIA STREET - south side between Laguna and Buchanan Streets, Lot 22 in Assessor's Block 0651, five-unit residential condominium conversion in an RH-2 (Residential, Two-Family) District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. The proposal is to change the existing 5-unit residential building to a condominium form of ownership and does not involve expansion, alteration, or demolition of the existing building.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval

(Continued to September 22, 2005)

4. 2004.1257C (B. FU: (415) 558-6613)

1026 VALENCIA STREET - west side, between 21st and Hill Streets, Lot 004 in Assessor's Block 3617 - Request for Conditional Use authorization under Planning Code Section 726.43 and pursuant to Planning Code Section 303, to allow the establishment of a new ground floor large fast-food restaurant in the Valencia Neighborhood Commercial District with a 50-X Height and Bulk Designation, and in a Housing/Mixed Use overlay as designated by Planning Commission Resolution No. 16727.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions

(Continued to September 1, 2005)

5. 2005.0522C (E. TOPE: (415).558-.6316)

3041-3045 FILLMORE STREET - west side between Filbert and Union Streets, Lot 004 in Assessor's Block 0534 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Planning Code Sections 303, 725.38 and 790.84to allow a conversion from residential to nonresidential use on the second floor of a building in the Union Street Neighborhood Commercial District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. The proposal is to convert an approximately 1,280 square foot two-bedroom flat to office use (to be used in conjunction with Fredericksen's Paint store located in the ground floor).

Preliminary Recommendation: Disapproval

(Continued to September 22, 2005)

6. 2005.0565C (S.YOUNG: (415) 558-6346)

2110 CLEMENT STREET - north side between 22nd and 23rd Avenues; Lot 009 in Assessor's Block 1411 - Request for Conditional Use authorization under Sections 717.27, 186.1(b) and 303 of the Planning Code to legalize the extension of the hours of operation of an existing nonconforming full-service restaurant ("My Favorite Cafe") from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. in the Outer Clement Neighborhood Commercial District (NCD) and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. No exterior modifications will be made to the existing building envelope.

Preliminary Recommendation: Disapproval

(Continued to September 15, 2005)

7a. 2005.0492CV (G. CABREROS: (415) 558-6169)

2461-2463 LOMBARD STREET - south side between Divisadero and Scott Streets in an NC-3 (Moderate-scale, Neighborhood Commercial) District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District, Lot 024 in Assessor's Block 0937 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization under Planning Code Sections 161(j) and 303 to reduce the parking requirement for the project where one off-street parking space is required. The proposal is to construct an additional dwelling unit within the ground floor of an existing two-story, one-unit cottage located at the rear of the subject lot. A three-story, two-unit building with a ground-floor commercial space exists at the front of the lot. No building expansion is proposed at either building. The project would result in a total of four dwelling units and one-commercial space at the subject lot.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions

(Continued September 15, 2005)

7b. 2005.0492CV (G. CABREROS: (415) 558-6169)

2461-2463 LOMBARD STREET - south side between Divisadero and Scott Streets, Lot 024 in Assessor's Block 0937 - Request for rear yard, open space, dwelling unit exposure and non-complying structure variances from Planning Code Sections 134, 135, 140 and 188 to construct an additional dwelling unit within the ground floor of an existing two-story, one-unit cottage at the rear of the subject lot located in an NC-3 (Moderate-scale, Neighborhood Commercial) District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.

