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January 15, 2009

January 15, 2009

Business and Land Use Committee Meeting Notes

Prepared by Corey Teague

The boom-proof zoning discussion, now called "community stabilization" zoning, is centered around the following areas:

  • an annual limit on market-rate housing
  • impact fees and public amenities to achieve equitable growth
  • ensuring that infrastructure improvements keep pace with development
  • requires a definition of "affordable" in order to exempt it from whatever limits we adopt
  • need to create job loss/displacement metric as a trigger for CU
  • the need to define the role of a Citizens Advisory Committee in monitoring these issues

Three policies related to the arts were voted out of committee:

  • Arts facilities need to be included in a nexus study as public benefits. Passed 9-0-0
  • Need to create, expand and protect space for the arts. Passed 9-0-0
  • Recommend changing the height in the SALI to 55', but only if an entire15' floor is devoted to "working artists" (a term that needs to be clearly defined to avoid abuse). Passed 9-0-0

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:26 PM