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November 21, 2002

November 21, 2002




Meeting Minutes


PRESENT:          Shelley Bradford Bell; Michael J. Antonini; Rev. Edgar E. Boyd; Lisa Feldstein;
          Kevin Hughes; Sue Lee; William L. Lee


STAFF IN ATTENDANCE: Gerald G. Green – Director of Planning; Larry Badiner – Zoning Administrator; Mark Luellen; Rick Cooper; Nannie Turrell; Rick Crawford; Geoffrey Nelson; Tina Tam; Glenn Cabreros; Patricia Gerber – Recording Secretary; Linda Avery – Commission Secretary


The Commission will consider a request for continuance to a later date. The Commission may choose to continue the item to the date proposed below, to continue the item to another date, or to hear the item on this calendar.

          1.          2002.0650D (K. McGEE: (415) 558-6367)
                    3358 CESAR CHAVEZ STREET - north side between Mission Street and South Van Ness Street; Lot 16 in Assessor's Block 6571 - Mandatory Discretionary Review for a change of use per the Mission District Interim Controls (Board of Supervisors Resolution Number 518-01). The existing use is classified as a Bar; the proposed use is Other Institution, Large for the Day Labor Program, sponsored by the Mission Housing Development Corporation. The property is located in an NC-3 (Moderate Scale Neighborhood Commercial) Zoning District, and in a 50-X Height and Bulk District.
                    (Continued from Regular Meeting of October 17, 2002)
                    Preliminary Recommendation: Pending
                    NOTE: On October 17, 2002, the Planning Director continued this matter to November 21, 2002 and requested that the Project Sponsor provide staff with a traffic analysis. Public Hearing is open.
                    (Proposed for Continuance to December 5, 2002)

                    (Jamie Moss
                    - Asked Commission to continued this matter to January 9, 2003
                    - Connie Ramirez,
                    - Requested that this case be continued to January 9, 2003
                    ACTION: Continued to January 9, 2002
                    AYES: Bradford-Bell; Boyd; Hughes; S. Lee; W. Lee
                    NAYES: Feldstein and Antonini
          2.          2002.0124E (L. KIENKER: (415) 558-5970)
2815 DIAMOND STREET (AKA Glen Park Marketplace) - Appeal of a Preliminary Negative Declaration - The project site is located in the Glen Park neighborhood, on the southeast corner of Diamond and Wilder Streets, Lots 25A, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 63, Assessor's Block 6745. The proposed project includes an approximately 8,759 gross-square-foot (gsf) public library, which would replace an existing branch library located at 653 Chenery Street, a 7,037 gsf neighborhood-serving grocery store, and a 22,520 gsf apartment block of 15 two-bedroom units. The proposed project would include 15 off-street residential parking spaces and two loading spaces, as well as the removal of 25 existing metered public parking spaces. An existing sewer line beneath Lot 29 would be realigned into Wilder and Diamond Streets and the easement vacated as part of the project. The project site is in the NC-2 (Neighborhood Commercial, Small-Scale) zoning district and a 40-X height and bulk district. The applicant would seek conditional use authorizations for use and lot size and variances to modify parking, rear yard, dwelling unit exposure, and open space requirements.
                    Preliminary Recommendation: Uphold Preliminary Negative Declaration
                    (Proposed for Continuance to December 5, 2002)

