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August 21, 2002


Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board (LPAB)

          OF THE
          CITY HALL
AUGUST 21, 2002

12:40 P.M. ROLL CALL




Betty Traynor re: Potential Landmark designation of the Redstone Building.
Ruach Graffis re: Potential Landmark designation of the Redstone Building.



Neil Hart, Chief
Neighborhood Planning:
i          Informed the Landmarks Board and members of the public about funding allocated through the Department's Work Program and Budget for eight landmark Board designation of landmarks. A discussion on the Landmark Designation Work Program is scheduled for September 18, 2002.
i          A special hearing will be held on September 4, 2002, at the Japanese Cultural and Community Center, 1840 Sutter Street, beginning at 12:30 p.m..
i          Landmarks Board Member, Ina Dearman, along with her husband, John, will be being honored by SPUR at their luncheon on November 4, 2002, Moscone Center South.
i          Thanked Heritage for an article in their July/August Newsletter written by Staff, Jeffrey Tully, Survey Manager on Cultural Resource Surveys – the Building Blocks of Preservation.

Tape No(s).: 1a
President Kelley:
                              i          Agendize discussion on the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) procedures.



n          Certificate(s) of Appropriateness

                     4.          2002.0852A          (M. LUELLEN: 415/558-6478)
                              840-848 BATTERY STREET, east side between Broadway and Vallejo Street. Assessor's Block 141, Lot 2. The subject property is a two-story, reinforced concrete warehouse constructed in 1931 and is potentially compatible to the Northeast Waterfront Historic District. It is zoned C-2 (Community Business) District and is in an 84-E Height and Bulk District. Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install one exterior identity sign above the entry doors on Battery Street and one sign centered on the building's Front Street façade.
                              Preliminary Recommendation: Approval

Speaker(s):          Tom Horton
Charles Chase
Joe Luttrell

Action:          It was moved by Member Pearlman (seconded by Picon) to recommend approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness.

Ayes:                    Kelley, Kotas, Pearlman and Picon
Noes:                    Finwall and Skrondal
Absent:          Dearman, Ho-Belli and Shatara
                    MOTION FAILED: +4 –2

The item was continued to September 18, 2002.
Tape No(s).: 1a

                     5.          2002.0673A          (M. LUELLEN: 415/558-6478)
                              962 BATTERY STREET, (aka 99 GREEN STREET), southeast corner of Green and Battery Streets. Assessor's Block 135, Lot 5. The subject property is a three-story, reinforced concrete warehouse constructed in 1910, and is compatible to the Northeast Waterfront Historic District. It is zoned C-2 (Community Business) District and is in an 84-E Height and Bulk District. Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install two wireless telecommunications antennas on the building's Green and Battery Street facades. The associated equipment cabinets will be placed on the roof.
                              Preliminary Recommendation: Approval

Speaker(s):          Joe Luttrell

Action:          It was moved by Member Skrondal (seconded by Picon) to accept Staff's recommendation and approve the Certificate of Appropriateness. The vote was unanimous.

Ayes:                    Finwall, Kelley, Kotas, Pearlman, Picon and Skrondal
Noes:                    None
Absent:          Dearman, Ho-Belli and Shatara

Tape No(s).: 1a & b

                     6.          2002.0815A          (W. HASTIE: 415/558-6381)
                              358 SAN CARLOS STREET, west side between 20th and 21st Streets. Assessor's Block 3609, Lot 94. The subject Italianate-style residence is a contributory building to the Liberty Hill Historic District; it is zoned RH-2 (House, Two-Family) District and is in a 50-X Height and Bulk District. Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install roof-mounted solar panels.
                              Preliminary Recommendation: Approval

Speaker(s):          None

Action:          It was moved by Member Kotas (seconded by Skrondal) to accept Staff's recommendation and approve the Certificate of Appropriateness. The vote was unanimous.

