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July 9, 2009

July 9, 2009

Complete Neighborhood Fabric
Meeting Minutes by Toby Levy

1. Announcements: Meeting sponsored by the TA (Transportation Authority) at Bessie Carmichael on July 28 reviewing some of the proposals from Western Soma's Transportation Committee.

2. Reviewed two projects using the proposed Design Controls and the forms we developed.

a. The project at 121 9th Street; This is a 20 unit condo 5 story project, with a 950 square foot commercial on the first floor as well as 20 parking spaces. It was found to generally comply with our standards and the new zoning (a result of working with Paul and the DCP). This project is almost complete with its planning review.

b. The second project at114 Seventh street; at the corner of Minna and Seventh Street. It is proposed for a 56 unit Residential over commercial with 15 parking spaces and approx. 17,000 of commercial space, in a 6 story building. This project is in Environmental review. We feel that this project is in conflict with many of the controls and development guidelines we have developed.

3. Using the forms we learned the following.

a. We do not need to fill out each line, but rather use it to form a general impression of the project.

b. We need to have more contextual information. Both in Plan, to look at impacts on rear yard patterns and in elevations, so we can determine a lot of the contextual issues and transitions.

c. In reviewing the two projects at their different stages, it is clear that the review should probably happen once at the Environmental Submission stage, to review the uses, site conditions, massing and general scale, and where changes can more easily be made; and at the later planning stage to review the more finished architectural and landscape issues.

d. In the second review, the committee should see the proposed finishes, colors and materials, as well as a landscape plan. It would also be a time to review the sustainability issues.

4. The review also showed the necessity of clarifying some of the language. Add language on form for Pedestrian greening

5. Next meeting to review Alley controls to test these projects

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:28 PM