                    SPEAKER(S): None
                    ACTION: Continued as proposed
                    AYES:          Bradford-Bell; Antonini; Boyd; Feldstein; Hughes; S. Lee; W. Lee
          3a.          2002.0451ECKTZ           (M. WOODS: (415) 558-6315)
1250 HAIGHT STREET - north side, between Lyon Street and Central Avenue, Lots 11 and 14 in Assessor's Block 1234 - Amendment to the Planning Code to 1) add Section 249.23 for the creation of a Special Use District, the Haight Street Senior Affordable Housing Special Use District, and allowing the following exceptions from Code requirements upon approval as a Conditional Use: residential density bonus of up to 6 senior affordable dwelling units, in addition to the 34 dwelling units as permitted under RM-1 District (for a total of 40 units); and modifications or exceptions to rear yard, dwelling unit exposure, useable open space, and off-street parking requirements in the RM-1 District, and 2) amendment to the Planning Code to add Section 263.16 to create a special height control for the Haight Street Senior Affordable Housing Special Use District, and allowing up to a maximum of the 60-X Height and Bulk District standards.
                    Preliminary Recommendation: Pending
                    (Continued from Regular Meeting of October 24, 2002)
(Proposed for Continuance to December 19, 2002)

                    SPEAKER(S): None
                    ACTION: Continued as proposed
                    AYES:          Bradford-Bell; Antonini; Boyd; Feldstein; Hughes; S. Lee; W. Lee

          3b.          2002.0451ECKTZ (M. WOODS: (415) 558-6315)
1250 HAIGHT STREET - north side, between Lyon Street and Central Avenue, Lots 11 and 14 in Assessor's Block 1234 - 1) Amendment to the Zoning Map (Sheet 7) to create and delineate the Haight Street Senior Affordable Housing Special Use District to include the above-referenced property, and 2) Amendment to the Zoning Map (Sheet 7H) to change the Height and Bulk District classification from 40-X to 60-X for the above-referenced property.
                    Preliminary Recommendation: Pending
                    (Continued from Regular Meeting of October 24, 2002)
(Proposed for Continuance to December 19, 2002)

                    SPEAKER(S): None
                    ACTION: Continued as proposed
                    AYES:          Bradford-Bell; Antonini; Boyd; Feldstein; Hughes; S. Lee; W. Lee

          3c.          2002.0451ECKTZ (M. WOODS: (415) 558-6315)
                    1250 HAIGHT STREET - north side, between Lyon Street and Central Avenue, Lots 11 and 14 in Assessor's Block 1234 - Request for Conditional Use authorization to remodel and horizontally expand the existing Third Church of Christ Scientist building, and to demolish the classroom wings, and the Reading Room building, located on the west portion of the site, for the development of a 40-unit affordable senior housing facility. Most of the construction work would occur within the existing building envelope, except for an approximately 800 square-foot addition at the rear of the Church. The existing Third Church of Christ Scientist building is approximately 60 feet tall and is in an RM-1 (Residential, Mixed, Low Density) Zoning District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.
                    Preliminary Recommendation: Pending
                    (Continued from Regular Meeting of October 24, 2002)
(Proposed for Continuance to December 19, 2002)

                    SPEAKER(S): None
                    ACTION: Continued as proposed
                    AYES:          Bradford-Bell; Antonini; Boyd; Feldstein; Hughes; S. Lee; W. Lee

          4.          2002.0814DD           (M. SMITH: (415) 558-6322)
125 MONO STREET - west side of the street between 19th and Eagle Streets; Lot 028 in Assessor's Block 2711 - Mandatory Discretionary Review, under Planning Commission's policy requiring review of housing demolition, of Building Permit Application 2001.01.11.9675 proposing to demolish an existing one-story, single-family building. The proposal also includes new construction of a two-story over garage two-family dwelling under Building Permit Application 2001.01.11.9677 which is also subject to a request for Discretionary Review. The property is located within a RH-2 (Residential House, Two-Family) District, and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.          
                    Preliminary Recommendation: Pending
                              (Continued from Regular Meeting of October 17, 2002)
                              (Proposed for Continuance to January 9, 2003)

                    SPEAKER(S): None
                    ACTION: Continued as proposed
                    AYES:          Bradford-Bell; Antonini; Boyd; Feldstein; Hughes; S. Lee; W. Lee