Ayes:                    Finwall, Kelley, Kotas, Pearlman, Picon and Skrondal
Noes:                    None
Absent:          Dearman, Ho-Belli and Shatara

Tape No(s).: 1b

                     7.          2001.0115A          (M. SNYDER: 415/575-6891)
                              816 GUERRERO STREET, west side between Liberty and 20th Streets. Assessor's Block 3607, Lot 5. A contributory structure in the Liberty Hill Historic District, this Edwardian single-family house was constructed in 1900, and is still being used as a single-family house. The house is within an RH-3 (House, Three-Family) District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to construct a new garage structure in the front setback area.
                              Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with Conditions

Speaker(s):          None

Action:          It was moved by Member Kotas (seconded by Skrondal) to accept Staff's recommendation and approve the Certificate of Appropriateness. The vote was unanimous.

Ayes:                    Finwall, Kelley, Kotas, Pearlman and Skrondal
Noes:                    None
Absent:          Dearman, Ho-Belli, Picon and Shatara

Tape No(s).: 1b & 2a

                     8.          2002.0880A          (A. LIGHT: 415/558-6254)
                              700 MONTGOMERY STREET (a.k.a. 580 WASHINGTON STREET), Landmark No. 212. Assessor's Block 196, Lot 8. The subject property is within the Jackson Square Historic District, is zoned C-2 (Community Business) District and is in a 65-D-2 Height and Bulk District. Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness, including seismic retrofit of the co-joined properties of 700 Montgomery Street (northeast corner of Washington Street) and 580 Washington Street (northwest corner of Hotaling Place). Changes requiring a Certificate of Appropriateness include the following work on the Washington Street façade, the replacement of non-original storefronts, replacement of non-original aluminum sash windows with painted wood sash windows; on the Hotaling Street façade, repair and rehabilitation of wood sash windows, restoration of previously-infilled ground-level windows with aluminum-frame windows to match new storefronts on Washington Street, removal of non-historic fire escape; enclosure of lightwell at rear of building.
                              Preliminary Recommendation: Approval

Speaker(s):          None

Action:          It was moved by Member Finwall (seconded by Skrondal) to accept Staff's recommendation and approve the Certificate of Appropriateness with the condition that the project sponsor revisit the design of the canopy and go back to Staff with the final details. The vote was unanimous.

Ayes:                    Finwall, Kelley, Kotas, Pearlman and Skrondal
Noes:                    None
Absent:          Dearman, Ho-Belli, Picon and Shatara

Tape No(s).: 2a

                     9.          2002.0889A          (A. LIGHT: 415/558-6254)
21 ALTA PLACE, south side between Montgomery and Sansome Streets. Assessor's Block 106, Lot 23. A three-story, wood frame, Italianate four-unit residential building which is a contributory structure within the Telegraph Hill Historic District. The subject property is zoned RH-3 (House, Three-Family) District and is in a 40-X Height and Bulk District. Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to rehabilitate exterior of the building, which includes replacement of non-original shingles with horizontal wood siding, replacement of aluminum windows with wood, painted windows, and repair of wood windows and doors.
                              Preliminary Recommendation: Approval

Speaker(s):          None

Action:          It was moved by Member Skrondal (seconded by Kotas) to accept Staff's recommendation and approve the Certificate of Appropriateness. The vote was unanimous.

Ayes:                    Finwall, Kelley, Kotas, Pearlman and Skrondal
Noes:                    None
Absent:          Dearman, Ho-Belli, Picon and Shatara

Tape No(s).: 2a

n          Review of Written Objections to findings of the Central Waterfront Cultural Resource Surveys
                                                            (J. TULLY: 415/558-6372)
Following the Landmarks Boards’ Public Review Process for Cultural Resource Survey Findings , the Landmarks Board must review written objections to the Central Waterfront survey findings as presented by property owners. The Landmarks Board may recommend retention or modification of survey information and/or National Register Status Code. The recommendation will then be forwarded to the Planning Commission for consideration of endorsement.

Objections to survey findings will be heard on the following resources:

10.          815-825 TENNESSEE STREET – owner, Su Wuan Lee Mai. Property owner believes National Register Status Code assigned to this resource is incorrect. (Note: Item is continued from the June 5, 2002 Landmarks Board Hearing)

          Speaker(s):          None

          Recused:          Tim Kelley

          Board Comments:
i          After hearing public comment, the Landmarks Board took the following actions.
4          Member Pearlman moved (seconded by Kotas) to change the Status Code from 4D2 to 5D1. A roll call vote was taken +4 –1 (+Kotas, Pearlman, Picon and Skrondal; -Finwall) (Kelley, recused); Dearman, Ho-Belli and Shatara, absent). The MOTION FAILED
4          Member Finwall moved to retain the 4D2 Status Code. The motion did not get a second. The MOTION FAILED
4          At the call of the Chair, the item was continued to October 2, 2002.

