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March 7, 2007

March 7, 2007

Complete Neighborhood Fabric

  1. Call to order
  2. Discussion of Existing Alley Controls

Reviews the Planning Departments Alley guidelines as outlined in the CAP report.

- Felt the proposed 55 degree angle for solar access was not necessarily enough

- We would like to see more green at the street

- We want to have fewer curb cuts and more entries off the street

- Maybe we should consider height averaging

- Discussed new Alley controls to promote housing as well as commercial, since RED only permit residential now. Discussed a range of RED to acknowledge those that are mostly residential to those that are slightly residential, RED#1, RED#2 and RED#3.

- Discussed Live/Work in SLI and acknowledge it as market rate housing& no conclusion as to what to do with it.

  1. Discussion of Mid block Open Space

Reviewed the map showing the limited open space in the mid block

- Concern for mid block open space

- Concern regarding the full lot coverage of commercial buildings and the impact for any residential rear yard open space

- Need to consider how to buffer the affect on the RED in the alleys and the potential bulk and height from the major streets

- We requested AND to map the solar angles and solar fan on the RED from potential development on the major streets to verify angles for solar access to streets and any mid-block open space.

  1. Discussion of Proposed design for 1029 Natoma
    Project is to replace fire damage cottage with new residential building. Existing cottage has front and side yard open space that benefit surrounding buildings and street. Project is on South side of the alley and is proposed at full lot coverage to 50' in height. Given the discussion regarding Alley Controls and mid-block open space the following were of concern.

- Existing front yard open space and set back is being eliminated and not replaced.

- Building on south side of street at 50 with not set backs will shadow the alley

- There is no proposed rear yard and open space

- Affordability- the previous unit was affordable and no new affordability is proposed

- Taller than the buildings surrounding it and not reference to them

- Concern about more market rate housing in the area

  1. Discussion of Cultural Mapping and Potential Protection for Cultural Resources

Reviewed mapping of cultural resources

Historical and building use survey is underway.

- Discussed how to preserve and enhance retention of the cultural and arts of Western Soma, since that is one of our Planning Principles.

- Downtown  beauty contest and example of precedent to encourage social benefits

- Filmore district is another example of encourage cultural and arts to remain or return.

- Idea of creating an cultural/Arts overlay to retain uses.

Last updated: 11/17/2009 10:29:28 PM