          5a.          2002.1001C (G. NELSON: (415) 558-6257)
2020 CLEMENT STREET - north side between 21st and 22nd Avenues; Lot 017 in Assessor's Block 1412 - Request for Conditional Use authorization pursuant to Section 717.39 of the Planning Code to demolish an existing two-story, two-family dwelling within the Outer Clement Neighborhood Commercial District a 40-X Height and Bulk District. The proposal is also to construct a new, four-story, 3-unit condominium building with three off-street parking spaces.
                    Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with conditions
                    (Continued from Regular Meeting of October 24, 2002)
                              (Proposed for Continuance to January 23, 2003)

                    SPEAKER(S): None
                    ACTION: Continued as proposed
                    AYES:          Bradford-Bell; Antonini; Boyd; Feldstein; Hughes; S. Lee; W. Lee

          5b.          2002.1113D (G. NELSON: (415) 558-6257)
                    2020 CLEMENT STREET - north side between 21st and 22nd Avenues; Lot 017 in Assessor’s Block 1412 - Request for Discretionary review of Building Permit Application No. 2002.06.13.8994, proposing to construct a new, four story, 3-unit condominium building with three off-street parking spaces, within the Outer Clement Neighborhood Commercial District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.
                    Preliminary Recommendation: Do not take Discretionary Review and approve the project as submitted.
                              (Proposed for Continuance to January 23, 2003)
                    SPEAKER(S): None
                    ACTION: Continued as proposed
                    AYES:          Bradford-Bell; Antonini; Boyd; Feldstein; Hughes; S. Lee; W. Lee


           6.           Drawing of Term Lots:           (CLERK OF THE BOARD)

                                        Two Years Terms:          Lisa Feldstein
                                                                      Edgar Boyd
                                                                      Michael Antonini

                                        All others Commissioners have four years terms

7.          Commission Comments/Questions          

Commissioner W. Lee:
-          Suggested that in the next several months we schedule a hearing to listen to public comment regarding long range planning strategies for the Planning Department.
-          Would like the Department Head's from the Redevelopment Agency, Transportation Authority, Housing Authority, a representative from SPUR, and the Landmark Advisory Board come and present to the Planning Commission their view and perspective of how their agency interacts with the Planning Department and how or where we overlap.
Commissioner Feldstein:
- Requested that staff prepare a presentation on the status of the City's Housing Element
Commissioner Antonini:
- Commended the Director and the Planning Staff in general for the way they designed the first and second hearings.
Commissioner Boyd:
-          Commended the Director and Planning Staff for the way the two first meetings were organized
-          Would like to have calendar items and the information received for meetings more organized, so it is easier to identify.
President Bradford:
-          Suggested that we (the commission) look at the next 90 days as a time to simply learn their job, get familiar with projects, and identify those things they would like changed
-          Asked that we try to schedule meetings in the community once a month
-          Agreed with Commissioner Lee (Willliam) in meeting with other departments/agencies
-          Before establishing a committee, would like the Department's finance presentation on a special hearing date


8.          Director's Announcements
          - Gave clarifying comments regarding funding from other agencies to the Planning Department
- Announced the Mayor's requirement that all Departments submit budgets that reflect a 3% General Fund reduction in this fiscal year's budget and a 5% reduction for next fiscal year's budget.

9.          Review of Past Week's Events at the Board of Supervisors and Board of Permit Appeals

          Board of Supervisor: (Presented by Jean-Paul Samaha)
- Supervisor Daly's Legislation re: Amendment to zoning around King Street and Townsend Street
-          Two appeals to the full Board from the Director of Planning's hearings. Appeals on Discretionary Review will not be heard anymore at the Board of Supervisors; any appeal that came to the Board after October 18, will follow the regular process–appeal issuance of permit or decision not to issue a permit to the Board of Appeals
-          Conditional Use authorization for Apollo Theater was continued to November 25, 2002--they didn't have a quorum
-          Supervisor Chris Daly proposed the creation of a 4th and Freelon Streets Special Use District.
          Board of Appeals
- Lakeshore Plaza – Conditional Use that was before the Commission in the early 90s. The Board took an action to modify it and require specific kinds of fast food that can be there.
- 226 17th Avenue – Discretionary Review heard by Director and was continued for further information – what was before Board of Appeals was a letter of determination that Zoning Administrator wrote determining that the allowable rear yard is under the Planning Code. The Board upheld Zoning Administrator decision.
- 530 47th Avenue – Discretionary Review for a 3rd floor addition in back of building – The commission's decision was upheld.