(Continued to September 15, 2005)

8. 2004.0425C (M. LI: (415) 558-6396)

524 HOWARD STREET - north side between 1st and 2nd Streets, Lot 013 in Assessor's Block 3721 - Request for Conditional Use authorization to establish a temporary surface parking lot for up to 52 vehicles within the C-3-O (SD) (Downtown Office Special Development) District and a 450-S Height and Bulk District. Pursuant to Section 156(h) of the Planning Code, the proposed use may be authorized for a maximum of two years. The project site is currently vacant.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval

(Continued to September 1, 2005)

9. 2004.1135C (T. TAM: (415) 558-6325)

100 PHELAN AVENUE - southwest corner of Judson and Phelan Avenues; Lot 002 in Assessor's Block 3180 - Request for a Conditional Use authorization pursuant to Planning Code Sections 178, 209, and 303 to allow the expansion of an existing institutional use (Archbishop Riordan High School). The proposal is to construct three, two-story classroom/lecture/ministry buildings in the existing interior courtyard areas on the south side of the school campus. The property is in a RH-1 (D) (Residential, House, One-Family, Detached) District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions

(Continued to September 1, 2005)

10. 2003.0672EC (I. NISHIMURA: (415) 558-5967)

5800 THIRD STREET RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL MIXED-USE PROJECT - Appeals of Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration - The proposed project would consist of construction of a residential and commercial mixed-use development after demolition of a defunct bottling plant facility at 5800 Third Street (Assessor's Block 5431A, Lot 001), at the southwest corner of Third Street and Carroll Avenue in the Bayview neighborhood. The project would include 355 multi-family residential units in four buildings, 13,000 gross square feet (gsf) of ground floor retail space in two of the buildings that would be along Third Street, and 379 off-street parking spaces in the four buildings. The four buildings would total 641,920 gsf in size, ranging in height from 50 to 60 feet tall (four to five stories) and would be built around a central plaza and a private driveway with two visitor loading spaces, with access from Carroll Avenue. Sixteen surface parking spaces for the retail uses would be provided on the south side of the project site, with access provided from a right-turn-only driveway on Third Street at the southern boundary of the site. Twenty surface parking spaces for visitors would be provided along the central private driveway. Currently, the 5.75-acre site is occupied by a three-story, 103,000-gsf closed Coca-Cola bottling plant constructed in 1966, which would be demolished. Current use of the site is temporary parking of moving company trucks and charter buses. The site is within an M-1 (Light Industrial) District, the Third Street Special Use District (SUD), a 65-J Height and Bulk District, and the proposed Bayview Hunters Point Redevelopment Projects and Zoning Health Center Activity Node. The proposed project would require Conditional Use Authorization by the Planning Commission for residential units in an M-1 District and for a Planned Unit Development.

Preliminary Recommendation: Uphold the Issuance of the Proposed
Amended Mitigated Negative Declaration.

(Continued from Regular Meeting of July 28, 2005)

(Continued to September 1, 2005)

11. 2003.0672C (M. SNYDER: (415) 575-6891)

5800 THIRD STREET - currently occupied by the vacant Coca Cola facility, southwest corner of Third Street and Carroll Avenue, Lot 001 in Assessor's Block 5431A - Request for Conditional Use authorization to allow dwelling units in an M-1 District . Under Planning Code Sections 303 and to allow a Planned Unit Development under Planning Code Section 304. Exceptions to the limitation on density (Planning Code Section 215) and the rear yard requirement (Planning Code Section 134) are being requested under the Planned Unit Development. The Proposal is to demolish the existing facility and surface asphalt and construct a new development that would include four buildings with up to 343 dwelling units, approximately 13,000 square feet of ground floor commercial / retail space, up to 387 off-street parking spaces, and up to three off-street freight loading spaces. The buildings would be between 50-feet and 65-feet tall. The subject property is within an M-1 (light Industrial) District, the Third Street Special Use District, and a 65-J Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions

(Continued from Regular Meeting of July 28, 2005)

(Continued to September 1, 2005)

12. 2004.0916L (M. SNYDER: (415) 575-6891)

900 INNES AVENUE - northeast side between Griffith and Winters Point Boulevard. Assessor's Block 4646 and Lot 007 - Request for Landmark Designation under Planning Code Sections 1004.1, 1004.2 as City Landmark No. 250. The subject property is within an NC-2 (Neighborhood Commercial - Small Scale) District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval

(Continued from Regular Meeting of July 21, 2005)

(Continued to September 1, 2005)

13. 2005.0728U (K. RICH: (415) 558-6345)

LELAND AVENUE URBAN DESIGN SERVICES - Resolution to contract work out, and to release a Request for Proposals, to provide urban design services for Leland Avenue in Visitacion Valley. The Planning Department has received a $75,000 grant from the Hass Jr. Foundation to hire a consultant for street design work to help revitalize Leland Avenue, a neighborhood commercial corridor in Visitacion Valley.

