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March 18, 2004 (Addendum)

March 18, 2004 (Addendum)



Notice of Meeting

Commission Chambers - Room 400
City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

Thursday, March 18, 2004
1:30 PM

Regular Meeting

President: Shelley Bradford Bell
Vice-President: Michael J. Antonini
Commissioners: Rev. Edgar E. Boyd; Lisa Feldstein;
Kevin Hughes; Sue Lee; William L. Lee

Commission Secretary: Linda D. Avery


3:00 p.m.

      9a. 2003.0584EKXCMTZLU (A. LIGHT: (415) 558-6254)

          690 MARKET STREET - north side at northeast corner of Kearny and Geary Streets, Lot 6, in Assessor's Block 311 - Request for adoption of CEQA findings and a mitigated negative declaration pursuant to 1) a finding that a net new shadow impact on Union Square Park is not adverse; 2) a Determination of Compliance under Section 309 of the Planning Code to permit an eight-story vertical addition, historic façade restoration, and conversion of an existing office building to a mixed-use project for up to 64 residential dwelling units, up to 73 hotel time-share units, approximately 6,500 square feet of ground level retail space, and a sub grade parking garage (capable of accommodating up to 29 independently-accessible parking spaces and two loading spaces with the capability of accommodating up to 100 vehicles through the use of valet services and vehicle stacking), with exceptions to the Planning Code for the separation of towers requirement, residential open space requirements, publicly-accessible open space requirements, dwelling unit exposure requirements, ground-level wind currents, independently-accessible parking, sunlight access to sidewalks, and an upper tower extension; 3) a Conditional Use application to allow a hotel in the C-3-O (Downtown, Office) Zoning District; 4) a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for a General Plan amendment to change the height and bulk district of the existing site; 5) a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for approval of the creation of the Downtown Housing Demonstration Special Use District encompassing and comprised of the subject property and allowing, among other items, exceptions under Section 309 for residential open space requirements, publicly-accessible open space requirements, and dwelling unit exposure; 6) recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for conditional designation as San Francisco Landmark No. 243 (to be heard at a subsequent Planning Commission hearing date); and 7) recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for conditional approval of a Mills Act Contract (also to be heard at a subsequent Planning Commission hearing date) ; all for the subject property, which is in the C-3-O Zoning District and a 250-S Height and Bulk District. The proposal is to:

      1) Seismically upgrade the subject 16-story office building (The Old Chronicle Building), which would include infilling a large light well at the rear of the building that is not visible from any public right-of-way;

      2) Restore the historic building façade by removing a non-historic metal, glass and marble cladding system installed in 1962 and rehabilitating/restoring/reconstructing intact, damaged and missing historic façade features;

      3) Construct an eight-story vertical addition that will result in a building height of approximately 312 feet, and a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of approximately 19.68 if the residential floor space were to be counted toward the FAR calculation as currently required by the Planning Code (see item No. 5 below);

      4) Convert the existing office building use to a mixed-use project that would have at least 40, but up to 64 residential dwelling units, at least 49, but up to 73 hotel time-share units (for a combined total of 113 hotel and residential units), approximately 6,500 square feet of ground level retail space, replacing an existing retail bank, and creating a sub grade parking structure, that given the irregular floor plate shape and placement of support columns would yield a maximum of 29 independently-accessible parking spaces and two loading spaces on the project site with the capability of providing up to 100 valet and vehicle-stacking spaces in place of the independently-accessible spaces. The new parking facility would be accessed through an existing sub grade garage facility at the adjacent 88 Kearny Street property, thereby not requiring a garage entrance at the ground level of the subject 690 Market Street property;

      5) In order to construct the addition; infill the light well; implement the proposed change of use; grant exceptions for residential open space, publicly-accessible open space, and dwelling unit exposure under the procedures of Section 309, a new Special Use District is proposed to change the existing height district to a 285-S Height and Bulk District (the Planning Code allows for a 10% increase in height over the height limit under certain criteria, in this case up to 313.5 feet), eliminate residential uses from Floor Area Ratio calculations, and allow said exceptions under Section 309 instead of requiring variances. The Special Use District would also require a minimum of 15% on-site or 17% off-site Below Market Rate (BMR) units. The Downtown Element of the General Plan must also be amended as it specifies the height and bulk districts as currently designated within the C-3 zoning districts;

      6) The Project Sponsor is proposing to meet the Below Market Rate (BMR) housing requirement by constructing the required BMR units off-site at 938 Market Street, a project that is seeking authorization concurrently with the subject application (2003.0587HXVLU);

      7) The project sponsors are seeking to avail themselves of the Mills Act, which allows local governments to grant property tax relief benefits in exchange for the guaranteed preservation of a historic property. In order to qualify under the San Francisco Administrative Code, the property must either be designated as a San Francisco Landmark or listed separately on the National Register. As neither condition is the case with the subject property, the project sponsor is seeking conditional San Francisco landmark status. The proposed Landmark Designation would become final upon the completion of the proposed project consistent with the Rehabilitation Program set forth by the proposed Mills Act contract.

      Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt CEQA findings and mitigated negative declaration.

          (Continued from Regular Meeting of February 19, 2004)

      9b. 2003.0584EKXCMTZLU (A. LIGHT: (415) 558-6254)

          690 MARKET STREET - north side at northeast corner of Kearny and Geary Streets, Lot 6, in Assessor's Block 311 - Request for a finding that a net new shadow impact on Union Square Park is not adverse for the subject property, which is in the C-3-O Zoning District and a 250-S Height and Bulk District. See first item under this case number for a project description.

          Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt finding.

