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February 11, 2010

Complete Neighborhood Fabric

Meeting Notes

February 11, 2009


1.  Discussed the issues around creating an SUD for the LGTBQ Social Heritage District and another for the Filipino Social Heritage District.

a.      Reviewed the possible boundaries for these districts and liked the simplicity of their borders.  However in some cases it would be good to extend the LGTBQ boundaries to the other side Harrison, capturing the area between Harrison and the Freeway.

b.     There was concern about the process of the SUD as to whether it would proceed as part of our EIR or have its own environmental review, since the boundaries are outside of our district.  Would not want the change of boundaries of the district to slow down our environmental review process.

c.      Care should be taken that these go through the proper environmental review and notification

d.     In general people were in favor of the SUD, but thought that incentives were better than sanctions.  It was also recognized that we don’t have much of real value to offer in terms of FAR, Height or TDR.  However the following were thought favorable.

                          i.      Moving or retaining a non-conforming use allowing an additional 25% of that use (i.e. place of entertainment)

                        ii.      If relocation into an RED-Mix for uses other than entertainment, allow more FAR.

                       iii.      Allow TDR transfer within district, but then we would have to designate how much we would allow and where. (not just to C-3 district as currently done)

                      iv.      Maybe allow otherwise not allowed uses??  But need to be careful where and what

e.      It is clear that we need to go through the resources and make recommendations about

                                 i.           Maintaining existing uses

                               ii.           Relocating existing uses

                              iii.           Acknowledgement of previous uses with plaques, etc.

                             iv.           Return of previous uses?  In return for what...Do we want to incentivize recreation of uses?

f.       The committee did feel that we wanted all resources to trigger a Conditional Use permit, with the findings to include efforts to preserve or acknowledge these resources.


2    Discussed the issues around protection of the Eagle as contributing site to the LGTBQ social heritage district.


It was resolved:

Western Soma Citizen’s Task Force would ask the Planning Commission to require an Conditional Use Permit that would encourage that any development on the Site of the Eagle Bar at 398 12th Street, maintain the Eagle Bar as a Gay establishment.

Committee:  4-0-1;  Public 3-0-1.


It was also discussed as desirable to relocate the bar across the street and consider an increase of 25% in area to help facilitate the relocation.

Last updated: 5/5/2010 11:06:49 AM