10.          Briefing on CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act)

          SPEAKER (S):          None
                    ACTION:          Meeting held. Informational only. No action required.
11.          Briefing on Annual Limitation Program

                    SPEAKER (S):
                    (-) Sue Hestor
-          Asked Commission to set a meeting at the beginning of next year on revisiting the current Planning Commission policies that are currently in effect.
                    ACTION:          Meeting held. Informational only. No action required.


          At this time, members of the public who wish to address the Commission on agenda items that have already been reviewed in a public hearing at which members of the public were allowed to testify and the public hearing has been closed, must do so at this time. Each member of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes.


          12a.          2002.0934AKXV (M. LUELLEN: (415) 558-6478)
333 GRANT AVENUE - on the west side between Bush and Sutter Streets, at Harlan Place, on Assessor's Block 286, Lot 002 in a C-3-R (Downtown Retail) District, and an 80-130-F Height and Bulk District. The subject property is Landmark No. 141 under Article 10; is rated as a Category I (Significant) Building within the Kearny-Market-Mason-Sutter Conservation District under Article 11. The project requests a Review under Planning Code Section 309 for exterior alterations for conversion of the existing vacant office building into a mixed-use building with ground floor retail and up to 45 dwelling units, for a rear yard exception as permitted under Section 134(d), and for a height exception as permitted under Section 263.8. The project is also the subject of a requested Variance of Planning Code standards for parking and dwelling unit exposure, to be heard concurrently.
                    Preliminary Recommendation: Approval with conditions
(Continued from Regular Meeting of November 14, 2002)

                    SPEAKER (S):
                    (+) Andrew Junius, Ruben and Alter
-          This site represents a very unique infill opportunity for the City.
-          There are not very many sites in Union Square where we could provide housing like this--a site within the downtown core where high density housing is encourage by the General Plan.
-          In addition to new housing, there is the potential for new jobs and new transportation concepts.
-          This is a great site for housing.
                    (+) Mark Shiffen, Project Sponsor
                    - Urged the Commission to approve the project
                    (+) Sue Hestor
-          There is a need to discuss some of the issues/policies in terms of housing co-habitability issues.
-          There are no floor plans for floors 4 thru 6, which are the normal residential floors.
                    (+) Dick Millett, Potrero Hill Neighborhood Association
                    - Are we going to have any affordable units?
-          Is there any protection that these will not become corporate apartments that will not help the city's housing
                    ACTION: Approved
                    AYES: Bradford Bell, Antonini, Boyd, Feldstein, Hughes, S. Lee, and W. Lee
                    MOTION NO: 16479