Tape No(s).: 1b

11.          2051 THIRD STREET – owner, Herbie Herbert/Herbie Herbert Management, Inc.. Property owner believes National Register Status Code assigned to this resource should be modified to reflect alterations that have resulted in a loss of integrity.

          Speaker(s):          None

          Recused:          Tim Kelley

          Board Comments:
i          After hearing public comment, the Landmarks Board took the following actions.
4          Member Finwall moved (seconded by Pearlman) to change the Status Code from 4D2 to 5S3. The vote was unanimous (Finwall, Kotas, Pearlman, Picon and Skrondal) (Kelley, recused; Dearman, Ho-Belli and Shatara, absent). The MOTION PASSED

Tape No(s).: 1b

n          Section 106 Review

                     9.          2002.0439F          (K. SIMONSON: 415/558-6321)
                    DOYLE DRIVE REPLACEMENT, southern approach of US 101 to the Golden Gate
          Bridge,           Assessor's Block 1300, within the City of San Francisco and the Presidio of
          San Francisco, part of the Golden Date National Recreation Area. Project limits extend eastward along Doyle Drive for approximately 1.1 miles, from the Park Presidio Interchange to the proposed Presidio National Park Access in the vicinity of Girard Road. East of Girard Road, improvements would be made to Richardson Avenue in the vicinity of Lyon and Francisco Street under selected alternatives. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), is conducting a Section 106 Review of the proposed replacement of Doyle Drive. The Focused Area of Potential Effect (APE) includes the Palace of Fine Arts, Doyle Drive, San Francisco National Cemetery, Park Presidio Boulevard, Richardson Avenue, and the cultural landscape and 270 historic resources in the Presidio National Historic Landmark District. At this time, Caltrans is seeking comments on the Findings of Effect. Five alternatives plus a No-Build Alternative are being considered for this undertaking; all except the No-Build Alternative will result in adverse effects to historic resources. The Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board (Landmarks Board) will, as a consulting party in the Section 106 review process, review and comment on the Findings of Effect, as described in the report dated August 13, 2002. A letter containing the comments of the Landmarks Board will be sent to the Director of Planning. The Director will then forward the comments of the Landmarks Board and the comments of the Planning Department to Caltrans, the lead agency.

                              Speaker(s):          Diane Hermann
                                                                      Alice Barkley
                                                                      Spokesperson from Caltrans
                                                                      Jared Goldfein

                                                  i          The two-week comment period did not allow adequate time for review, particularly in light of the complexity of the project and the number of historic resources involved.
                                                  i          It is necessary and desirable to be provided with more detailed information.
                                                  i          Only the abstract of the FOE was provided for review. Although it is a well-organized document, and presents an overview of the effects of the project on historic resources, it does not describe the historic resources located in the project area, and there is not sufficient information in the abstract to fully evaluate the effects, nor to determine whether all resources that will be affected have been identified.
                                                  i          There are substantial questions regarding the effect of the new tunnels on the landscape.
                                                  i          Temporary detours during construction, and the effect on historic resources from the detours, are not shown.
                                                  i          Receiving sites for buildings to be permanently relocated are not shown in the proposal.
                                                  i          It was suggested that a member of the Landmarks Board be included in the project Advisory Committee, to facilitate their understanding of the project.
                                                  i          Requested that copies of the Historic and Architectural Survey Report, final Findings of Effect, and the Draft Environmental Impact Report be provided to members of the Landmarks Board at the time they are submitted to the Federal Highway Administration and State Historic Preservation Officer.
ADJOURNMENT:          4:50 P.M.


ROLL CALL:          Chair:                                        Jeremy Kotas
Ex-Officio:                              Tim Kelley
Committee Members:                    Ina Dearman, Paul Finwall, Elizabeth Skrondal







Adopted: October 16, 2002


Last updated: 11/17/2009 9:59:40 PM