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June 11, 2009

June 11, 2009

Complete Neighborhood Fabric Committee Meeting
Minutes by Toby Levy

1. Discussion of reconsideration of the proposed parking standards as applied to the RED and RED mixed. The previous recommended limits by the TF were .25/unit, which meant that there would be no allowed parking for 2 unit buildings and only one space for 3 or 4 unit buildings. The RED and RED Mix, which have the older and smaller housing stock, often without parking, typically also house the larger, more family type units. Previously we had heard from families in these alleys that cars were a necessity for their work and life. The new proposal is to have the parking standards be more similar to those of Eastern Soma. This assumes parking as of right at .25 per unit, with one to one allowed for two bedroom units and above. 0.75/per unit would be allowed by administrative variance, not allowing parking in the required rear yard. This also assumes curb cuts to be located to maximize on street parking, with the limit of garage door widths, handled in the design controls. Passed 4-0-1.

2. We discussed the proposed procedure for CNF evaluating proposed projects. We reviewed the draft of the  project checklist and will submit comments about the check list to Paul.

- CNF would ask to be notified at the time of the 311, 312 notification.

- The Department would encourage project sponsor to meet with CNF.

- CNF would review the project and fill out the check list.

- CNF is not intended to take a position on the project but rather evaluate it based on our Design Controls.

- CNF will submit the checklist to the project planner, who will use it as part of their evaluation.

- The purpose of project reviews for already submitted projects is also to test our design controls and see how they work and modify them based on their application.

- CNF could still testify on final project,

Next meeting we will begin to look at projects.

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:28 PM