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December 18, 2003 (Correction)

December 18, 2003 (Correction)



Notice of Meeting

Commission Chambers - Room 400
City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

Thursday, December 18, 2003
1:30 PM

Regular Meeting

President: Shelley Bradford Bell
Vice-President: Michael J. Antonini
Commissioners: Rev. Edgar E. Boyd; Lisa Feldstein;
Kevin Hughes; Sue Lee; William L. Lee

18. (L. BADINER: (415) 558-6411)

EASTERN NEIGHBORHOODS COMMUNITY PLANNING - The Planning Commission will discuss and possibly adopt Interim Policies and/or discuss and direct staff to prepare a resolution for initiation of Interim Controls. Planning Department staff will provide a status report on the Environmental Review process for the Rezoning of the Eastern Neighborhoods. The Planning Commission will also schedule a subsequent hearing to review and discuss the work scope of Public Benefit Zoning and Community Impact Report (Socio-Economic Analysis) and to discuss non-conforming uses.

(Continued from Regular Meeting of November 20, 2003)

Last updated: 11/17/2009 9:59:49 PM