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May 14, 2008

May 14, 2008

Transportation Focus Group

Meeting Notes by Charles Rivasplata

The May 2008 Focus Group meeting was moved to theBessie Carmichael Elementary School, site of the Transit Effectiveness Project (TEP) community meeting in SoMa. It started before the TEP meeting, and was reconvened at 8:30. Marc Salomon served as chair of the Focus Group meeting. At the outset he asked that all participants introduce themselves (Calendar Item 1).

The following bullets summarize the principal topics discussed at the meeting:

· Marc confirmed that no new changes had been made to the Draft Western SoMa Network Map since the last meeting (Calendar Item 3). He asked if meeting participants had any further modifications to the map and suggested that the Focus Group consider making a recommendation to the full Task Force. He explained that past resolutions and recommendations had required that changes be made.

· Tom Radulovich commented that the map looked complete, but had one modification to make. He suggested that the bicycle symbol be altered so as to not indicate a particular direction. In some cases, streets had symbols suggesting one-way bicycle traffic, when these routes were actually bi-directional.

· Tom explained to new attendees that transportation services and land use were being carefully coordinated in the Western SoMa neighborhood. He clarified that components of the network were given a specific set of street treatments (e.g., regional streets, neighborhood-serving streets), depending on the local land use.

· Marc asked that the group consider approving the transportation network map so that it could be taken to the full Task Force. The following vote was taken:

- Task Force members: 4 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions

- Public members: 4 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions.

· A member of the public expressed concern regarding safety in the community. He commented that it is dangerous for bicyclists to access the western area of Western SoMa from points east (e.g., along Harrison Street toward Trader Joe's on Ninth Street). Tom acknowledged the need to improve intersections throughout the area.

· Marc reiterated the suggested changes to the Transit Effectiveness Project proposal formulated by the Focus Group in a past meeting (and detailed on a separate  cheat sheet distributed to all meeting participants):

- Route the 47 Line down Folsom Street (rather than Mission Street ) between Eleventh and Third Streets.

- Extend the 19 Line east on Folsom to Main Street, north to Embarcadero BART and on to Fisherman's Wharf.

- Keep the Eastbound 27 Line on Bryant Street, but switch the Westbound 27 Line to Brannan Street.

- Provide a new line between the Church Street Muni Station and the Caltrain Station at Fourth and Townsend.

· Marc focused on elimination of the 12 Line on Folsom Street. He went over the new 19 Line, and pointed to the advantages of a new transit line between Church Station and Caltrain Station, via Duboce, Thirteenth, Division and Townsend Streets.

· Jim mentioned that in the TEP meeting, the MTA would essentially be giving the same presentation as in other areas of the city. He asked that participants speak up when MTA discussed specific issues related to the four identified concerns/ideas. He also emphasized the importance of tying residential development projects to transit service levels.

· Tom pointed out that MTA would walk through the full set of TEP modifications. He suggested that everyone keep their cheat sheet close by.

A recess was called just prior to the beginning of the TEP meeting.

The next Transportation Focus Group meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, 11 June, at Room 421 of City Hall.

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:30 PM