(Continued to September 1, 2005)

14a. 2003.0295CDV (I. WILSON: (415) 558-6163)

899 NORTH POINT STREET - southeast corner of North Point and Larkin Streets; Lot 020 in Assessor's Block 0026 - Request for Conditional Use authorization pursuant to Sections 209.1 and 228.3 of the Planning Code to convert a service station use to residential use and to construct an approximately 40-foot tall, 4-story, 5-unit residential structure containing 7 off-street parking spaces in an RH-3 (Residential, House, Three-family) District, the Waterfront Special Use District No. 2 and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. The project site was formerly a service station and is now vacant. This project is also seeking a Variance from the Planning Code, and is the subject of a request for Discretionary Review.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions

(Continued from Regular Meeting of July 28, 2005)

(Continued to September 22, 2005)

14b. 2003.0295CDV (I. WILSON: (415) 558-6163)

899 NORTH POINT STREET - southeast corner of North Point and Larkin Streets; Lot 020 in Assessor's Block 0026 - Request for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 2003.04.25.3201, proposing to construct an approximately 40-foot tall, 4-story, 5-unit residential structure containing 7 off-street parking spaces in an RH-3 (Residential, House, Three-family) District, the Waterfront Special Use District No. 2 and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. This project is also seeking a Variance from the Planning Code, and requires Conditional Use authorization.

Preliminary Recommendation: Take Discretionary Review and approve the project with modifications.

(Continued from Regular Meeting of July 28 2005)

(Continued to September 22, 2005)

14c. 2003.0295CDV (I. WILSON: (415) 558-6163)

899 NORTH POINT STREET - southeast corner of North Point and Larkin Streets; Lot 020 in Assessor's Block 0026 - Request for Variance from the rear yard requirements of Planning Code Section 134. The proposal is to construct an approximately 40-foot tall, 4-story, 5-unit residential structure containing 7 off-street parking spaces in an RH-3 (Residential, House, Three-family) District, the Waterfront Special Use District No. 2 and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. A Variance is required to construct an approximately 40' X 22' portion of the project fully into the rear yard along North Point Street, leaving a comparable rear yard to the interior corner of the lot of approximately 1,480 square feet. This project also requires Conditional Use authorization, and is the subject of a request for Discretionary Review.

(Continued from Regular Meeting of July 28 2005)

(Continued to September 22, 2005)

15. 2005.0527D (G. CABREROS: (415) 558-6169)

1847 SCOTT STREET - west side between Pine and Bush Streets; Lot 003 in Assessor's Block 1050 - Request for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 2003.09.17.5059, proposing to add two stories to an existing two-story, single-family residence in an RH-2 (Residential, House, Two-Family) District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.

Preliminary Recommendation: Pending

(Continued from Regular Meeting of July 21, 2005)

(Continued to September 15, 2005)

16. 2004.1162D (R. CRAWFORD: (415) 558-6358)

266-272 CUMBERLAND STREET - north side between Church and Sanchez Streets. Assessor's Block 3600 Lot 076 - Request for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No.2004 0809 1048 to construct a one story vertical addition to the existing three story building, in an RH-2 (Residential House, Two Family) District, and a 40-X Height and Bulk district.

Preliminary Recommendation: Take Discretionary Review, disapprove the vertical addition and allow interior modifications as proposed.

(Continued from Regular Meeting of July 14, 2005)

(Continued to September 22, 2005)

Last updated: 11/17/2009 9:59:52 PM