          12b.          2002.0934AKXV (M. LUELLEN: (415) 558-6478)
333 GRANT AVENUE - on the west side between Bush and Sutter Streets, at Harlan Place, on Assessor's Block 286, Lot 002 in a C-3-R (Downtown Retail) District, and an 80-130-F Height and Bulk District. The subject property is Landmark No. 141 under Article 10; is rated as a Category I (Significant) Building within the Kearny-Market-Mason-Sutter Conservation District under Article 11. Request for a Variance of Planning Code standards for parking, to provide zero spaces where up to ten off-street parking spaces would be required, and for dwelling unit exposure (Section 140), for a new residential use in a vacant former office building. The project is the subject of a Review under Section 309, to be heard concurrently.
(Continued from Regular Meeting of November 14, 2002)
                    SPEAKERS:           Same as those listed for item 12a.
                    ACTION:          The Zoning Administrator closed the public hearing and granted the variance.
          13.          2002.1229E           (R.COOPER: (415) 558-5974)
SAN FRANCISCO CRUISE TERMINAL MIXED-USE PROJECT AND BRANNAN STREET WHARF PROJECT. Certification of THE Revised Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (FSEIR). The proposed project would involve two components: 1) the construction of two berths (including necessary dredging) and a new terminal for cruise ships that call at the Port of San Francisco, as well as ancillary commercial development, all on Pier 30-32 (Block 9900, Lots 30 and 32); and 2) the construction of a residential project on Seawall Lot 330 (Block 3770, Lots 1 and 2, Block 3771, Lot 1), across the Embarcadero from Pier 30-32. The cruise terminal would contain about 100,000 gross square feet (gsf) of floor area, while the commercial element would include about 370,000 gsf of office space and about 220,000 gsf of retail/entertainment space. About 450 parking spaces would be provided on the pier. The residential component, on the block bounded by the Embarcadero and Beale and Bryant Streets, would include about 350 dwelling units and 350 parking spaces. The FSEIR also analyzes a separate but related project involving the design and construction of the Brannan Street Wharf (Block 9900 Lots 34 and 36), a new, approximately 57,000-square-foot waterfront park along the Embarcadero just south of Pier 30-32.
Note: The public hearing on the Draft SEIR is closed. The Planning Commission does not conduct public review of Final EIRs. However, public comments on the certification of the revised FSEIR, which has been revised pursuant to an appeal of the original FSEIR to the Board of Supervisors, may be presented to the Planning Commission at the time it considers certification of the revised FSEIR
          Preliminary Recommendation: Certify Revised FSEIR

                    SPEAKER (S):
                    (+) Brian Brett, Director of Planning and Development, Port of San Francisco
-          This is the culmination of many years of effort--trying to have a cruise terminal in San Francisco.
-          We have an existing cruise terminal at Pier 35 that is totally inadequate.
                    - We need to create a new terminal, to take advantage of the cruise business and be competitive with new cruise terminal operations that are happening in this area, particularly in Los Angeles and Long Beach.
                    - The key to our efforts is to develop that portion of the waterfront.
-          He commended staff for orchestrating the discussion with Blue Water Network, Port's staff and other Environmental Organizations that led to the language you see before you.
                    (+) Scott Fuller
-          Voiced his support for the project.
-          This will bring additional retail space to downtown as well as residential space to an area that does not have much right now.
                    (+) Michael Sweet, Vice Chair of Rincon Point South Beach Citizen Advisory Committee
                    - Spoke in support of the project.
                    (+) Carol Pollard
-          Supports the project.
-          Having a proper cruise terminal in San Francisco will go a long way toward returning the City to the tradition of being a port-of-call for sailing ships.
                    - The creation of affordable housing is nothing but beneficial to the City.
                    (+) Art Ng
                    - Supports the project.
-          This project will be an asset to the beautiful waterfront.
                    (+) Art Ericson
                    - Supports the project.
                    (+) Steve Reilly
-          Supports the project and urged the Commission to certify the Environmental Impact Report.
                    (+) Jim Haas
                    - Asked the Commission to move this project forward and certify the EIR.
                    - This project is vital to the City of San Francisco.
                    (+) Deborah Silverman
                    - Supports the project.
                    (+) Seth Croubener
                    - This is a fantastic site for more residential units.
                    (+) Tessa (last name was unclear)
                    - Supports the project.
                    (+) Mark Babson
                    - This will be a boom for the tourist industry of the City.
                    (+) Andrew Brooks
                    - Urged the Commission to certify the Environmental Impact Report.
                    (+) Jennifer Clary, San Francisco Tomorrow
                    - Supports the project.
                    (-) Tim Ikenberg
                    -Concerned about the air quality impact.
                    -Urged that there be additional mitigation measures attached to this project to address some of the impacts such air and traffic.
                    (-) Stewart Klassman
-          Urged the Commission not to certify the EIR.
                    (-) Mathew Needham for San Francisco Healthy Waterfront
                    - Concerned about traffic congestion and air quality.
                    (-) Earl Gee, for San Francisco Healthy Waterfront
          - There are 3 extremely compelling reasons why this terminal should not be at this location: air quality, traffic and access.
                    (-) Elle Saint John for San Francisco Healthy Waterfront
                    - Opposed to the project.
                    (-) Ernestine Weiss
                    - Her primary concern is the traffic congestion.
                    - Traffic has to be planned properly.
                    (-) Wilson Long, Executive Director, Blue Water Network
                    - Opposes the project.
                    (+/-) Bill Barnes, Supervisor Daly's Aide
-          The Supervisor supports the project
-          Commended Port of San Francisco, Planning Department and Blue Water's staff for their incredible work.
                    (+) Richard Christiani
-          The choice of location for the terminal is excellent.
-          It will be vital to the commercial district.
                    (+) Richard Mead
                    - Urged the Commission to certify the EIR.
                    (+) Lee Sandal
                    - This project will create hundreds of job in San Francisco.
                    (+) Michael Terry
                    - Supports certification of the EIR.
                    (+) Katherine Hoover
                    - Urged the Commission to certify the EIR.
                    (+) Steven Martin
                    - Urged the Commission to certify the EIR.
                    (+) Jerry Levine
                    - This will be a great asset to the City.
                    ACTION: Certified the FSEIR
                    AYES: Bradford Bell, Antonini, Boyd, Feldstein, Hughes, S. Lee, and W. Lee
                    MOTION NO: 16480