          (Continued from Regular Meeting of February 19, 2004)

      9c. 2003.0584EKXCMTZLU (A. LIGHT: (415) 558-6254)

          690 MARKET STREET - north side at northeast corner of Kearny and Geary Streets, Lot 6, in Assessor's Block 311 - Request for a Determination of Compliance under Section 309 of the Planning Code to permit an eight-story vertical addition, historic façade restoration, and conversion of an existing office building to a mixed-use project for up to 64 residential dwelling units, up to 73 hotel time-share units, approximately 6,500 square feet of ground level retail space, and a sub grade parking garage (capable of accommodating up to 29 independently-accessible parking spaces and two loading spaces with the capability of accommodating up to 100 vehicles through the use of valet services and vehicle stacking), with exceptions to the Planning Code for the separation of towers requirement, residential open space requirements, publicly-accessible open space requirements, dwelling unit exposure requirements, ground-level wind currents, independently-accessible parking, sunlight access to sidewalks, and an upper tower extension, for the subject property, which is in the C-3-O Zoning District and a 250-S Height and Bulk District. See first item under this case number for a project description.

          NOTE: The Proposed project has been revised to include up to 57 residential dwelling units, and up to 72 hotel time-share units in order to create several three-bedroom units and one four bedroom units.

          Preliminary Recommendation: Approval of Determination of Compliance with Exceptions Motion with Conditions.

          (Continued from Regular Meeting of February 19, 2004)

      9d. 2003.0584EKXCMTZLU (A. LIGHT: (415) 558-6254)

          690 MARKET STREET - north side at northeast corner of Kearny and Geary Streets, Lot 6, in Assessor's Block 311 - Request for a Conditional Use application to allow a hotel in the C-3-O (Downtown, Office) Zoning District, for the subject property, which is in the C-3-O Zoning District and a 250-S Height and Bulk District. See first item under this case number for a project description.

          Preliminary Recommendation: Approval of Conditional Use Motion with Conditions.

          (Continued from Regular Meeting of February 19, 2004)

      9e. 2003.0584EKXCMTZLU (A. LIGHT: (415) 558-6254)

          690 MARKET STREET - north side at northeast corner of Kearny and Geary Streets, Lot 6, in Assessor's Block 311 - Request for adoption of a resolution recommending to the Board of Supervisors a General Plan amendment to change the height and bulk district of the existing site, which is in the C-3-O Zoning District and a 250-S Height and Bulk District. See first item under this case number for a project description.

          Preliminary Recommendation: Adoption of Draft Resolution

          (Continued from Regular Meeting of February 19, 2004)

      9f. 2003.0584EKXCMTZLU (A. LIGHT: (415) 558-6254)

          690 MARKET STREET - north side at northeast corner of Kearny and Geary Streets, Lot 6, in Assessor's Block 311 - Request for adoption of a resolution recommending to the Board of Supervisors the approval of the creation of the Downtown Housing Demonstration Special Use District encompassing and comprised of the subject property, requiring a Planning Code Text Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment, for the subject property, which is in the C-3-O Zoning District and a 250-S Height and Bulk District. See first item under this case number for a project description.

        Preliminary Recommendation: Adoption of Draft Resolution

        (Continued from Regular Meeting of February 19, 2004)

      9g. 2003.0584EKXCMTZLU (A. LIGHT: (415) 558-6254)

          690 MARKET STREET - north side at northeast corner of Kearny and Geary Streets, Lot 6, in Assessor's Block 311 - Request for adoption of a resolution recommendating to the Board of Supervisors conditional designation of the subject property as San Francisco Landmark No. 243; and adoption of a second resolution finding that a proposed eight-to-thirteen-story addition to the existing building is consistent with the Secretary of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitation of Historic Structures, both for the subject property, which is in the C-3-O Zoning District and a 250-S Height and Bulk District.

          Preliminary Recommendation: Adoption of both Draft Resolutions with Conditions

      9h. 2003.0584EKXCMTZLU (A. LIGHT: (415) 558-6254)

          690 MARKET STREET - north side at northeast corner of Kearny and Geary Streets, Lot 6, in Assessor's Block 311 - Request for adoption of resolution recommending to the Board of Supervisors conditional approval of a Mills Act HIstorical Property Contract for the subject property, which is in the C-3-O Zoning District and a 250-S Height and Bulk District.

          Preliminary Recommendation: Adoption of Draft Resolution

      10. 2003.0587HXVLU (A. LIGHT: (415) 558-6254)

          938-942 MARKET STREET - north side between Mason and Cyril Magnin Streets (also fronting on the east side of Mason Street between Market and Eddy Streets (the lot and structure are L-shaped)), Lot 5, in Assessor's Block 341 - Informational hearing on a proposal to convert an existing seven-story office building to approximately 33 dwelling units, add a one-story vertical penthouse addition, designate the building as a San Francisco Landmark, and enter into a Mills Act historical property contract. To build the project, the applicant must request the following: 1) a Permit to Alter under Article 11 for a substantial increase in height to a Category I Building; 2) a Determination of Compliance under Section 309 of the Planning Code to permit an one-story vertical addition, historic façade rehabilitation, and conversion of existing office space to approximately 33 residential dwelling units, with an exception to the Planning Code rear yard requirements; 3) the granting of residential open space, dwelling unit exposure, and parking variances; 4) recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for conditional designation as San Francisco Landmark No. 244; and 5) recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for conditional approval of a conditional Mills Act Contract; all for the subject property, which is in the C-3-G Zoning District and a 110-X Height and Bulk District. The Zoning Administrator will hear the variance application concurrently with the Planning Commission when this case is formally heard as proposed for April 22, 2004.

Last updated: 11/17/2009 9:59:50 PM