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August 20, 2009

August 20, 2009

Business & Land Use Committee

Information: (415) 558-6311

Meeting Notes (Actions)

From: Business and Land Use Committee

Date: August 20, 2009

Re: Committee Votes and Actions

Discussion and Action on Agenda Item #3: Consideration of using Eastern Neighborhood Zoning district general  umbrella provisions or creating specific Western SoMa general overarching Zoning provisions for the Western SoMa SUD.

Moved and seconded to refer to the full Task Force a recommendation to utilize to the greatest extent possible the Eastern Neighborhood district general  umbrella provisions subject to subsequent review and authorization by the Task Force in their consideration of Draft Code amendment packet of controls.

VOTE: Task Force 3-0-1, Public 0-0-1

Discussion and Action on Agenda Item #4: Reconsideration of requirement that all projects in the Western SoMa SUD exceeding 40 feet in height be subject to Conditional Use authorization from the Planning Commission.

Moved and seconded to refer to the Full Task Force a recommendation to reevaluate the previous Task Force recommendation for Conditional Use requirements for all development proposals greater than 40 feet in height. This recommendation is based on the detailed height maps and height district modifications adopted by the Task Force since the original Task Force action to require Conditional Use authorizations for projects over 40 feet in height. Some members of the Committee feel that the provision of an  as of right project option should be available on every parcel in the Western SoMa Community Plan area. The Committee reinforced the notion that Conditional Use should be required of all projects requesting additional height on parcels identified for these provisional height increases.

VOTE: Task Force 3-0-1, Public 0-0-1

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:26 PM