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April 16, 2009

April 16, 2009

Business & Land Use Committee

Information: (415) 558-6311

Meeting Notes (Actions)

From: Business and Land Use Committee

Date: April 16, 2009

Re: Committee Votes and Actions

Discussion and Action on Agenda Item #3: Request the Board of Supervisors amend the parking requirements in the Western SoMa SUD so that they are consistent with Eastern Neighborhoods parking standards and parking proposals from the Western SoMa Citizens Planning Task Force.

Moved and seconded to refer to the full Task Force a request to the Board of Supervisors to make permanent Planning Code amendments that integrate recently adopted Eastern Neighborhood parking requirements into existing Western SoMa Zoning Districts. The requested permanent amendments will need subsequent minor modifications at the time of adoption hearings on the Western SoMa Community Plan for the Folsom NCT and for other Zoning districts that are not identified in the Eastern Neighborhoods.

VOTE: Task Force 5-0-2, Public 0-1-1

Discussion and Action on Agenda Item #4: Consideration of a legislative request to the Board of Supervisors that would begin to impose Eastern Neighborhoods Community Benefit Fees in the W SoMa SUD as soon as possible and reserve the fees collected in the W SoMa until such time as CAC representation is clarified and use of the funds is deemed appropriate by the Western SoMa Citizens Planning Task Force.

Moved and seconded to refer to the Full Task Force a request to the Board of Supervisors imposing Eastern Neighborhood Community Benefit Fees in the Western SoMa SUD concurrently with the integration of a Western SoMa representative on the on the Eastern Neighborhoods CAC and initiate fee collection in the Community Benefit Fees in the Western SoMa SUD as of the effective date of the proposed legislation.

VOTE: Task Force 6-0-1, Public 0-0-3

Moved and seconded to refer to the Full Task Force a request to the Board of Supervisors for a nexus study or other findings necessary to utilize portions of the Community Benefit Fees for  arts and cultural facilities.

VOTE: Task Force 6-0-1, Public 2-0-1

Discussion and Action on Agenda Item #5: Consideration of a Resolution establishing a Western SoMa Community Stabilization Policy for the Western SoMa Community Plan, based upon the Planning Principles adopted by the Western SoMa Community Plan.

Moved and seconded to refer to the full Task Force a draft of the Western SoMa Community Stabilization Policy for consideration.

VOTE: Task Force 4-0-2, Public 0-0-3

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:26 PM