          14.          2002.0308E                                                    (N. TURRELL: (415) 558-5994)
2501 CESAR CHAVEZ STREET - Appeal of Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration. Assessor's Block 4339, Lot 001. The approximately 30,745-square-foot (s-f) project site is located at the southwest corner of Kansas and Cesar Chavez Streets in the Bayview Hunters Point Neighborhood. The proposed project would involve the demolition of three one-story industrial buildings, and construction of a five-story, approximately 65-foot-tall, 136,000-s-f self storage building, containing about 1,100 self storage units, 1,000 square feet (sf) of office space and 1,200 sf for a manager's residence. Seventeen off-street parking spaces would be provided on the ground floor of the proposed building. The site is zoned M-2 (Heavy Industrial), and is in a 65-J Height/Bulk District. The project would require a variance for providing less than the required number of off-street parking and loading spaces, and for not providing bicycle spaces, and shower facilities. The project site is in the Industrial Protection Zone Special Use District.
                              Preliminary Recommendation: Uphold Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declaration

                    SPEAKER (S):
                    (+) Bruce Jordan, Architect
                    - Commended staff for the very responsible report.
-          This is a very state-of-the-art project.
-          Gave an overall description of the project.
                    (+) Scott Mason
-          With the IPZ protection, this is going to maintain the commercial/industrial integrity in this area. This is very important to a lot of the businesses in the area.
                    ACTION: Negative Declaration Upheld
                    AYES: Bradford-Bell, Antonini, Boyd, Feldstein, Hughes, S. Lee, and W. Lee
                    MOTION NO: 16481

15.          2001.1078C                                         (R.CRAWFORD: (415) 558-6358)
1507 OCEAN AVENUE - (between Miramar and Capitol Avenues), Assessor's Block 6936 Lot 017) - Request under Planning Code Section 711.59 for Conditional Use Approval for Automotive Repair. The Project will construct a 21.5 foot extension of the existing building for the installation of automotive accessories. Such a use is considered automotive repair under the Planning Code. The existing business, Mach III, will occupy the new space. The property is in an NC-2, Small Scale Neighborhood Commercial District and within the 40-X Height and Bulk District.
                    Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with conditions

                    SPEAKER (S):
                    (+) Wally Young, Property Owner
                    - Asked the Commission to approve his project.
                    (-) Michael Lam
                    - Is opposed to this project.
                    (-) Lilly Huey
                    - Concerned about loosing light and air in her building.
                    - Strongly opposes this project.
                    (-) Benita Martin
                    - This business creates a lots noise in the neighborhood.
                    (-) Rosa Lani Mariano                    
                    - Asked the Commission to disapprove this application.

                    ACTION: Approved with conditions:
-          The Auto Repair use shall be limited to the installation of automotive accessories such as, radios, wheels, and auxiliary lighting only. No more intensive activities such as engine repair, collision service or full body paint spraying are permitted.
-          Installation activities shall be limited to between the hours of 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on Mondays through Fridays only. No installation activities or other auto repair may be conducted outside of those hours.
-          The installation activities shall not commence on the property until the garage building approved for that purpose is constructed and approved for occupancy by the Department of Building inspection.
-          The proposed garage building shall include soundproofing insulation. The amount of such insulation shall surpass that amount typically required for such uses or for entertainment uses that include amplified music.
-          The Project Sponsor shall cause signs to be erected at the parking spaces for 1515 Ocean Avenue and shall paint a NO PARKING message on the pavement at the parking spaces and on the easement serving the parking spaces. The signs and pavement markings shall read  No Parking for Customers of Mach III.
-          The Department shall submit a monitoring report regarding compliance of the use with these conditions within six months of occupancy of the garage building and commencement of installation activities.
                    AYES: Bradford Bell, Antonini, Boyd, S. Lee, and W. Lee
                    NAYES:          Feldstein and Hughes
                    MOTION NO: 16482

16.          Briefing on Discretionary Reviews
                              SPEAKERS:          None
                              ACTION:                    Meeting held. Informational only. No action required.



          17a.          2002.0145DV            (G. NELSON: (415) 558-6257)
313 4th AVENUE - east side between Clement Street and Geary Boulevard; Lot 003 in Assessor’s Block 1436 - Request for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application Nos. 2002.09.04.7508 and 2002.10.24.9869, proposing to legalize 2 dwelling units in a structure at the rear of the lot, and to expand portions of the front and rear of the single-family dwelling at the front of the lot, in an RM-1 (Residential, Mixed, Low Density) District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.
                    Preliminary Recommendation: Do not take Discretionary Review and Approve the Applications as Submitted.

                    SPEAKER (S):
                    (-) Lee Molton, Architect
                    - Gave a general description of the project.
                    (+) Julian Lastowsky, Attorney for the Discretionary Review Requestor
- The Commission should approve Discretionary Review. If you don't, it will set a precedent for others to follow.
                    (-) Stan Kwong
                    - Concerned about the parking issue, but overall supports the application.
                    (-) Jeremy Paul, representing Project Sponsor
-          This is a rare and interesting property that would add character to the neighborhood.
                    (-) Steven Aiello, project designer
          - Urged the Commission to reject the DR application and approve the project and variance.
                    (-) Doug O'Connor, Property Owner
                    - Asked the Commission to disapprove the Discretionary Review application.
                    (-) Rory O'Connor
                    - Supports the project.
                    (-) Rownie O'Connor
                    - Supports the project.
                    (-) Rose O'Connor
                    - Needs to expand to bring her house up to date.
                    - Urged the Commission to approve the project.
                    (-) Rev. Benedict Chang
                    - Supports the project.
                    (-) Watson Marquardt
                    - Supports the project.
                    (-) Charles Lamere
                    - Asked the Commission to approve this project
                    (-) Phil O'Donoghue
                    - Supports the project.
ACTION:          Do not take Discretionary Review and approve application as submitted
                    AYES: Bradford Bell, Antonini, Boyd, Feldstein, Hughes, S. Lee, and W. Lee

          17b.          2002.0145DV (G. NELSON: (415) 558-6257)
                    313 4th AVENUE - west side between Clement Street and Geary Boulevard; Lot 003 in Assessor’s Block 1436 - Request for a Variance from the rear yard and dwelling unit exposure requirements of Planning Code Sections 134 and 140, and from the limitations on the expansion of a nonconforming structure of Section 188, to allow for the legalization of 2 dwelling units located in a structure at the rear of the lot, and to expand portions of the rear of the single-family dwelling located at the front of the lot, in an RM-1 (Residential, Mixed, Low Density) District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.
                    SPEAKERS:          Same as those listed in item 17a.
                    ACTION:          The Zoning Administrator closed the public hearing and granted the variance.                                        
18          2002.0834D (T. TAM: (415) 558-6325)
298 MAGELLAN AVENUE - west side between Pacheco Street and San Marcos Avenue; Lot 13 in Assessor’s Block 2862 - Discretionary Review request for a Building Permit Application (No. 2002.04.23.4756) to allow construction of a two-story rear horizontal extension. The project is located in the RH-1D (Residential, House, One-Family, Detached) District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.
                    Preliminary Recommendation: Do not take Discretionary Review and approve the project as proposed.

                    SPEAKER (S):
                    (+) Jessie Carnegie, Discretionary Review Requestor
                    - Requested that the proposed project be modified.
-          This area is a showcase of 20th century California architecture.
                    (+) Angela Carnegie, Discretionary Review Requestor
                    - Would like to retain the character of the neighborhood.
                    - Streets and houses were constructed in 1912.
                    - Forrest Hill is a unique area in San Francisco.
                    (-) Sal Kavino, Project Sponsor
                    - Our property is one of the smallest in Forrest Hill.
-          We have no laundry room. We have to go outside the house to go into our basement to do our laundry.
-          Our kitchen does not fit a regular size refrigerator.
-          Asked the Commission to approve this project.
                    (-) Willliam Craig. Project Architect
                    - Gave a description of the project.
                    (-) Harold Wright, President, Forrest Hill Association
                    - Supports this project.
                    ACTION: Did not take Discretionary Review and approved the project as proposed.
                    AYES: Bradford Bell, Antonini, Boyd, Feldstein, Hughes, S. Lee, and W. Lee

          19.          2002.0703D (G. CABREROS: (415) 558-6169)
32 RIVOLI STREET - north side between Cole and Belvedere Streets, Lot 010 in Assessor’s Block 1285 - Request for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 2002.04.12.3885 proposing to add a second dwelling unit, a new third floor and a rear horizontal extension to the ground floor of a single-family dwelling in an RH-2 (Residential, House, Two-Family) District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Do not take Discretionary Review and approve the project as revised.

                    SPEAKER (S):
                    (+) Susan Kelly, Representing Discretionary Review Requestor
-          Concerned that the sunlight that currently comes into the house (DR requestor's) would be lost.
-          This addition is too big.
                    (-) Shelly Pope
-          Asked the Commission to approve her project.
-          All she wants is to help her son and provide him and his family with a place to stay.
                    (-) John Casey, Project Architect
                    - Gave a description of the project.
                    (-) Benjamin Pope
                    - Urged the Commission to approve the project.
ACTION:           Did not take Discretionary Review and approved the project as recommended by staff.
                    AYES: Bradford Bell, Antonini, Boyd, Feldstein, Hughes, S. Lee, and W. Lee


At this time, members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission except agenda items. With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the Commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. Each member of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes.

1) Alice Barkley
- Commented on legislation before the Finance Committee next week, re: 4th and Freelon Streets
2) Joe O'Donoghue
- Commented on legislation before the Finance Committee next week, re: 4th and Freelon Streets
3) Bill Barnes, Supervisor Daly's Aide
- Commented on legislation before the Finance Committee next week, re: 4th and Freelon Streets
4) President Bradford:
Re: Requested that 4th and Freelon Streets Legislation be calendar on 11/26/02.

Adjournment: 8: 20 p.m.


SPEAKERS:          None
ACTION:          Approved
AYES:                    Antonini, Boyd, Bradford Bell, Feldstein, Hughes, Sue Lee, William Lee

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:00:08 PM